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how bad would it have to be to take us out? if the computers have us at 1.

If AU dropped to #3 in both human polls but stayed #1 in the computers, TCU would play Oregon for the national championship.

TCU would be: Coaches 2, Harris 2, Computers 2

Trust me, I know. 

Check this out- TCU jumped AU in the Richard-Billingsly (sp?) computer poll.  The reason AU stay unanimous #1 in the computer rankings is because they drop the highest and lowest of the six computers.  RB was AU's lowest.


It would depend on the actual percentages.  Remember, it's not just whether the team is #2 or #3 in each of the polls.  It is how many points of the total possible they garner.  So, theoretically, we could be #3 by just a little in each of the human polls and #1 by a fair margin in the computer and still end up hundredths (or even thousanths) of a point ahead of TCU in the BCS.

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I don't think this will impact the Coaches poll since they need to publish their names on the final poll (I believe).  Obviously the computers won't have an opinion on this.  So really it is just the Harris poll that is of a concern, and I doubt that enough voters in that single poll will impact our standing unless they drop us to #10 or something crazy like that.

I firmly believe that if we win out we are in the Championship game.

What worries me is that these media flunkies will put so much spin out there that the AP splits the NC just to give half to TCU or Boise.

What I am sure of is that I believe in Auburn and love it!!!

For the record, I agree with this.  I still believe if we win we're in.  I just think it's telling that some are already starting to push the "Auburn may drop in the polls" story.  Same ploy as being used in the Heisman discussion.

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I don't think this will impact the Coaches poll since they need to publish their names on the final poll (I believe).  Obviously the computers won't have an opinion on this.  So really it is just the Harris poll that is of a concern, and I doubt that enough voters in that single poll will impact our standing unless they drop us to #10 or something crazy like that.

I firmly believe that if we win out we are in the Championship game.

What worries me is that these media flunkies will put so much spin out there that the AP splits the NC just to give half to TCU or Boise.

What I am sure of is that I believe in Auburn and love it!!!

For the record, I agree with this.  I still believe if we win we're in.  I just think it's telling that some are already starting to push the "Auburn may drop in the polls" story.  Same ploy as being used in the Heisman discussion.

Agreed. Win and we're in.
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I might be the only Auburn grad out there who doesn't think ESPN is out to screw Auburn.  The reporting has been pretty crappy, sure, but I don't think they are sitting around in a meeting room trying to figure out how to bring AU down.  It just doesn't make any sense.

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It should also be noted that TCU's computer ranking is likely to slip some with the games they have remaining.  Ours will continue to stay high based on remaining schedule.

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I might be the only Auburn grad out there who doesn't think ESPN is out to screw Auburn.  The reporting has been pretty crappy, sure, but I don't think they are sitting around in a meeting room trying to figure out how to bring AU down.  It just doesn't make any sense.

thank u. why the H*** would a cooperation be out to "get" a small university in alabama? their just reporting allegations that may or may not be true. they would do the same for any school.

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I might be the only Auburn grad out there who doesn't think ESPN is out to screw Auburn.  The reporting has been pretty crappy, sure, but I don't think they are sitting around in a meeting room trying to figure out how to bring AU down.  It just doesn't make any sense.

thank u. why the H*** would a cooperation be out to "get" a small university in alabama? their just reporting allegations that may or may not be true. they would do the same for any school.

Nah.  I'm an alum also, and I don't think ESPN has a personal vendetta against Cam or AU.  I do think they are taking every opportunity to sensationalize a story because it helps their ratings and sustains the BCS and Heisman debates.  I'd say the story is more of a target of opportunity than it is some sinister agenda against AU.

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I might be the only Auburn grad out there who doesn't think ESPN is out to screw Auburn.  The reporting has been pretty crappy, sure, but I don't think they are sitting around in a meeting room trying to figure out how to bring AU down.  It just doesn't make any sense.

I don't think ESPN is out to "get" Auburn.  I do take offense to their shoddy reporting and loose interpretation of what is and isn't fact.

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I don't honestly think ESPN has a vendetta against Auburn...well sort of, but I do think they have a title game they would like to see. They are constantly hyping up Oregon whether it is their incredible offense against soft Pac-10 teams or their love affair with their mascot.  On the other side I think they really would like to see either Boise or TCU in the title game so they can finally put an end to the discussion of non BSCAQ.  This has been a subject that has plagued the polls for the past 4-5 years and they may want it to finally end.  Think of the lack of ratings ESPN probably gets from airing their games?  Would you prefer to air a team like say USC where there is an extensive fan base tuning in or TCU with alumni and students watching.  Just ranting/bored.

