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Question for you guys if Newton is proven innocent


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In a perfect world Cam wins the HT, we win the SECC & NC and Cam decides to come back for his senior year.

What if Cam is NOT proven innocent, but he nor Auburn are proven guilty. The way thiings are going this is a real possibility and we are already GUILTY in the eyes of the media and most FB fans, so it seems.

Here is the question. Would the HEALTH of Auburn's FB program in 2011 be helped or hurt by Cam's return ? On the field there is no doubt. However, remember if we are NOT PROVEN innocent the media will not self assess and possibly consider they were wrong. Their agenda to smear Cam/Auburn and continuation to validate their previous claims just cranks up for year two.

I would like to see Cam come back in the mode of "I am innocent and I will leave Auburn/SEC when I am damn good and ready", but realize the down side.

War Eagle !   

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AS much as i would love to specualte......i think in this case i will lean on the Word in this instance..................NEVER WORRY ABOUT TOMORROW,SUFFICIENT IS THE EVIL TODAY..........:-)

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with the attention span of the media and the world this story will be dead by next year. everyone will have moved on to something else.      i hope


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This story is TOO big, if he is found innocent, I believe the media will be forced to report that.  They have let this blow up way too much to just sweep it under the rug.

I think we will see both the NCAA and SEC involved in official releases.

And if Cam does go to the NFL, we will wish him well.  Go watch Kiehl Frazier's videos and that will give you great comfort as to the talent that could be next year....kid is absolutely blow your mind amazing!

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Newton is innocent.

Under investigation Newton could be determined guilty of a crime, but there is no evidence for that condition. One that I believe will never happen.

Auburn's enforcement arm is too independent and too thorough to have any other outcome.

You cannot prove an innocence, you are or your are proven guilty. Period

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Hoping for a complete shift in the media is insane.  I would suspect a lateral move - those that have him guilty now go to not guilty.  The ones that have him not guilty go to innocent.  I've seen Cam described as Tigger. I think that is appropriate.  A bouncy big kid having fun.  That has a lot of natural media appeal in itself.  But Cam being absolutrly undeniably shown innocent still won't remove jerk and villians from the media.  IMHO

Typing on phone. Forgive errors please.

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This case will not go without a resolution.  It may take a while before a decision is made or it may happen Monday. Who knows?  Cam is innocent of any and all allegations.  I think his Dad is also innocent of soliciting money but he probably had a discussion about money and thought about it for a short time.  Auburn University, it's coaches, administration and it's boosters are completely innocent.  I hope Cam comes back but who could blame him if he goes?  He is being projected as the 3rd QB taken and mid 1st round overall.      

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In a perfect world we would get a declaration, media apology and the awards due our coaches and players. BUT....

It is not likely that any declaration of innocence will be made by the NCAA or the SEC.  They would be setting themselves up in a role not desired.  The announcement would read something like- We have investigated and found no violations against-. The media will be using this to downgrade AU for years just as they use Ramsey to say we are dirty now.

Cam will move to the NFL.  I wish he would stay but if as projected he is a top ten pick today the $$ would be to great to turn down, His stock cant go up much and the risk of injury is real.

Not the outcome I would wish for but what is real IMHO.

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In a perfect world we would get a declaration, media apology and the awards due our coaches and players. BUT....

It is not likely that any declaration of innocence will be made by the NCAA or the SEC.  They would be setting themselves up in a role not desired.  The announcement would read something like- We have investigated and found no violations against-. The media will be using this to downgrade AU for years just as they use Ramsey to say we are dirty now.

Cam will move to the NFL.  I wish he would stay but if as projected he is a top ten pick today the $$ would be to great to turn down, His stock cant go up much and the risk of injury is real.

Not the outcome I would wish for but what is real IMHO.

Am I wrong but wouldn't the highlighted sentence be considered a declaration of innocence?

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Hoping for a complete shift in the media is insane.  I would suspect a lateral move - those that have him guilty now go to not guilty.  The ones that have him not guilty go to innocent.  I've seen Cam described as Tigger. I think that is appropriate.  A bouncy big kid having fun.  That has a lot of natural media appeal in itself.  But Cam being absolutrly undeniably shown innocent still won't remove jerk and villians from the media.  IMHO

Typing on phone. Forgive errors please.


I agree and if this was going down at different school in a different state the media MIGHT move on in 2011. We all know that tha AL press will NEVER let integrity get in the way of a negative Auburn story,even when it lacks facts. This is why I think the turd influence will continue to fan the flames in 2011 at every opportunity. It would be priceless though to see some bama faces if Cam announced that he is returning for his senior year.

War Eagle !

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MY opinion is

WHEN Cam is proven innocent,  he will then be "untouchable."   After all this investigation into him and our program with the SEC, NCAA, FBI, et al.   and they cannot find anythong wrong.  It will be proof Both AU and Cam are doing things the right way.  Anyone that goes after Cam  after that will be showing their true colors,  and look like an @$$.




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"You can destroy your now by worrying about tomorrow" -- Janis Joplin

Don't let anyone destroy our now!


Uh...not the best example of someone making a statement about living life to the fullest now, since she didn't have a future...

My hope = Cam has success now, AND in the future

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"You can destroy your now by worrying about tomorrow" -- Janis Joplin

Don't let anyone destroy our now!


Uh...not the best example of someone making a statement about living life to the fullest now, since she didn't have a future...

My hope = Cam has success now, AND in the future

But she did enjoy her "now", a little too much.

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"You can destroy your now by worrying about tomorrow" -- Janis Joplin

Don't let anyone destroy our now!


Uh...not the best example of someone making a statement about living life to the fullest now, since she didn't have a future...

My hope = Cam has success now, AND in the future

But she did enjoy her "now", a little too much.

