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I always go back to my first thought when this garbage came out


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Why would we pay a juco quarterback that we didn't want out of high school and never would have recruited if Tyrick Rollison had worked out?  Dyer?  More believable.  We were taking a chance on damaged goods.  And two hundred thousand?  No freakin way!  Too much paper trail on that kind of money.  It makes no sense.  I don't think our coaches are all saints by the way (see trooper taylor and big cat weekend) but I simply DO NOT believe we would pay a player. 

My only thought is that Miss. State tried to pay him and he went to Auburn for nothing and now the State guys fear that it will turn on them so they are trying to take us down with them.  But that is far far fetched.

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I don't think what you said is far fetched. I think there are a lot of desperate people at and around MSU right now. Nothing adds up with any of this. I only wish there were a few credible journalists out there that actually practiced true journalism. One sports news agency quoting or citing another sports news agency is not journalism.    >:(

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And is Mullen INSANE??  I can go figure out who Cam's recruiters are.  Isn't there a rule when the NCAA investigates you that you don't talk to the press??  AND WHY NOW?  Because Cam is successful?  So If Trotter was starting and Cam was second string there would be no story?    Its like the friggin twilight zone!  Up is down and down is up! and down may or may not be down!

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Are we over reacting to this situation? This is from Goldberg.

ESPN reported tonight that two sources who recruit for Mississippi State said Cam Newton and his father, Cecil Newton Sr., talked in separate phone conversations of a pay-for-play plan while Newton was being recruited late last year.

The report did not say Auburn paid for Newton's services. The SEC, which routinely turns such matters over to the NCAA, has known this information for 10 months, according to ESPN.

Neither the NCAA or the SEC ruled Newton ineligible.

Mississippi State compliance officials relayed the alleged conversations to Southeastern Conference compliance officials in January, according to two other sources close to the football program, ESPN said.

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Are we over reacting to this situation?

ESPN reported tonight that two sources who recruit for Mississippi State said Cam Newton and his father, Cecil Newton Sr., talked in separate phone conversations of a pay-for-play plan while Newton was being recruited late last year.

The report did not say Auburn paid for Newton's services. The SEC, which routinely turns such matters over to the NCAA, has known this information for 10 months, according to ESPN.

Neither the NCAA or the SEC ruled Newton ineligible.

Mississippi State compliance officials relayed the alleged conversations to Southeastern Conference compliance officials in January, according to two other sources close to the football program, ESPN said.

This is what still gives me hope for Auburn. At this point it's looking like the Newtons were involved in something sketchy. But if can be proven Auburn had no ties to it or at least knowngly then we would only have a season forfeitied

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Farmer, I'm not even particularly worried about the allegations themeslves. What I am angry about is the rapid fire release of this information with no rhyme nor reason other than to harm the image of Cameron Newton, his family, and Auburn University. If that is not the reason, for nearly a weeks worth of negative press, then what is the reason? I am aware that MSU is the true center of the investigation, but I do not for one minute believe that Auburn was not the true target.

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You know what I want to hear now?   "In a related story Auburn turned in Dan Mullen in January for running down the street near Blinn Jr. College throwing hundred dollar bills at Cam Newton as he fled on his scooter"

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called and said his father chose Auburn because "the money was too much". THis has me worried just s smidge.

And the source of this RUMOR is a unnamed MSU recruiter... take it with a grain of salt.

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called and said his father chose Auburn because "the money was too much". THis has me worried just s smidge.

Because somebody told somebody who told somebody this is what happened? That's why you are worried? Did you also read the part where it said the NCAA has known about this since January and hasn't launched an official investigation about it? It appears to be rumors. How many rumors do you think the NCAA gets reported to it a year? That should help you worry a little less.

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