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Maybe it's time...


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I'm just going to put this issue out there for discussion: Is it time to take a prolonged "break" from the Auburn vs. UAT rivalry? Should Auburn be moved into the eastern division of the SEC?

This rivalry is getting uglier and uglier all the time. And I'm afraid it's going to get worse. I just wonder if we'd all be better off if we just moved on from it.

Just asking the question... :dunno:


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I've stated this a couple of times and have been criticized for it as well.

This rivalry is ugly. Too many people have more than enough emotional stock put into the game that we all love.

I love Auburn. I love the sport of football. I love the bragging rights, the rivalries, but today has opened my eyes even more on this rivalry.

What is next? Honestly? Will it get to the point where we can't even go to an away game, due to worrying about our safety?

I want to beat Bama every time we play them, but c'mon. There's a line, and that line was jumped across with Toomers, not stepped across.

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I've said the same.  I think it's a thought that is gaining support though I'm sure we're a long way from seeing it.  It would probably take a conference expansion/realignment to work AU and UA out of an annual game.  We'd also have to address the state legislation that mandates (I believe) and annual contest.

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I'm just going to put this issue out there for discussion: Is it time to take a prolonged "break" from the Auburn vs. UAT rivalry? Should Auburn be moved into the eastern division of the SEC?

This rivalry is getting uglier and uglier all the time. And I'm afraid it's going to get worse. I just wonder if we'd all be better off if we just moved on from it.

Just asking the question... :dunno:


We don't back down from bullies and thugs. The only place to get our revenge is on the field. That is the only way to hit back at them that they will understand. I think some of ya'll are missing the point anyways.  They don't hate us because we play them in football.  They hate us because we exist in the first place.  Stopping a game will not lessen that hate one bit.

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I wanted to stop playing them in 1990.  I would be very happy to see Auburn out of the SEC if that is what it takes.  I don't just dislike Alabama, the REC, their media stooges, their rumor mongers and their redneck fans.  I hate them and their corruption, I hate their win at all cost attitudes, their arrogance based on lies and cheating. I hate their ignorant fans, their classes cheers, the constant slander and baseless accusations fed through their media lackeys.  I hate how they want to hold Auburn down so they can feel good about their sorry lives by living through their football team. They can't stand the fact that if you take away their one stretch of success by the biggest cheater of all time that Auburn owns them despite all the things listed above.  The only way Alabama, the REC and their fans can be happy is if they are dominate over AU. That means they will continue to harass AU, cheat, and attempt to bring AU down.  Or we stop playing them.

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Nah, you gotta keep it goin. Yea, it's more personal than ever, but you gotta admit, it makes for great TV. I have a feeling that the Iron Bowl will become the rivalry everyone around the nation plans their holiday around.  For decades, the entire southeast has recognized this as the greatest college rivalry, and it won't be long before everyone knows it as well.

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I don't think those websites listing the "top ten greatest rivalries" who rank the Michigan-Ohio St. game #1, have a clue. No way it is bigger than the Iron Bowl.

Balee dat!

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I don't need to play Alabama to get excited about Auburn football.  Auburn would be much better off without dealing with the hate, lies and REC. Of course since we would still be going head to head for recruits it might only slow them down.

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Hate to say it, but things have got out of hand. With people on both sides trying to destroy the other program via the NCAA, the alleged collusion between elements at UAT and Fox Sports & XXX and now the destruction of one of the icons of not just Auburn football, but all of college football, I do think it would be best to discontinue the rivalry. College football is supposed to be fun... this is not fun. I just dread what is to come. I'm pretty sure there are at least a few nut-jobs on our side who are planning on some sort of retaliation for what was done to Toomer's. We are entering a very dangerous area and need things to cool off before things get worse.

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As much as I hate Alabama and want to stomp them every chance we get....

It is not fair in today's game to ask kids from out of state like MD and other to partake of our hatred for bama. This thing is only going to get uglier and we are asking kids that are 18-19 to do our dirty work.

I do not know if AUQBDAD has had any take on what happend today but I would be curious to know his take on this...I dont want him in any way to think he has to post about this but just a gut feeling that he might not have known how deep this hatred ran. Maybe KF will feed off this but not sure............not sure if other recruits will feed off this or even care.

I do know this......the turds and about 75% of the fans are as classless as can be......I just dont think it is right to drag out of state kids in to our fight?

Other than that BUCK FAMA!!!


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I don't think not playing would make much difference . If it's not about who is gona win , and who won .

It will be about who would have won if they had played and who beat this or that team worse .

The allegiance to either team has become bigger than the game itself . It has become part of the

culture within the state . Not playing would not change that . The passion of allegiance will still

be present .

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There are a few problems that people overlook when talking of stopping the rivalry for a while. When you do start it back up, all the fire and buildup that would be bottled up would explode after the end of the first game after it was renewed. Secondly, let's say you put AU in the East, um you are asking for trouble when the SEC Championship rolls around and AU is playing bammer. Also, this will all boil over to bball and other sports. The idiots will have to get their fill one way or another. The only way you stop it is for somebody to leave the SEC and that's just not happening.

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Leave the SEC? Stop Playing Bama?  Are we seriously discussing changing the culture of Auburn football because one guy crossed the line?  Most Bama fans are showing Auburn support in this case anyway. This just happened today I mean geez give it some time. Besides, it would never happen...Auburn would never leave the SEC it brings in too much money.  And I don't see the idea of suspending the Iron Bowl ever gaining enough support.

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No we are talking about getting out of a hateful rivarly where one program is always trying to destroy the other.  In my post above I didn't even mention this latest act of villiany.  It is just one ripple in the great cesspool known as bama.  There are a lot of reasons to stop playing Alabama.  We did it once before so it is not like there isn't a precedence.  I would rather they get booted from the SEC but if we have to move then so be it.  I woulnd't mind playing GT and playing in ATL over going to Athens.  Or trading visits to Miami over Fayetville.  Or UNC for MSU, or Duke for Vandy, or FSU for Florida, or VaTech for LSU, Clemson for USCe.  There are several ACC teams with just as many or even more national titles over the past 20 or 30 years as we have so it is not like we should be looking down our nose at ACC football.  Not to mention as much as I love AU football I also desire for us to be relevant in the NCAA Basketball Tourney on a consistant basis.

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I agree 100%. It's become way out of hand since Auburn has made the step to the big stage.

I heard a alabama fan at church say "I hate Auburn" this Sunday. What?

Auburn doesn't need this rivalry to be Auburn. I would love to push Auburn and the SEC to end this classless rivalry.

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As much as I love the Ironbowl, my last two trips to UAT were VERY hard on the family.  Then again, away trips to LSU and MSU are also very hard. The cursing and lewd behavior to anyone wearing AU was appaling. Now add this...this is just a culmination of hatred.  I love the SEC and cheer other SEC teams in their bowl games.

BUT, we would be VERY competitive in the ACC and would only have to play UAT in bowl games hopefully at neutral sites. 

Then I also know that the revenue from the SEC will make this a venture that will probably NEVER happen.

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I agree 100%. It's become way out of hand since Auburn has made the step to the big stage.

I heard a alabama fan at church say "I hate Auburn" this Sunday. What?

Auburn doesn't need this rivalry to be Auburn. I would love to push Auburn and the SEC to end this classless rivalry.

I agree 100%

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I think the rivalry should be discontinued for 5 years.  Switch Auburn and Vandy (East and West) during that time frame.  If both AU and UA make it to the SEC CG, let it play out.

I do not think Auburn should leave the SEC.  This is the best conference.  You don't leave the best.

I hate bama and I am glad others are considering this, too.

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