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Cool.  I'm not the only one then.  Not a big fan of the word "conspiracy" and also hate seeing people who take a different line being called "bammer" on Auburn threads.   I'd love for this story to be over with quickly.

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 On the other side I think they really would like to see either Boise or TCU in the title game so they can finally put an end to the discussion of non BSCAQ.  


I don't agree.  Some of those guys do want that, but I think most of them would like to see the fireworks these two offenses bring (AU/Oregon).  And why would they NOT want Cam Newton playing in a national champ game?  Talk about a ratings bonanza on all fronts.

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I don't think ESPN has a vendetta, but I do believe that Pat Forde doesn't want his big story to be false.  Watching him on "The Experts" yesterday led me to believe he will continue to push this.

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All of this is about ratings.  I don't think it has anything specifically to do with ESPN having an agenda for Auburn specifically.  This controversy is boosting ratings.  The fact that they release a new part of the story every day has to do with ratings.  What is the downside for them if all of this proves to be untrue ... virtually nothing.

The fact that all of these stories just lead people to believe things as opposed to actually stating facts covers their butts even more.  In the end if nothing comes of this they will just move on, and only Auburn folks will remember the names of the yellow "journalists".

Bottom line is that there is NO downside for ESPN, FoxSports, or any of the writers.

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I might be the only Auburn grad out there who doesn't think ESPN is out to screw Auburn.  The reporting has been pretty crappy, sure, but I don't think they are sitting around in a meeting room trying to figure out how to bring AU down.  It just doesn't make any sense.

I don't think their agenda is to specifically screw Auburn. It's to control who gets into the BCS. They want the matchup that they deem most marketable. They don't think AU is worthy. AU gets little respect from them. This is a way to play up a non story and manipulate the other media, and the public.

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I might be the only Auburn grad out there who doesn't think ESPN is out to screw Auburn.  The reporting has been pretty crappy, sure, but I don't think they are sitting around in a meeting room trying to figure out how to bring AU down.  It just doesn't make any sense.

I don't think their agenda is to specifically screw Auburn. It's to control who gets into the BCS. They want the matchup that they deem most marketable. They don't think AU is worthy. AU gets little respect from them. This is a way to play up a non story and manipulate the other media, and the public.

That's my stance put into better words.

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REC is working overtime to get us out any chance to play for the NC. I hope someday soon the NCAA will shoot down REC.

I would love to see the REC exposed and for it to blow up in Bama's face if this were true.  Do you have anything to backup that the REC is involved?

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I have said this to a couple friends and I believe it. Who are the teams that ESPN love the most? TCU and Boise St.  Most analysts on the shows are on those two teams bandwagons and they are against the BCS. There is no way for them to get those teams in the title as it is. The only way is for Auburn or Oregon to lose. Most of them love Oregon so its Auburn that gets the stick. Put enough doubt in the voters and give just enough distraction to Auburn and hope they lose. Its a win win for ESPN. They get ratings and possibly get there choice of teams in the Championship.

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REC is working overtime to get us out any chance to play for the NC. I hope someday soon the NCAA will shoot down REC.

I would love to see the REC exposed and for it to blow up in Bama's face if this were true.  Do you have anything to backup that the REC is involved?

What is REC? I keep seeing that tossed around but I can't figure out what it stands for..... :dunno:

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I have said this to a couple friends and I believe it. Who are the teams that ESPN love the most? TCU and Boise St.  Most analysts on the shows are on those two teams bandwagons and they are against the BCS. There is no way for them to get those teams in the title as it is. The only way is for Auburn or Oregon to lose. Most of them love Oregon so its Auburn that gets the stick. Put enough doubt in the voters and give just enough distraction to Auburn and hope they lose. Its a win win for ESPN. They get ratings and possibly get there choice of teams in the Championship.

an AU vs ORE match up would get the most ratings. not a championship with tcu in it.

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REC is working overtime to get us out any chance to play for the NC. I hope someday soon the NCAA will shoot down REC.

I would love to see the REC exposed and for it to blow up in Bama's face if this were true.  Do you have anything to backup that the REC is involved?

What is REC? I keep seeing that tossed around but I can't figure out what it stands for..... :dunno:

Red Elephant Club

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Sorry, I don't buy for one second that ESPN is trying to royally screw Cam Newton's life (and hurt AU in the process) so that TCU can play in the Champ game.   It's too far-fetched to believe as well as making little sense.

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Why can't we all make a concerted effort to pay as little attention possible to the negative. That will help curb some of the sensationalism acquired by focusing on every word released by the media that implicates anything deemed adverse to the Auburn Family :we:

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