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USC Player Reaction to Blake's Injury


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I went to the game yesterday so I don't know if this incident was shown on TV or not.  I was expecting there to be some conversation about this because it was absolutely ludicrous, but I haven't seen anything about it.  I apologize if there was a larger discussion about it earlier.  But anyway, after Blake went down late in the game yesterday, two USC defenders went and did a chest bump right in front of him.  This wasn't immediately after the play where they could be given the benefit of the doubt and not realizing that Blake was down.  No, this was closer to a full minute after the play was over and they walked over to where Blake was laying down before their little show.

I don't understand how this wasn't treated with an ejection of the players much less a flag, and yet there wasn't so much as an unsportsmanlike call.  Nothing.  Absolutely nothing.  The section of Auburn fans I was in in the North corner of the east upper deck went insane.  We all started screaming and booing at that garbage.

I'm not even one to yell at refs too much.  I understand their job is difficult and stressful and I like to give them the benefit of the doubt when I can.  I can deal with the OPI non-call on Jeffrey and I can deal with a little lack of holding calls toward the end of the game.  That's letting the guys play and I understand hesitation to throw flags on everything.  But this was so far beyond the line, I couldn't see straight I was screaming so violently.  I want to know I'm not taking crazy pills and ask if anyone else saw the same thing I and the section I was sitting in did.

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Was at the game...saw the USCe player reaction...agree somewhat that they celebrated the hit longer than the circumstances dictated but to cut them a little slack, I thought Blake had the wind knocked out of him and I expect that's what USC thought also.  

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There were also comments about USCe fans cheering his injury.  Same for Dyers.

USCe will never be a class program until they get a handle on that stuff...

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There were also comments about USCe fans cheering his injury.  Same for Dyers.

USCe will never be a class program until they get a handle on that stuff...

i don't know about cheering because they were injured.  But I could of sworn that I heard them clapping when they walked off the field though.

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I'm not cutting them any slack for doing it but reading their boards last year (and the Clemson boards last year too, concerning Kyle Parker), they seem to think that we targeted both QBs with "cheap shots" to take them out of the game and that if Garcia hadn't gotten his bell rung, he wouldn't have ever fumbled when they were going in for the "sure" go-ahead TD.  They obviously found a lot of sympathy & support from the whiney-azz Georgia fans and many of the Clemson fans who believed that McNeal took a cheap shot and knocked KP out - "who was never the same" - ruining the rest of their season.  It's another dimension of the urban legend of Auburn's "tainted" 2010 national championship.     

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Hopefully not as it is presented here. I would think Steve would not put up with such after the fact.

I was at the game and sitting in the same location as the original poster. I heard absolutely no Carolina fans cheering the injury. Also, the "chest bump" incident was in very poor taste and was performed so close to Blake that it had to be an "in your face" performance IMHO. The officials were standing right there and none of them had the guts to throw the unsportsmanlike flag. Of course, we are talking about Penn Wagers and Company, arguably the worst officiating crew in college football.

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Okay, well it's disappointing it wasn't caught on camera because I would sure like some video evidence of this.  it seems there are some mixed opinions as to the intention of the celebration.  I guess I could see to some degree if they were just completely unaware of their surroundings, but I don't know.  I still think that it was long enough after the play was over and close enough to Blake that I'm pretty sure it was a taunt.

Regarding the USC fans, I don't remember cheering for injuries but I was in a pretty Auburn heavy section.  I did hear the USC students in the North end zone chanting "F*** you, Auburn!" but I don't remember the context.  I think it was after Sanders' late hit flag, maybe, but I'm not sure on that.  Generally speaking, all the older USC fans that came up and talked to me and my friends were pretty friendly and engaged in some fun jawing but we all had big smiles.  I did not once hear something friendly come out of a student-age fan however.  We were cussed out multiple times and we always responded with a "hope you have a wonderful day!" or something similar.

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I was in the lower level AU section and everybody was going nuts over that chest bump. Can't understand how there was no call.

Also, there were definitely some cheers when Dyer went down. I thought a guy sitting by me was going to go put some pain on those losers. I used to be indifferent about USCe,  now I despise them.  NO class at all. It was a pathetic.

They will always be footnote on our Championship season. They will always be also-rans. And they will always be the Miss St of the east.

Suck on that 'Cocks!

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I don't want to discredit any injury, but the fake injuries that their guys had on the last drive when they were obviously tired really rubbed me the wrong way.  I may be wrong and if the guys were really hurt I wish them a speedy recovery.

