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Just discussed on ESPN radio the possibility that poll voters will start to come off AU in favor of TCU for the BCS because of all the allegations.  Who didn't see that coming??

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ESPN has been setting us up.  If you don't believe this, think real hard about it.  ESPN is basically telling voters to jump off of our bandwagon...

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I sincerely hope that whomever  is behind all of this pays a very high price for trying to smear a young man, his college, and his family. Someone is very upset with the Newton family to do this to them.

:believe:  :believe:   :wareagle:   :wareagle:    :wareagle:

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I've thought about this for a while. What would be interesting is if after the BCS Selection Show, but before the BCS bowl games, that Cam is ineligible and Auburn is ineligible to play in a bowl game. What the heck would happen?

But back to the original purpose: Will the coaches really punish Auburn? Some Harris voters may. But even if so, Auburn still has TCU in the computers. Granted it's only one third, but it could be enough. I guess we'll learn a lot on Sunday if Auburn is able to beat Georgia.

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Maybe we get punished in the polls this week, but if nothing new comes out and Newton is still eligable after the SEC championship, then I don't see the voters keeping AU out of the title game.

This is a shock reaction to the new developments that should pass over time in my opinion.

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This is the precise problem with the system. Those who are creating stories (and that's what they are doing) are the same people who are voting for both the Heisman and who gets to play in the big game. That's a MAJOR problem. Add to this equation that they work for an organization with a clear agenda for sensationalizing for ratings AND a TV BCS contract that would look 50 times better with a playoff, and we've got major issues. ESPN has clearly held on to this information for a while. They are now playing this out for ratings, to create drama around the BCS, and I think personally to undermine either AU or UO and insert non-qual TCU/BSU to leverage the system toward a playoff. It's a win/win for them right now is dragging this story out. They know that a one-pop story won't affect the BCS standings much, but a multiple issue-based story with new additions every day would.  A playoff would generate ten times more $$, esp for whomever holds the rights. Who is that?

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I've thought about this for a while. What would be interesting is if after the BCS Selection Show, but before the BCS bowl games, that Cam is ineligible and Auburn is ineligible to play in a bowl game. What the heck would happen?

But back to the original purpose: Will the coaches really punish Auburn? Some Harris voters may. But even if so, Auburn still has TCU in the computers. Granted it's only one third, but it could be enough. I guess we'll learn a lot on Sunday if Auburn is able to beat Georgia.


nevermind... >:(     Why must you always look at the bad? Think positive for a change!!  :wareagle:

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how bad would it have to be to take us out? if the computers have us at 1.

If AU dropped to #3 in both human polls but stayed #1 in the computers, TCU would play Oregon for the national championship.

TCU would be: Coaches 2, Harris 2, Computers 2

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This is the precise problem with the system. Those who are creating stories (and that's what they are doing) are the same people who are voting for both the Heisman and who gets to play in the big game. That's a MAJOR problem. Add to this equation that they work for an organization with a clear agenda for sensationalizing for ratings AND a TV BCS contract that would look 50 times better with a playoff, and we've got major issues. ESPN has clearly held on to this information for a while. They are now playing this out for ratings, to create drama around the BCS, and I think personally to undermine either AU or UO and insert non-qual TCU/BSU to leverage the system toward a playoff. It's a win/win for them right now is dragging this story out. They know that a one-pop story won't affect the BCS standings much, but a multiple issue-based story with new additions every day would.  A playoff would generate ten times more $$, esp for whomever holds the rights. Who is that?

I really do hate espn, good post

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how bad would it have to be to take us out? if the computers have us at 1.

If AU dropped to #3 in both human polls but stayed #1 in the computers, TCU would play Oregon for the national championship.

TCU would be: Coaches 2, Harris 2, Computers 2

It would depend on the actual percentages.  Remember, it's not just whether the team is #2 or #3 in each of the polls.  It is how many points of the total possible they garner.  So, theoretically, we could be #3 by just a little in each of the human polls and #1 by a fair margin in the computer and still end up hundredths (or even thousanths) of a point ahead of TCU in the BCS.

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I don't think this will impact the Coaches poll since they need to publish their names on the final poll (I believe).  Obviously the computers won't have an opinion on this.  So really it is just the Harris poll that is of a concern, and I doubt that enough voters in that single poll will impact our standing unless they drop us to #10 or something crazy like that.

I firmly believe that if we win out we are in the Championship game.

What worries me is that these media flunkies will put so much spin out there that the AP splits the NC just to give half to TCU or Boise.

What I am sure of is that I believe in Auburn and love it!!!

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if Auburn gets screwed because of all this crap, we need to boycott ESPN.  >:(

How exactly would we do that?

ESPN was instrumental is swaying people against us in 2004, and most of you still watch Herb & the gang.

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