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RODNEY PAULK of South Carolina is a PUNK


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On the play where he hurt his ankle, he was kicking at the guy who was holding his leg.  It almost seemed like the guy was doing something to him that he didn't like, but I could not tell from the camera angle.  The guy was definitely doing something to Dyer's ankle that he did not like, whether it was intentional or not....dunno. 

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Yes, did you not see the game? He clearly was cranking Dyer's leg. Dyer had to kick him off his leg to get him to quit. It was #45, and he should be suspended for a couple of games.

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What is sad is the USC fans on the other boards were saying DYER should be thrown out for kicking....I just laughed...if their boy wasn't trying to be thug gangsta then he wouldn't have gotten drop kicked.

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You can't see it on the replay because it is out of the frame and the guy is laying on top of MDs leg. That is probably why no one on the field saw it. You can tell on the replay however that Dyer's right leg moves as if it is being jerked then you see Dyer's head go back as if in pain then he kicks the defender. Pretty low rent move if you ask me.

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I think it had the opposite effect than the USCe player intended. It pissed Dyer off and started running with even more authority. When he came back into the ballgame is when Auburn started giving him the ball time after time.

Now compare that with the Aaron Murry piss and moan fest.

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I am sure the coaches will turn in the film to the SEC and let them look at it and make a decision, I am guessing they will tell USCe "...that we will be watching this more closely and alert the refs of this for future games," and that will be the end of it.

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Actually if you go to the USC board Cockytalk, they have a long thread about it. Most USC fans feel that the player did intentionally try and hurt Dyer and they see nothing wrong with it. They say it is part of football. I think they are coocoo for coc puffs.

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I thought it looked like the USCe player was doing this as well, but the camera angle didn't show it clear enough.  Dyer isn't the type of player to start kicking an opponent in the head without good reason, though. 

Let's see, last year we were labeled cheaters, and everyone said we had dirty players????  At present, there are numerous teams on probation/under investigation (not Auburn) and many players have trying to intentionally hurt our players (USU, Miss St, USCe).  Hmmmmm, wonder why no one is lobbying with the NCAA to hammer these teams/players??????

Oh well, it is, and always will be, GREAT TO BE AN AUBURN TIGER!!!!

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I don't know if some of you have played fb before but some teams, players can get nasty in the pile (or elsewhere-see IL player kneeing NW player in groin Saturday) I personally have been punched, jabbed in the kidneys numerous times, seen bite marks (YES bite marks) and some will remember the pro LB spitting in the face of an opponent a few years back. It's not a game for wuzzys, With that said ANYONE who intentionally twists an opponents ankles or legs to damage knees should be BANNED for much more than a game or two. A season or for life is more appropriate IMO! AU is the defending SEC & MNC and WILL continue to get everyone's BEST shot this season !

Now, time to SKIN some hogs friends - LOL

:we: JUST WIN BABY  :party:

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Not sure if this has been discussed but RODNEY PUNK intentionally injured Michael Dyer.


RB Mike Dyer said the ankle sprain he suffered during the third quarter Saturday wasn't simply a function of bad luck. "It got twisted and just kept on just twisting, and I had to kick 'em (USC players) to get them off of me." He returned during the next drive and finished with 141 yards in Auburn's 16-13 win.

Here is the video...

I won't shed a tear if Paulk suffers a career ending injury.

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Add this to the fake injuries late in the game, the horrible calls against us, and Jeffrey pushing off T'bell on the long TD, I have no respect for the cocks. 

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I'm sure he will not be the last player to try to hurt Michael bad enough to knock him out of the game. The updykes and their "little" coach will pull out all the stops and hurt MD.

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You mean the one Auburn owns? :beatmullet: Considering it was uscleast he took to the SECCG, he should've been named coach of the millennium. Proves the old adage, there is a first time for everything.

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i mentioned this during the gameday thread and someone told me they went back and looked at it and said it didn't happen. Must not have looked very hard.

I think the actual injury acurred at :28 seconds of that video. . (if you pause the video on time) you can see the defender (#99) step on dyer's shin  as he wraps him up and his foot scrapes down to the ankle bone with all his weight on it ... it looks  unintentional. THEN the other guy (45?) twists dyer's already twisted ankle....  That was intentional.

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