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MSU AD Releases Statement to Friday Slive Comments


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Then I would assume that this thing is close to over.  If what kenny rogers said were true and there were coaches in the room when cecil asked for money then they would have somthing. He said they have no proof so what is all of the ruckus?  This has to be an agent investigation.  He pretty much just said that there are no recordings.

I would not assume that..

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Remember the whole "the money is too much at Auburn" thingy....yeah, that whole "we didn't have any specific incriminating information about any other school, and thus could not provide any." thing kind of negates that "inside info" that Schad was getting from the MSU camp.

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Then I would assume that this thing is close to over.  If what kenny rogers said were true and there were coaches in the room when cecil asked for money then they would have somthing. He said they have no proof so what is all of the ruckus?  This has to be an agent investigation.  He pretty much just said that there are no recordings.

I hope there are no tapes, but I have no idea where you came to that conclusion from that article.

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Guest simonsez

Then I would assume that this thing is close to over.  If what kenny rogers said were true and there were coaches in the room when cecil asked for money then they would have somthing. He said they have no proof so what is all of the ruckus?  This has to be an agent investigation.  He pretty much just said that there are no recordings.

I would not assume that..

Yeah, I edited it.  I read it too fast and thought that he said he didnt have any proof on any individual instead of any school.  My bad.

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You guys missed one very important point.  They publicly said they had no knowledge of any wrongdoing by any other school.  That is a big plus for AU.  Still leaves the Cecil issue in limbo but at least one of the two is in the open.

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Then I would assume that this thing is close to over.  If what kenny rogers said were true and there were coaches in the room when cecil asked for money then they would have somthing. He said they have no proof so what is all of the ruckus?  This has to be an agent investigation.  He pretty much just said that there are no recordings.

I would not assume that..

Yeah, I edited it.  I read it too fast and thought that he said he didnt have any proof on any individual instead of any school.  My bad.

It's getting almost impossible to keep it all straight. All the theories, rumors, changing stories, outright lies.....

I'm now confused by all the details most of the time.

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“During the recruitment of a football prospective student-athlete, Mississippi State was approached with an offer to provide an extra benefit. This offer was refused.

So somebody approached miss st offering to provide a recruit with an extra benefit that was refused.  So he is saying someone outside miss st employees offered to provide the benefit for them but they declined the offer.

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Then I would assume that this thing is close to over.  If what kenny rogers said were true and there were coaches in the room when cecil asked for money then they would have somthing. He said they have no proof so what is all of the ruckus?  This has to be an agent investigation.  He pretty much just said that there are no recordings.

I would not assume that..

Yeah, I edited it.  I read it too fast and thought that he said he didnt have any proof on any individual instead of any school.  My bad.

It's getting almost impossible to keep it all straight. All the theories, rumors, changing stories, outright lies.....

I'm now confused by all the details most of the time.

It's like a Quentin Tarantino Movie.

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“During the recruitment of a football prospective student-athlete, Mississippi State was approached with an offer to provide an extra benefit. This offer was refused.

So somebody approached miss st offering to provide a recruit with an extra benefit that was refused.  So he is saying someone outside miss st employees offered to provide the benefit for them but they declined the offer.

Do we know that for sure?

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“During the recruitment of a football prospective student-athlete, Mississippi State was approached with an offer to provide an extra benefit. This offer was refused.

So somebody approached miss st offering to provide a recruit with an extra benefit that was refused.  So he is saying someone outside miss st employees offered to provide the benefit for them but they declined the offer.

Do we know that for sure?

Then why did they continue to recruit him? I don't know the timeline so that may not be relevant.

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“During the recruitment of a football prospective student-athlete, Mississippi State was approached with an offer to provide an extra benefit. This offer was refused.

So somebody approached miss st offering to provide a recruit with an extra benefit that was refused.  So he is saying someone outside miss st employees offered to provide the benefit for them but they declined the offer.

Do we know that for sure?

Oh s**t... I didn't catch that.  If he is saying that they were approached by someone saying they'd pay the money for Cam (not someone asking for money) added to them saying they didn't know if any wrongdoing by another school then things just got a whole lot more intersecting and a whole lot worse for MSU.

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“During the recruitment of a football prospective student-athlete, Mississippi State was approached with an offer to provide an extra benefit. This offer was refused.

