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I don't post very often.....but had to voice my opinion


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My posts are rare, but as a Father of six and the youngest has graduated from college I feel like I might offer a perspective that the writers and sportscasters seemed to be ignorant regarding.  All six children attended college and not all are proud of every detail of their lives the past 10 years or so.  I believe this because they each know they are special but not without faults.  As a matter of fact.....neither am I and nor is anyone I have ever met. 

Cam is younger than my youngest; therefore I think I am qualified to say that he will continue to mature, make mistakes, do wonderful things, fall short, exceed expectations.....in other words, "live his life based upon his continued life experiences"  The one and only that I am aware of that was perfect on this earth was famous for answering questions with a question.  So learning from who I study....I might ask any of Cam's detractors, "Were you 18 and perfect?  If you agree that you made mistakes and were imperfect......then what is the statute of limitations before you can be considered worthy of anything?  Please let me know so I can get on with my life...I am in my 50's, and I though I thought I could accomplish things now....I am not so sure I shouldn't return awards, bonuses, gifts and apologize for receiving anything nice because I was imperfect many years ago.  Please writers and sportscasters.....I need to know.

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Excellent post! U should grace us with your insite on a regular basis.

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Thanks, I hope others begin to ask on blogs, radio talk shows, etc...

We need to know the statute of limitations!  Then, I guess we can all understand when to stop beating ourselves up and get on with our lives.  "Reconciliation, redemption...what exactly do these words mean?  Maybe these educated writers can help us out"

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i was having a conversation with a co-worker who is also an auburn fan today. he said the exact same same thing as papawill. we both agree if cam is some kind of thug or demon he is one hell of an actor. because we see a kid that is always smiling and giving all his praise to god, family and teammates. i feel very  good about myself as a 37 year old father of 2. but i am very lucky. i and most other people have past errs that nobody cared to publish because we are not elite atheletes. i support cam and coach chizik and cant imagine trying to prrepare for a game with all this going on. 

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Our past shapes us in good and sometimes bad ways.  We can't spend time dwelling on our mistakes.  We must try to learn from them and look to future.  I like what Cam said in his press conference, that he was looking to future and would not answer questions about things in past. 

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I totally agree.  I have never in my life seen this much scrutiny and character assassination on a college kid.  You would think Cam is running for public office.  To publish a story regarding the academic performace of a current college student is absolutely disgusting and it goes way over the line.  The feds need to get to the bottom of that and prosecute whoever is responsible.  Whether or not he cheated is irrelevant.  I certainly wouldn't want my kid's academic record front and center for the whole world to see.  Cam didn't ask for this when he accepted his scholarship and I really feel awful for the Newtons.

I just get the sense that the parties responsible for this attack know no limits or boundaries.  These type of actions can only come from hatred.  Coach Chizik's emotional display this morning made me feel great about our coaching staff and our university.  You could feel the love and the concern for Cam the person.  He is a human being with emotions and feelings just like the rest of us.  I guess there are some people out there that either don't know that or they don't care.

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My posts are rare, but as a Father of six and the youngest has graduated from college I feel like I might offer a perspective that the writers and sportscasters seemed to be ignorant regarding.  All six children attended college and not all are proud of every detail of their lives the past 10 years or so.  I believe this because they each know they are special but not without faults.  As a matter of fact.....neither am I and nor is anyone I have ever met. 

Cam is younger than my youngest; therefore I think I am qualified to say that he will continue to mature, make mistakes, do wonderful things, fall short, exceed expectations.....in other words, "live his life based upon his continued life experiences"  The one and only that I am aware of that was perfect on this earth was famous for answering questions with a question.  So learning from who I study....I might ask any of Cam's detractors, "Were you 18 and perfect?  If you agree that you made mistakes and were imperfect......then what is the statute of limitations before you can be considered worthy of anything?  Please let me know so I can get on with my life...I am in my 50's, and I though I thought I could accomplish things now....I am not so sure I shouldn't return awards, bonuses, gifts and apologize for receiving anything nice because I was imperfect many years ago.  Please writers and sportscasters.....I need to know.

WAR EAGLE!!!  Great Post!!
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Papa, speak for yourself.  I am perfect and I have never done anything wrong.  BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!  I couldn't keep a straight face while typing that.  Papa, seriously, you nailed it my man.  You definitely should post more often. 

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Guest midnight

My posts are rare, but as a Father of six and the youngest has graduated from college I feel like I might offer a perspective that the writers and sportscasters seemed to be ignorant regarding.  All six children attended college and not all are proud of every detail of their lives the past 10 years or so.  I believe this because they each know they are special but not without faults.  As a matter of fact.....neither am I and nor is anyone I have ever met. 

Cam is younger than my youngest; therefore I think I am qualified to say that he will continue to mature, make mistakes, do wonderful things, fall short, exceed expectations.....in other words, "live his life based upon his continued life experiences"  The one and only that I am aware of that was perfect on this earth was famous for answering questions with a question.  So learning from who I study....I might ask any of Cam's detractors, "Were you 18 and perfect?  If you agree that you made mistakes and were imperfect......then what is the statute of limitations before you can be considered worthy of anything?  Please let me know so I can get on with my life...I am in my 50's, and I though I thought I could accomplish things now....I am not so sure I shouldn't return awards, bonuses, gifts and apologize for receiving anything nice because I was imperfect many years ago.  Please writers and sportscasters.....I need to know.

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