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Scarbinsky tells Bell and Bond's to...


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IMHO, the only tape(s) that exists is the scotch tape these so called journalists and bammer backers are using to piece together their Bull Crap stories. Cam is gone to the NFL and AU is the NATIONAL CHAMPION.  It's time to put on big-boy underwear and deal with it! :tease:

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I really don't believe these tapes exist.

If by chance, they do exist, has the NCAA heard them?

If the NCAA has heard them, obviously there is nothing on them to incriminate.

If the NCAA has not heard them, they would not allow them to be released to the public before they heard them. 

But, as I said, I don't believe the tapes exist. 


If these bogus tapes were to exist (posibility #1) and the NCAA had not heard them (Possibility #3) the NCAA would have no way of preventing them from being released if they were not in the possession of the NCAA. The NCAA is not a law enforcement agency. Suppose I had the tapes (remember, I don't really believe they exist). I could do whatever I wanted with them.

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Was Bell and Bonds interviewed by the FBI?  If so and the FBI asked for the tapes and they did not provide them and lied to the Feds, their troubles have nothing to with AU or Miss. St., these boys would be looking at jailtime.

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Anyone could make a bogus tape up with all the time they have had.  If someone played a tape tonight and claimed it was cecil newton I wouldnt know if its true or not. 

That's more than likely what happened.

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