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I have never seen so many


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pathetic so called Auburn fans.  I've been reading these posts for the past few days and am sick off all the negativity from too many of the posters.  We're guilty...I don't see how this doesn't stick...we're going to get the death penalty...ridiculous.  BUCK UP PEOPLE AND GET A GRIP.  The allegations are old and are/were being investigated months ago and NOTHING HAS HAPPENED.  Either you believe our coaches and Cam's family or you don't.  SUPPORT CAM AND THE DAMN TEAM OR QUIT POSTING.  I'm sick of it.

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pathetic so called Auburn fans.  I've been reading these posts for the past few days and am sick off all the negativity from too many of the posters.  We're guilty...I don't see how this doesn't stick...we're going to get the death penalty...ridiculous.  BUCK UP PEOPLE AND GET A GRIP.  The allegations are old and are/were being investigated months ago and NOTHING HAS HAPPENED.  Either you believe our coaches and Cam's family or you don't.  SUPPORT CAM AND THE DAMN TEAM OR QUIT POSTING.  I'm sick of it.

Amen to that sentiment, brother!


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pathetic so called Auburn fans.  I've been reading these posts for the past few days and am sick off all the negativity from too many of the posters.  We're guilty...I don't see how this doesn't stick...we're going to get the death penalty...ridiculous.  BUCK UP PEOPLE AND GET A GRIP.  The allegations are old and are/were being investigated months ago and NOTHING HAS HAPPENED.  Either you believe our coaches and Cam's family or you don't.  SUPPORT CAM AND THE DAMN TEAM OR QUIT POSTING.  I'm sick of it.

100% agree - some of the postings on the "espn radio" thread are down right embarrassing....We are THE Auburn Family....I do realize that some of those are trolls and others are turds but some are definitely Auburn "fans" - we need to hold our head high and realize there is an end game to this ploy and when that fails too, the entire picture will be seen and the truth will be undeniable....Don't give up when the going gets tough!!


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I agree let's see what actually happened before we jump to conclusions. So far we have "sources" saying all kinds of crap but the people who have actually been named (Bond. Rogers) seem to change their story by the minute.

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Guest midnight

pathetic so called Auburn fans.  I've been reading these posts for the past few days and am sick off all the negativity from too many of the posters.  We're guilty...I don't see how this doesn't stick...we're going to get the death penalty...ridiculous.  BUCK UP PEOPLE AND GET A GRIP.  The allegations are old and are/were being investigated months ago and NOTHING HAS HAPPENED.  Either you believe our coaches and Cam's family or you don't.  SUPPORT CAM AND THE DAMN TEAM OR QUIT POSTING.  I'm sick of it.

THIS! i was on here last night and some threads being started were just plain BS, will we regret signing cam was a one thread i saw thank goodness it was deleted , its been said auburn has been cleared by the ncaa so move on please!
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Enough with this BS. I dont want to read about this garbage. I watch enough espn.   Cant we just talk about some Auburn football?  Dont we have a game Saturday?   Oh yeah and we have lost to the dawgs 7 out of the last 9  times. Let the media talk the trash. We will do our talking on Saturday .   Coach Chiz and JJ have said we have nothing to worry about and thats good enough for me.  Lets take care of the things we can control.  Where are the Dyer, O MAC, D ADAMS, and BIG NICK  threads talking about PRACTICE. . . . . . . . Yeah I am talking about practice.  Focus guys and gals. When GOD BE BLESSIN . . THE DEVIL BE MESSIN. . . .  WAR EAGLE  :party: :party: :party:

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It's been pointed out in a few other threads that there is an almost a 100% chance there are posers in our midst, particularly at this time.  Just be careful jumping on any bandwagons that pull down our AU family, especially from negative newbies.  War Eagle!

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We should expect posers.  AE.com is not immune from forum trolls.  But you also have to remember that some of us are much older than college student age.  We have been around AU football long enough to know of, and actually remember, some of our past transgressions.  That doesn't make us guilty of anything this time, but in fairness to folks who have been around a while, it is reasonable to think that some are going to have their doubts.

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We should expect posers.  AE.com is not immune from forum trolls.  But you also have to remember that some of us are much older than college student age.  We have been around AU football long enough to know of, and actually remember, some of our past transgressions.  That doesn't make us guilty of anything this time, but in fairness to folks who have been around a while, it is reasonable to think that some are going to have their doubts.

We were on probation for a reason.

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We should expect posers.  AE.com is not immune from forum trolls.  But you also have to remember that some of us are much older than college student age.  We have been around AU football long enough to know of, and actually remember, some of our past transgressions.  That doesn't make us guilty of anything this time, but in fairness to folks who have been around a while, it is reasonable to think that some are going to have their doubts.

some of us also remember how we got set up last time. looks like they are up to their old tricks like always but this time they have a few assistants... I guarantee you that our athletic dept & those guys who call the shots learned from that experience and thats why the FBI is in on this now! we WONT be set up again.

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