And didn't give much of a damn about tomorrow . . .  :cool:

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The bammers never let go of the "laptop incident". I don't think those arrogant jackals will ever let go of this. Cam is already innocent. He hasn't been proven guilty of anything. It is aggravating to here Auburn fans using the same reason and terminology that all of the media personnel has used.

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Newton is innocent.

Under investigation Newton could be determined guilty of a crime, but there is no evidence for that condition. One that I believe will never happen.

Auburn's enforcement arm is too independent and too thorough to have any other outcome.

You cannot prove an innocence, you are or your are proven guilty. Period


This reminds me of all of the junk psuedoscience that is out there gaining steam and ramming itself into the public school system.  Science education in America is a big problem right now because of it and its a huge problem since our status as a superpower depends, entirely, on our ability to produce the top scientific minds and pace the world, technologically.  And even the places which aren't teaching the psuedoscientific hogwash are backing off teaching the real science because of the undercurrent of ignorance and controversy surrounding the subjects (evolution, big bang cosmology, common descent, etc etc etc...). 

One of the key arguments for the agencies driving the ignorance movement is to butcher the scientific process with statements like "evolution is a theory, not a fact!". 

Theory of gravity (Gravitation/General Relativity) also happens to be a theory, not a fact.  Germ theory, as well, is a theory - not a fact.  No scientific theory is ever "proven fact".  But when a theory provides the best known explanation for the given phenomena, is based on empirical observed evidence, and passes rigorous testing by the scientific community it becomes elevated to the standard. 

In other words, scientific theories can only be proven false - never proven fact.  These agencies, in America, would like to do away with these theories, as they do not suit their personal beliefs.  Despite the fact that this collection of theories have withstood the test of time, withstood decades if not centuries of testing and competition from alternative theories from the international scientific community - despite that, these people prey on the public's misunderstanding of the scientific process and confuse them by acting as if a theory which is 'actually true' (wink wink) would be elevated to Scientific Law or something - which is utter nonsense. 

This is patently absurd, however the general public does not understand this and therefore this rhetoric tactic is, unfortunately, quite successful in aiding the undermining of American scientific education.  Its not the only rhetoric tactic being used, but one of the worst, imo.

I bring this up because the media is doing essentially the same thing to us in this situation.  They are acting as if the burden of proof is on Auburn to prove we are not guilty.  I listened to Pat Forde last night, during the Boise St game do it and I could not believe my ears.  He said, and I quote, "If Auburn is able to prove that Cameron Newton is not guilty and was not involved in the pay-for-play scheme and they are able to prove that they did not pay Cameron Newton or his father for his signature, then they can petition the NCAA for reinstatement once he is ruled ineligible."

They have been slanting their coverage the entire time to INSINUATE this fallacy, however, last night was the first time in which one of them boldly stated it outright.  This is now become the definition of rhetoric propoganda.  Rhetoric propoganda, sadly, remains a very effective means driving through an agenda, even in modern times, and ESPN has removed the viel now in my eyes and removed all doubt of what they are doing.  Its been obvious the entire time, yes, but up until last night they had been walking the very edge of the line.....without quite stepping over it.  Pat Forde stepped over it.

If the general viewing public was less interested in watching Auburn burn and actually cared to realize that by doing this stuff, ESPN is making and assumption (and banking on that assumption) that the general public is ignorant and easily swaded with fallacious propoganda.  I don't know about you guys, but if someone was trying to make money by assuming I'm ignorant.......I wouldn't be too happy about that.

Unfortunately, this stuff happens everyday and the general public continues to allow it by not realizing they're being had. 

Wow, I didn't mean to write so much, but my goodness this makes me absolutely furious that not only can they get away with this, but in reality will likely end up with fat Christmas bonus' for it.....

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Even if nothing bad happens from all of this, which I think is going happen, this will follow Cam for the rest of his playing days, College and Pro. I hope he doesn't come back. I would love to see him playing on Pat Dye Field for one more year, but don't want to see him go through this for another year. No person should have to go through what that young man has the last couple of weeks. Some people are just worthless human beings, and these worthless human beings will do the exact same thing to him next year if given the chance. It's just a sad, gut wrenching, pathetic situation.

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:dunno: Cam and AU are going through this because people dont believe Darwin?

:rolleyes:  Heheh...

No, because people of authority can drive a successful agenda by acting on the basis that the general public is ignorant.   ESPN is preying on the public's lack of understanding. 

They could care less if Cam is guilty or not - the goal is TV ratings and website impressions.  Currently, butchering the "burden of proof" clause and conducting a witch-hunt against Cam and Auburn University is liquid gold for ratings and impressions. 

Pure evil.

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:dunno: Cam and AU are going through this because people dont believe Darwin?

:rolleyes:  Heheh...

No, because people of authority can drive a successful agenda by acting on the basis that the general public is ignorant.   ESPN is preying on the public's lack of understanding. 

:laugh:  I know,just ribbing you man its all good ;).The media will lead people around by the nose if they let it. :we:

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Guest simonsez

The problem with this is that I doubt the NCAA will say that cam is "innocent".  Theyll more than likely say that they found no proof that he is guilty.  This will allow the media to keep with the same angle and this will give the voters reason to not vote for him.  People will just say that Auburn and Cam just covered their tracks well.  This will be another O.J. thing.  People outside of Auburn will always remember that Cam and Auburn got away with breaking the rules.  This is just an opinion but its the way I see it.  I dont believe the media will EVER give Auburn the credit it deserves.  Cam Newton will be an Auburn legend nationwide but for all the wrong reasons.

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:laugh:  I know,just ribbing you man its all good ;).The media will lead people around by the nose if they let it.


I think my sense of humor was grabbing a slice of pizza from the fridge   :P

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