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Scarbinsky tells Bell and Bond's to...


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"Scarbinsky tells Bell and Bond's to put up or shut up... " 

Thus giving further attention to the pot stirring by that bottom feeding scumbag Scott Moore.

ALL the media needs to LET.IT.GO. >:(

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Sorry to disagree with you Belle, but it's about time someone called these twerps out on the carpet. They've been hinting around with innuendo and veiled threats for too long. Someone needed to throw down the gauntlet and challenge them. They either have the evidence or they don't. If they have it, let's see or hear it. If they don't, shut the hell up or face libel lawsuits. I'm tired of these clowns coming out every couple of weeks with this BS trying to boost their ratings.  :pcprobs:

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Bell said he never spoke to Cam, and Bond said he never spoke to either Newton.  Bell said he released phone messages between he and Rogers to the NCAA.  Both men spoke to the NCAA prior to their ruling in December.  There is no story here at all, unless Bond and Bell inexplicably lied to both ESPN and the NCAA. 

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Bond started this whole story because he got paid.Bond was the one who originaly went to the press,and he got paid.Thamel was the one who talked to Bond originaly and he passed off the story to the blind mice at ESPN.

 The tapes WILL NOT prove squat.If they had the goods,Cam would have been sat down by the NCAA,its just that simple.So Bonds is once agin trying to get paid for this latses press bash-fest led by Moore.

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(1st)-If tapes existed, Cam would have never played against Georgia...tapes would have been released prior.

(2nd)- If tapes existed, Cam would have never won the Heisman Trophy..tapes would have been released prior.

(3rd)- If tapes existed, Cam would have never played in NC game...tapes would have been released prior.

It is illegal under all jurisdictions to record calls in which one is not a party...who made the tapes...Bond, Bell, Rogers...? Why does Bond have these tapes, was he a party at the recording?  :dunno:


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Seems Bond is going to play the tapes in (wait for it)....2 weeks on the REDFISH show.....now that is funny!!!! 

What is the over/under on the tapes being played on the REDFISH show in two weeks?????

Oh we are sooooooo  dooommmmmmeeddd....... :laugh:

Quote:  per William Barger AKA redfish on Tiderinsider, who co-hosts the sports talk show with Scott Moore. The tapes will be released on the show.

John Bond has agreed to come on our show in 2 weeks and release the Tapes redfish 2011-02-28 13:15:49

...Yes even the one that PROVES "Cam Knows" that his Dad was shopping him for the highest offer. We have decided to let the tapes do the talking.

After discussions with ESPN, he said I trust "an ex-OL and my friend Scott to watch my back more than the national media"  Unqote

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Scott Moore sat there on the radio and said things that he HOPED were true. He said he didn't have an agenda but anyone that knows him knows that he is a huge Bama fan and would love to find something to hang on Auburn. He is no better than Shane from CenterPoint but with a radio show. All he is doing is trying to create news to get people to listen to him because he wants to be another Paul Finebaum. He is in his mid 40's and nothing has worked out for him in his career so his throwing mud hoping it will stick to make a name for himself. He said this stuff keeps falling in his lap (we would be stupid to beleive that) no one would go to someone that far down the line on the sports radio peeking order. This is not the first time he has done this. If someone starts off by telling a lie ( I don't have an agenda) then how can you trust anythin he say's after that. I don't know what he has heard and what he hasn't but I do know him and know that he did lie about two or three things that he said about himself and his agenda.

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Sorry to disagree with you Belle, but it's about time someone called these twerps out on the carpet. They've been hinting around with innuendo and veiled threats for too long. Someone needed to throw down the gauntlet and challenge them. They either have the evidence or they don't. If they have it, let's see or hear it. If they don't, shut the hell up or face libel lawsuits. I'm tired of these clowns coming out every couple of weeks with this BS trying to boost their ratings.  :pcprobs:

No problem with your differing opinion. It makes for a lively and interesting discussion. ;)

However, this is how I see it...

KS is doing the same thing. He needs a hot topic. He's using that radio show and it's nonsense to get people to read his al.com article. He's feeding the beast.

God Forbid anyone actually write about, or talk about, something different. That might require real journalistic talent and professionalism.

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Sorry to disagree with you Belle, but it's about time someone called these twerps out on the carpet. They've been hinting around with innuendo and veiled threats for too long. Someone needed to throw down the gauntlet and challenge them. They either have the evidence or they don't. If they have it, let's see or hear it. If they don't, shut the hell up or face libel lawsuits. I'm tired of these clowns coming out every couple of weeks with this BS trying to boost their ratings.  :pcprobs:

No problem with your differing opinion. It makes for a lively and interesting discussion. ;)

However, this is how I see it...

KS is doing the same thing. He needs a hot topic. He's using that radio show and it's nonsense to get people to read his al.com article. He's feeding the beast.

God Forbid anyone actually write about, or talk about, something different. That might require real journalistic talent and professionalism.

I agree with your premise. But I would say that I'd much rather see a guy write an article calling out those who use rumor and innuendo to attract readers/listeners than read or listen to a bunch of BS from those other guys.

At least Scarbo is the Auburn beat writer for al.com/ B'ham fish wrapper.

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Since the NCAA has not slammed us with anything since they've known about it for a long while now, I somehow doubt they ever will. Now since 2 to 3 former  Miss. State players has been trying so hard to nail us against the NCAA wall, that they could be getting a letter form big brother.

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MSU has the most to lose in this.  Their former players were involved..  Didn't MSU stall in providing information to the SEC?  The SEC and NCAA have now looked at them.  If your ex players were willing to discuss paying for one player how many have been paid for in the past and are some still playing?   

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Since the NCAA has not slammed us with anything since they've known about it for a long while now, I somehow doubt they ever will. Now since 2 to 3 former  Miss. State players has been trying so hard to nail us against the NCAA wall, that they could be getting a letter form big brother.

Exactly, MSU was discussing pay 4 play with Cecil.. they are trying to deflect....  The tapes may come out (in small amounts - think Eric Ramsey), they will be very one sided and will not be complete. 

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So where are the NCAA agents who were pulled off the UNC investigation... it has been a few months now... anyone know???

Did they focus on AU? ... no evidence that I have heard of...

So who else did/are they investgate(ing)...

In my opinion, MSU is rightfully under an intense microscopic examination right now... including Bond, etc... and at least 2-other schools have been implicated in this mess, and they are not AU...

if there is anything of substance to these tapes, they certainly would have surfaced way before now...

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Is Scott Moore any relation to Mal Moore ?

Probably. The bammers are all related to each other.

Well played.....and very funny    :thumbsup:

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Is Scott Moore any relation to Mal Moore ?

Probably. The bammers are all related to each other.

Doesn't that make it a Bama...family?

Dysfunctional....and with little genetic diversity.  :beatmullet:

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I really don't believe these tapes exist.

If by chance, they do exist, has the NCAA heard them?

If the NCAA has heard them, obviously there is nothing on them to incriminate.

If the NCAA has not heard them, they would not allow them to be released to the public before they heard them. 

But, as I said, I don't believe the tapes exist. 


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Anyone could make a bogus tape up with all the time they have had.  If someone played a tape tonight and claimed it was cecil newton I wouldnt know if its true or not. 

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Anyone could make a bogus tape up with all the time they have had.  If someone played a tape tonight and claimed it was cecil newton I wouldnt know if its true or not. 

This is the central issue, and why the "tapes" will be a dud.  Recordings can be easily edited, and without verification, they will mean nothing to the NCAA.

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