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Sooooo... what is the endgame?


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when does Auburn University finally respond to all of this? We are going on a week now of non stop haymakers. We all know SEC and NCAA rules prevent comment, but there comes a point when your whole university's reputation is at stake.... Now the administration might have supreme confidence that they did nothing wrong, but there comes a point of no return. MS has basically gone rogue and purposely circumvented the investigative process to the point of severely damaging the SEC as a whole. Mike Slive appears to have lost all control of this conference, because MS is gonna drag everyone down..... Is MS taking aim and firing with everything they have because they are going down, but they don't wanna go down alone?????  :dunno:

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Kind of remids you of the Simpsons episode where Homer is a boxer.  He just stands there and lets the other guy punch him until he gets tired, then eventually pushes him over.

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Auburn is handling this issue the right way.  

I agree but the time does come that it effects all parts of the school not just sports reputation.

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Auburn is handling this issue the right way.  

It's not with Auburn I take exception, it is the NCAA and the SEC! Neither in my opinion have done ANYTHING to protect a student athlete of theirs nor their universities. The NCAA just proves to me more and more everyday that they are ONLY about the almighty dollar and to hell with everybody else. They have ruined both Auburn and Cam's reputation as far as I'm concerned and that is just going too far.

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I honestly have no clue what is going on anymore. I've read so much crazy stuff over the past few days on this site pointing fingers at MSU, UF, UAT, ESPN, NCAA, SEC,  etc, etc, that i honestly don't know what to think. No one will know for sure until this is over. Until this we get some concrete evidence and not "unnamed sources", I will continue to believe that we have done no wrong.

This has been the most unbelievable and disgusting mess I have ever seen one person get put through in my life. As of right now, this continues to be hearsay piled on top of more hearsay. It's not only damaging our football program, but it's giving the University a black eye, and that is the part that is bothering me the most. I just dont understand why this is allowed to continue if it is going to damage the national perspective of Auburn University as a whole.

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My original point is that there comes a point where the reputation of your whole university is more important, than following a rule that is getting you absolutely shellacked... MS is firing broadsides at AU almost daily, and we are just standing here taking it.....

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My original point is that there comes a point where the reputation of your whole university is more important, than following a rule that is getting you absolutely shellacked... MS is firing broadsides at AU almost daily, and we are just standing here taking it.....

I haven't seen any shots aimed at AU from MSU.  Do you have an example?

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My original point is that there comes a point where the reputation of your whole university is more important, than following a rule that is getting you absolutely shellacked... MS is firing broadsides at AU almost daily, and we are just standing here taking it.....

I know....that is really bothering me.

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My original point is that there comes a point where the reputation of your whole university is more important, than following a rule that is getting you absolutely shellacked... MS is firing broadsides at AU almost daily, and we are just standing here taking it.....

I haven't seen any shots aimed at AU from MSU.  Do you have an example?

If you don't think AU is taking fire in the directly or indirectly, then I don't know what to say to you.

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The "end game" is we first beat UGA, stomp UA and then repeat with (hopefully) Florida in the SECCG.  

Then, we win the MNC game.

That's about all we can do. This bull**** "scandel" will have to play itself out at a pace that is beyond our control.

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i am just bracing for what comes out next. i hope auburn admin. understands this and does something to reassure us that this is not as bad as some think. i have put very little thought at all into the game sat. its a good thing i am not playing or coaching. i hope the players and coaches are better informed than we are or more able to focus on the job at hand. we have an off week next so if something doesnt give we have some very strange days ahead.

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