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Why you piece of schad.


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Too little, too late.

@schadjoe: Top 40 offenses and defenses faced: Auburn (10), TCU (6), Oregon (3), Boise State (3)

@schadjoe: Auburn has faced Top 40 offenses SCar, Kent, Ark, Ole Miss, UGA and Top 40 defenses MSU, Clemson, SC, LSU and UGA

@schadjoe: TCU has faced Top 40 offenses Baylor, AF, Utah and SDSt and Top 40 defenses BYU and Utah

@schadjoe: Oregon has faced Top 40 offenses Stanford and USC and Top 40 defense Stanford

@schadjoe: Boise has faced Top 40 offenses VT and Hawaii and Top 40 defense VT

@schadjoe: These are Top 40 national ranks in scoring offense and scoring defense

Kiss my butt joe.

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He is simply stating facts. There is no opinion in there. If he wants to say something nice about AU that is fine. There spent need to be a no win type situation with the guy.

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