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Pat Forde Chatting Live on ESPN Right Now


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"Tonya (Alabama)

Pat:One more question - if it is proven that Cam Newton and his father have done nothing wrong in this whole soap opera, will you guys, meaning you, Mark, Chris, Joe and the rest of ESPN issue a public apology?

Pat Forde

Tonya: Our story last week on ESPN.com alleged no misdeeds by Auburn. It did not say that the Newtons used Kenny Rogers to solicit payments. It said that according to those with ties to Mississippi State, Rogers said he was representing the Newtons and asking for money, and that information was turned over to the SEC. So that is what we reported. We also reported that the NCAA is investigating, and has been since before we reported the story. So again, I certainly stand behind our story."

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Hmm, Mr. Forde, you sure as heck made it seem that Auburn was implicated in the whole ordeal. That made your story. That's why you didn't publish this nonsense one or two months ago.

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Hmm, Mr. Forde, you sure as heck made it seem that Auburn was implicated in the whole ordeal. That made your story. That's why you didn't publish this nonsense one or two months ago.


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I think the new rule of journalism should be to put a statement like 2+2=4 somewhere in your story, so when the other 5000 words are debunked you can say "all I said was 2+2=4 and I stand by my story"

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Not only that, he put AU in his poll 4th overall, and said he will not vote Cam for the Heisman because of a stolen laptop and the cheating.

Here's my Q

Brian (Charleston, SC)

Have you vet the other Heisman candidates in the same way? If not, are you evaluating their entire academic careers of each candidate? Fair?

Pat Forde

  (2:47 PM)

Brian: LaMichael James' off-field issues will be considered as well. I will consider everything we know about all the candidates.

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In case anyone would like to "run into" Pat Forde somewhere in a more uhm, personal setting.  He lives in Louisville Kentucky and can "allegedly" be found frequenting the bars on Bardstown Road.  Ran into him last year.  TOTAL DOUCHE.

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I sent Mr. Forde an email regaring his negative reporting of AU weeks ago.  Of course no response in return. He has a tilted agenda like many do in todays environment. Basic principles like: honor, duty, courage, honesty, fair play, gentleness, kindness & respect for others are all qualities sadly lacking in Mr. Forde and millions more like him.  Sign of the times I suppose.

Parents, please teach your kids that character matters.  

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In case anyone would like to "run into" Pat Forde somewhere in a more uhm, personal setting.  He lives in Louisville Kentucky and can "allegedly" be found frequenting the bars on Bardstown Road.  Ran into him last year.  TOTAL DOUCHE.

Ha, I'm flying into Louisville tomorrow.  Want me to give him a message? :laugh:

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Not only that, he put AU in his poll 4th overall, and said he will not vote Cam for the Heisman because of a stolen laptop and the cheating.

Here's my Q

Brian (Charleston, SC)

Have you vet the other Heisman candidates in the same way? If not, are you evaluating their entire academic careers of each candidate? Fair?

Pat Forde

Brian: LaMichael James' off-field issues will be considered as well. I will consider everything we know about all the candidates.

Pat Forde is LYING HIS ASS OFF cause two weeks ago before this broke, the espn panels had their Heisman poll and Cam was a UNANIMOUS #1. He had all of the 1st place votes from the ENTIRE ESPN panel.  :pcprobs:

  (2:47 PM)

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Not only that, he put AU in his poll 4th overall, and said he will not vote Cam for the Heisman because of a stolen laptop and the cheating.

Here's my Q

Brian (Charleston, SC)

Have you vet the other Heisman candidates in the same way? If not, are you evaluating their entire academic careers of each candidate? Fair?

Pat Forde

Brian: LaMichael James' off-field issues will be considered as well. I will consider everything we know about all the candidates.

Pat Forde is LYING HIS ASS OFF cause two weeks ago before this broke, the espn panels had their Heisman poll and Cam was a UNANIMOUS #1. He had all of the 1st place votes from the ENTIRE ESPN panel.  :pcprobs:

  (2:47 PM)

I live in Louisville but don't frequent the Highlands much.  Maybe I need to change that and 'accidentally' run over  I mean into him.  (BTW WTF is going on when I try and post...the screen rolls on me so I can't read what I'm typing)

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