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It's us against the world


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We seem to be the most hated family if football history!  I have been so angry these last several weeks as I am sure many others here have been as well.  But let's stay focused.  Do What We Do!  The IB is in sight and we can win it!  Let's scream our hearts out for #2 and ALL our TIGERS! Let's lean on each other and ignore the media and the turds.  Canaan Land is just in sight.

Don't let youself be baited into acting like the classless rednecks in houndtooth.  Let's teach them what class is.  Character is not who you are but what you do in the face of adversity.  We are most definintely in the face of adversity.  We will overcome.

It is us against the world.  We will not be denied!


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Now some of us are starting to "get it." It has always been us against the world. We have never been a media darling. We have never been anyone's pick to do anything on the national stage. In fact, 99% of the time, we haven't even been invited to the party. It has always been us against the world. It's just a little more intense at this time and place. War Eagle.

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Now some of us are starting to "get it." It has always been us against the world. We have never been a media darling. We have never been anyone's pick to do anything on the national stage. In fact, 99% of the time, we haven't even been invited to the party. It has always been us against the world. It's just a little more intense at this time and place. War Eagle.

I grew up knowing this and it made me love Auburn more.


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Us against the world huh...

Sounds like pretty good odds to me!!

I'm ALL IN!!

War Eagle!!

Love it! Best quote of the day. AUQBDad, will you and Kheil be at the game? I know he's pumped. We can't wait to see him in O & B!  :wareagle:

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Us against the world huh...

Sounds like pretty good odds to me!!

I'm ALL IN!!

War Eagle!!

I nominate this for The Auburn Eagle Hall of Fame!!!  May be the best one ever.  :thumbsup:  :bow:

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I believe in Auburn and Love it.  Coach the boys up this week Chiz.  The Auburn family has enjoyed the ride this season, but beating Alabama in their own back yard will put the icing on the cake.  War Eagle!

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Now some of us are starting to "get it." It has always been us against the world. We have never been a media darling. We have never been anyone's pick to do anything on the national stage. In fact, 99% of the time, we haven't even been invited to the party. It has always been us against the world. It's just a little more intense at this time and place. War Eagle.



Supreme Tiger

Posts: 304

Two Tigers Prowling...

    Re: It's us against the world

« Reply #3 on: Today at 05:17:39 PM » Quote 


Us against the world huh...

Sounds like pretty good odds to me!!

I'm ALL IN!!

War Eagle!!

The reason everything is so ramped-up this year is because we are actually in a realistic position to win it all and there is nothing they can do about it. Don't be surprised when it's all said and done that the whole world finds out just how much of a "Crimson" stain on all of this. I hope we clean their clock real good.  :wareagle:

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