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Has there been any mention of Dyer's injury? I could have swore it looked like a usce player had intentionally twisted his ankle. Dyer was kicking his leg like he was trying to get away from whoever was doing it, and then went down for a bit with what looked like an ankle injury.

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The way Auburn kicked everyones back-side last season, anytime a team beats Auburn or an injury etc happens to our big time players. The fans for the other team will cheer it and show an extra level of no class.  The lack of class level depends on the anger from last season, they have all carried with them, ie: Dumbo Sweeny at Clemson.

I did not see the chest bump incident on TV, however, I don't doubt it either.  As far as Dyer, he returned obviously after his injury.  The S.Carolina players were tackling him and before he went down his leg got twisted funny and injured his ankle.  The defender was holding the other foot and leg.  He did not seem to be twisting it, Dyer was trying to get lose as he was in pain.  The defender was not letting go for some reason. None the less, It was a great day for Auburn and a great win.  War Eagle!! :aufb:

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Someone comment on the officiating crew...only thing I can say was they were equally inept toward both sides....and at the end of the game I saw their van speeding away from the stadium with a police escort while all the players from both teams were still standing around on the field waiting to see if a couple seconds would be put back on the clock.  There was not way for that to happen however because there were no officials to make the decision....they beat it out of the stadium the moment the clock went 00:00 and were out of sight before I even made it down the second level concourse to the west side exits.   

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There were also comments about USCe fans cheering his injury.  Same for Dyers.

USCe will never be a class program until they get a handle on that stuff...

i don't know about cheering because they were injured.  But I could of sworn that I heard them clapping when they walked off the field though.

The fans definitely clapped on TV when our players got up and went off the field.

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Someone comment on the officiating crew...only thing I can say was they were equally inept toward both sides....and at the end of the game I saw their van speeding away from the stadium with a police escort while all the players from both teams were still standing around on the field waiting to see if a couple seconds would be put back on the clock.   There was not way for that to happen however because there were no officials to make the decision....they beat it out of the stadium the moment the clock went 00:00 and were out of sight before I even made it down the second level concourse to the west side exits.   

Actually, the head referee, Penn Wagers, tried to run off at :00 on the clock with his buddies, but he came back to talk to the Carolina coaches a couple of times before he finally went to the tunnel.I kept asking my son, "Is he ever gonna leave?"  :P  You are right, Penn & crew are equally bad for both sides. Also, it is standard practice for the officials to leave the game site with a police escort immediately after the game has ended for obvious reasons.

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There were multiple instances of actions by USCe players after plays that officials have flagged AU for and not one flag was thrown!  Pitiful officiating.  Blake's injury should have been flagged for hit on a defenseless player.

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Has there been any mention of Dyer's injury? I could have swore it looked like a usce player had intentionally twisted his ankle. Dyer was kicking his leg like he was trying to get away from whoever was doing it, and then went down for a bit with what looked like an ankle injury.

It was not intentional. They showed a closeup replay on TV a couple times and one of the big uglies on the DL who was engaged with a blocker accidentally stepped on Dyers ankle. His foot was on the ankle as Dyer went down  putting the ankle in an abnormal position.
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There were multiple instances of actions by USCe players after plays that officials have flagged AU for and not one flag was thrown!  Pitiful officiating.  Blake's injury should have been flagged for hit on a defenseless player.

A much less flagrant hit resulted in an ejection in the Utah State - BYU game Friday night.  Consistency is very lacking on this call. 

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i read an interview either last night or this morning where dyer said something to the effect of his ankle got twisted and the guy was still twisting it. if that is an accidental thing or if the guy was trying to do something cheap i dont know. i like usce, spurier, alshon and lat. im also becoming a ingram fan as well. as far as the fans i went to grad school with some usce grads and i even considered a masters program there, they are somewhat funny in that they are always so intense but rarely are a major player in the sec. its not the classiest culture but its not that bad of a place, mainly because they rarely have any effect on whats going on with us, them getting lat over us has sorta reved em up a bit and they honestly thought up until the championship game that we had just gotten lucky and they deserved both titles. if we do move to the east i could see it becoming a place i dislike more.

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Someone comment on the officiating crew...only thing I can say was they were equally inept toward both sides....and at the end of the game I saw their van speeding away from the stadium with a police escort while all the players from both teams were still standing around on the field waiting to see if a couple seconds would be put back on the clock.   There was not way for that to happen however because there were no officials to make the decision....they beat it out of the stadium the moment the clock went 00:00 and were out of sight before I even made it down the second level concourse to the west side exits.   

It might have been Mayhem. Hope they had Allstate!

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