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au family

dihrd au fan

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Let me first start by yelling war cam eagle. Now ....I for one am about sik of this crap. We as in all the au family need to stop worrying about this thing. No matter how much we all worry it won't change a bit! Let's all do our tru part and stand behind cam and his family . Whatever happens is going to happen. I for one believe we will be ok but who knows.  I believe in au and love it! :believe:

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Believe in Auburn and Love It.

It's time to distinguish the true Auburn fans from the imposter's and band-wagoners.  <- This was not directed at the creator of this thread.

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there are few band-wagoners in Auburn, and I love that. I live in Atl and there arent too many talking about UGA right now. They'll be at 85% capacity for the GT game if they lose to us...which I am determined that they will, because I am SICK of losing ot Georgia in Atlanta.

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