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So it's Friday and though I rarely post, maybe it's because of my age ; but I am worn out listening to negative reports, stories, rumors etc... then hearing my fellow Auburn supporters and fans waste their breath addressing them.  I know this is a blog and I don't have to read anything................so I hope no one takes this the wrong way.

Maybe a few words of wisdom....every post, every response just gives a tiny bit of credability to whatever you address.  It doesn't matter if you have a wonderful response or fire back at Bammers, call radio talk shows and slam the opposition and reporters...................just saying, you are really confirming what Goober "Finebaum" wants confirmed.........they are getting under our skin.  The more venom spewed, the more the ratings go up.  It would be wonderful if we could get the attention of the various Auburn "Extremists" who call and make most of us uncomfortable with their support, and get them to stop calling.  I just wish not one single Auburn fan would call these shows that keep dredging up negative Auburn news.

If you do feel the need to call or write..........then focus on positive information and keep it to Auburn, unless of course it is positive about another school, then throw that out there as well.  I might be naive, but I have always thought of Auburn men as above the name calling, and hatefullness.  I take pride in this aspect of our character; but I have noticed that this is changing.  For whatever it is worth....I just wish we would focus on much more positive matters.....................I love my University as all of you do.

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We have not listened to Jox all week, and we feel lots better!!!!!!!!!!

That's great!  Now try to not listen to pondscum and you will truly be on the road to recovery! :laugh:

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Let's see......"What's positive?"

We have a beautiful campus with great fans that a recent graduate (ex-player) said was reason enough to want to play at Auburn!

Our leadership is handling all of this classless news with integrity.  You don't hear them constantly in the press defending our actions or any of the attacks.

Our head coach focuses on positive things...........for a reason.  His men will follow his lead.

I still detour directly through the campus whenever my business leads me even close to Auburn because I feel good just seeing the campus.

The NCAA has not accused us of anything and they are the authorities to be concerned with.

Thayer Evans or Brooks Whoever don't mean squat to anyone that is important to me!

The sky is still blue and the sun still orange...........and God is good and all of the time!

I could go on all day............but you get my point.

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My father graduated from AU in the 50's and he would have sounded SO like Papa Will if he were here today. And he wouldn't listen to talk radio for one minute. He dealt with Auburn only and if a Bama fan got on his nerves or said something bad about AU he would always say something like ' ..I'm an Auburn man and I don't know anything about YOUR school.' Of course,the Bama fan didn't really GO to uat so that would normally be the end of that. Thanks for bringing back good memories,Papa.

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All the negative is a direct result of 14-0. I agree that we probably need to concentrate on the positive, because we will be even more succesful with our current staff. In other words, haters are gonna hate, and too many people hate the champ so we need to get used to it.

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This was a JOX free week for me.  Feels great.  Everytime I was tempted to turn it on, I went to music or another talk format.  I will try to only get my Auburn fix from Auburn Eagle and other pro Auburn sites.   No more JOX until they get their act together (not likely).  We need to get Jeris McIntyre (sp?) on the air down here.  I have heard him on national shows before.  He is very good.  We need to get Auburn men that will vigorously defend Auburn, not just stand by and let their idiot Bammer counterparts spew their rumors.  That message needs to be sent to the stations. Don't call, don't text, don't email.  Ignore them long enough and they will go away.    

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"their idiot Bammer counterparts spew their rumors."  

"Now try to not listen to pondscum"

I may be wrong, but I think this is the type of name calling he was referring to.

And while we're talking about this, can we stop with the "turd" thing. It seems really childish

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I have no idea what you folks are talking about.  I have been smiling since ol' #18 split those uprights out in Glendale as time expired.  You guys can fuss about what Thayer and XXX think (PS, that's exactly what they want you to do)...or you can worry about what's to come next season.  As for me, I've been wating a long time to be a Champion, and I intend to enjoy every day until the next team is crowned. 

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We need to focus on the positives smelling the roses from the 2010 season, but we simply can't ignore the attacks on Auburn University and expect everything to be alright. Why ? There are ZERO checks and balances because nobody outside the Auburn family is offended enough as a professional to speak up on our behalf.

First, we need to realize when we speak up on a radio show or in the press we are representing Auburn and do so with as much class as possible. We certainly don't need any Jerry Springer like exchanges  on radio. I personally don't call into radio shows because I refuse to be baited. That said, I think we do need to defend our school, program, leadership given the topic. There needs to be some accountability for some of these unethical hacks that walk a thin line between mudslinging and outright slander fearing no repercussions. 

War Eagle ! 

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"their idiot Bammer counterparts spew their rumors."  

"Now try to not listen to pondscum"

I may be wrong, but I think this is the type of name calling he was referring to.

And while we're talking about this, can we stop with the "turd" thing. It seems really childish

Sorry, but I tend to call 'em as I see 'em.  They are what they are...IMHO.

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Here is some positive news...reported this morning that there is not as much herbicide in the soil as originally thought.  Removal efforts in the soil have been better than expected.  Test results on the trees themselves will be out soon.

Oh, and one more positive...AUBURN UNIVERSITY IS THE 2010 BCS NATIONAL CHAMPS!!!!  :yay:

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I have no idea what you folks are talking about.  I have been smiling since ol' #18 split those uprights out in Glendale as time expired.  You guys can fuss about what Thayer and XXX think (PS, that's exactly what they want you to do)...or you can worry about what's to come next season.  As for me, I've been wating a long time to be a Champion, and I intend to enjoy every day until the next team is crowned. 

Agree 100%; I smile everyday knowing we are the champs.

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I call them turds because even if they're on top, they still stink. I also call them: bammers, gumps, period stains(mods delete if there is a problem), crimson flow, and have recently added the Harveys, Updykes. Really just anything that shows disrespect. It may be childish but I can live with it.

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