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Sure Cam probably did some things many 18-20 yos are not proud of later in life.  Heck I know I did. Cams dad is obviously close to the Lord, and like Cam said, when the Lord be blessin.  It  is painfully obvious that the haters  and those  who lean to the darker side are doing the bidding of darkness.  AU has had a long and proud relationship with the Lord ie (hard fighting soldiers)so it is bound to be the target at the first chance. How else can you explain all the hate directed to a young kid that is trying to do right. 

If you are a believer then you know the lord uses all things for his purpose.  It will be interesting to see the good that will surely follow this crucifixion of Cam Newton.

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Nice post, and I agree, this is about as disgusting as a crucifixion without spilling blood as I have ever seen.

I dont remember a politician, player, person ever having to go through so much. What about Masoli? Did he get slandered like this from Thayer? ESPN? NY Times? I think not.

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