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Stephen White Tweet


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Another perspective from a retired NFL player and former UT Vol.  Some folks are at least objective about all this:

"Ask yourself this question: who is the only person according to all the reporting who directly asked Miss State officials for $?

There seems to be 1 hustler here and a bunch of innuendo. But because the focus is on Cam/Cecil it appears the hustler is getting a pass

Same hustler that impersonated a NFLPA employee to fool players. Same huslter who would know who to shake down at Miss St cuz he went there

And man is that one HELL of a coincidence that the only school that was apparently shaken down was the ome the hustler had ties to.

I have one last thought for you on this. Lets take Kenny Rogers story as the gospel. That would mean Rogers was minding his own business

When Cecil Newton asked, nay COMMANDED that he solicit Miss St for $ in order to sign his son even though they didnt really know each other.

And I say commanded because again Rogers said he was doing this for free. And so instead of thinking of any personal ramifications or

any violations your school might be committing by paying the $ if you're Rogers you just shrug it off and get to soliciting.

Now lets Remember one other important detail. Supposedly Rogers' company "matches high school players with colleges" BUT this is his first time

Soliciting $ for a kid. But out of the kindness of your heart you decide to break the law and NCAA rules to help Cecil Newton because...

Well when you come up with a viable reason why any rational person would do this for someone they hardly know for free then Ill believe it.

Ask yourself 1 other question. Why is the media doing its best to give Rogers credibility? Maybe to justify their own reporting? Right now its definitely in a few journos best interest for the story to be true or for ppl to at least believe it. If not.."

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Thank you Mr. White!  I am super appreciative of fans from opposing universities supporting Cam and Auburn in all of this!  I live in Nashville, and one of the most creamsickled heartedes Tennessee fans I've ever met came up to me just to tell me that he supports Auburn and Cam in all of this.  Also a rabid bama fan helped me start a Cam for Heisman campaign b/c he said he thought Cam was the best player he'd ever seen and felt bad b/c he and Auburn were run through the mud so bad.  I will tell you this..... I will NEVER talk crap agian about another school unless it is PROVEN that they broke some rules.  

:wareagle:  Lets go put a beatdown on some Dawgs now!!!!

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I think most rational people are taking what he claimed yesterday with a grain of salt.. anyone who gives any credence to a guy with a very long and well documented history of credibility issues needs their head examined.. If the NFL has been investigating him, I'm sure the FBI was acutely aware of him also..

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Thank you Mr. White!  I am super appreciative of fans from opposing universities supporting Cam and Auburn in all of this!  I live in Nashville, and one of the most creamsickled heartedes Tennessee fans I've ever met came up to me just to tell me that he supports Auburn and Cam in all of this.  Also a rabid bama fan helped me start a Cam for Heisman campaign b/c he said he thought Cam was the best player he'd ever seen and felt bad b/c he and Auburn were run through the mud so bad.  

I will tell you this..... I will NEVER talk crap again about another school unless it is PROVEN that they broke some rules.

^^^this^^^ x 10000000 

can't express how much I agree with this statement.

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Thank you Mr. White! I am super appreciative of fans from opposing universities supporting Cam and Auburn in all of this! I live in Nashville, and one of the most creamsickled heartedes Tennessee fans I've ever met came up to me just to tell me that he supports Auburn and Cam in all of this. Also a rabid bama fan helped me start a Cam for Heisman campaign b/c he said he thought Cam was the best player he'd ever seen and felt bad b/c he and Auburn were run through the mud so bad. I will tell you this..... I will NEVER talk crap agian about another school unless it is PROVEN that they broke some rules.

:wareagle: Lets go put a beatdown on some Dawgs now!!!!

It would be nice if espn and other supposed news outlets were as committed to this stance as you are. They are the ones that have caused the problem in this case running with a story without proof. They gave it a voice and then amplified it continually.

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One hell of a tweet.  I could have sworn that was more than 140 characters, but I'll count again....  =)

I looked him up, this was a string of tweets and someone put them in paragraph form.

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