So somebody approached miss st offering to provide a recruit with an extra benefit that was refused.  So he is saying someone outside miss st employees offered to provide the benefit for them but they declined the offer.

Maybe that forms the extent and basis to the greater issue. Maybe they (MSU) know/knew this type of pay-for-placement practice is somewhat commonplace such that while they're not prepared to pony up cash for a guaranteed Newton signing, knowing the practice is common and therefore not reporting it, they continue to recruit him, thinking nothing of the pay-for-placement offer, but still think they have a shot at signing him, even though they didn't want to pony up cash or have a booster do so on their behalf?

Do we know that for sure?

Then why did they continue to recruit him? I don't know the timeline so that may not be relevant.

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“During the recruitment of a football prospective student-athlete, Mississippi State was approached with an offer to provide an extra benefit. This offer was refused.

So somebody approached miss st offering to provide a recruit with an extra benefit that was refused.  So he is saying someone outside miss st employees offered to provide the benefit for them but they declined the offer.

Do we know that for sure?

Then why did they continue to recruit him? I don't know the timeline so that may not be relevant.

Kenny Rogers "claimed" that Cecil made this statement to MSU coaches on Nov. 25th, the night before the egg bowl. He then asked Kenny, on Nov. 27th, if he thought it would happen. MSU recruited Cam well into Dec.. They didn't report this until January, after Cam had started attending classes at Auburn.

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It's getting almost impossible to keep it all straight. All the theories, rumors, changing stories, outright lies.....

I'm now confused by all the details most of the time.

Basically everyone is lawyering up and watch words and here's what the just of it is now:

The NCAA and SEC has no evidence to punish Cam.

The FBI is looking into Rogers.

The SEC is mad at MSU for the crap.

MSU is covering and claiming someone (rogers) did ask for money.

Rogers admits this but he was just checking up after Cecil asked and pulls in Bell as a middle man to him and Bond.

Bell says Rogers did ask about the money.

Comes down to basic the only proof is that Rogers ask for money from MSU for Cam. There is no proof the Newtons told him to ask for money. Since Rogers already said he asked if even only to check up he is guilty. MSU will say if Cam didn't want money the Rogers lied. The Newtons have said they didn't tell Rogers to ask. So if MSU and the Newtons do this then Rogers will go down for that crap but MSU will be in trouble for waiting to report and continuing to recruit him. Once Rogers story is denied by MSU coaches then it will mean it was a Rogers only scheme that backfired at MSU and there would be no reason to think that Auburn was asked or offered anything.

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Here's my favorite comment response from the Clarion article.  From "John 1988":

(edit: actually, this was a comment from the Clarion article on Mike Slive's press conference)

Well, if the allegations are true, it means that "two sources who recruit for Mississippi State" or coaches didn't tell the SEC what they knew. If there are people who recruit for Mississippi State that aren't part of Mississippi State athletic staff, that's a violation. If the sources are Mississippi State athletic staff and were solicited for cash by Newton via the phone as they allege and didn't report it, it is a violation. The SEC said they didn't report it to them.

Allowing Mississippi State booster Kenny Rogers to be part of the recruiting process, as he alleges, is a violation. If the meeting that Rogers alleges happened, that is a violation. If Rev. Newton asked for cash at that meeting with two Mississippi State coaches present by they didn't report it, that is a violation. If Mississippi State coaches, as Rogers alleges, continued to recruit Newton after the solicitation, that is a violation.

If Mississippi State coaches or athletic staff members leaked details of an ongoing NCAA investigation, that is a violation.

And since every other bit of information regarding this issue has come from Mississippi State or its boosters (Rogers, Bond, Bell, and "sources who recruit for Mississippi State"), it certainly seems plausible that someone from Starkville also leaked Newton's federal protected records from his time at Florida. I don't know if that's a violation, but it is certainly a federal offense.

Besides that, I think Mississippi State is in the clear.

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Something being missed in all this is that Joe Schad's source or Schad himself is lying.  He first said that the two phone conversations with Cecil and Cam were turned into the sec.  Then when the SEC said it wasn't, he came back with, well i talked to them and they said it was verbally conveyed.  Now the AD even says they had no information implementing another school?  well how else do you interpret "the money was too much"? I guess he truly does not care who his sources are.

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