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An unasked question of Thamel and ESPN........

Elephant Tipper

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My understanding is that Pete Thamel and the ESPN zoo crew broke separate stories regarding the SAME report that Rogers was acting as an agent in the shopping of Cameron Newton's services as PF stated 11/08 in his interview with PT. (PF podcast 11/08, min. 1:25)  How do two competing media giants (NYT and ESPN) for a MAJOR story just happen to come to print within a few minutes of one another unless knowledge has been "distributed" and they are aware of such seems to be a plausible question.  Who, what, WHEN, where, and how are the questions that are asked in pursuing a story, and as an AU fan I ask such. 

So Pete Thamel and ESPN, how is it that you both broke the very same story within minutes of one another ?  Did the same source orchestrate you both to run to press with this story ?  As coach Chizik just posed the question in his weekly presser, "Is there a wizard behind the curtain ?"  Thamel in his interview with PF took a step back from taking credit for being first to post THE major story in college football.  Wow !!!  If I had the confidence in my work I would be making sure PF's listeners knew that I was first to report the story......thereby the best at reporting, rather than giving my competitor the credit.  Maybe Thamel has buyer's remorse regarding his "sources", which makes me wonder why ?  Does he feel duped ? 

So how do two MAJOR media competitors come to press simultaneously with the same story.....unless orchestrated ?

Love of AU, always !  WDE !!!

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Guest simonsez

If youre talking about the cheating claim.  I get ESPN text alerts and they credited Fox for the story.  This is the exact text that I received:

ESPN NCAAF - FOXSports.com: Auburn's Cam Newton was caught in 3 instances of academic cheating while at Florida

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The Wizard behind the Curtain....otherwise known as Urban Meyer....IMHO.

I don't like to speculate, but it seems that the fact that Meyer is behind this is become pretty clear.

It's no longer message board rumor, it's becoming a story within the story...especially on the heels of the Doyel article.

Pretty sad if that is the truth.

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If youre talking about the cheating claim.  I get ESPN text alerts and they credited Fox for the story.  This is the exact text that I received:

ESPN NCAAF - FOXSports.com: Auburn's Cam Newton was caught in 3 instances of academic cheating while at Florida

So....they did not use "allegedly" in the text? Save it.

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If youre talking about the cheating claim.  I get ESPN text alerts and they credited Fox for the story.  This is the exact text that I received:

ESPN NCAAF - FOXSports.com: Auburn's Cam Newton was caught in 3 instances of academic cheating while at Florida

So....they did not use "allegedly" in the text? Save it.

If I'm not mistaken, this was another of Thayer Evans' articles.  That man is asking for it, printing so much stuff.  He was supposed to be on JOX 94.5 this morning, but sent a message to them that he was in the hospital and couldn't make it.  I wonder if someone gave him a much deserved ass-whipping?

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