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Bham News BS

Martian Manhunter

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Hi everyone. I've been a member here at AUFAMILY for a while now, but didn't post here too often. For that matter, I didn't post too often on AE either, but more often than I have on AUFAMILY. Anyway, I'm grateful for the new home. Thanks for warm welcomes from everyone.

On to the topic...

The B'ham News has an article, http://www.al.com/sports/index.ssf/2012/08/espn_high_school_football_show.html, about Auburn and Alabama recruits. Here's a quote: "On Friday, October 26 a pair of future Alabama stars will face a future Auburn lineman as Tiger-committed defensive lineman Carl Lawson from Georgia's Milton High School faces off against Alabama-committed running back Tyren Jones and quarterback Parker McLeod of Walton High."

My problem with this is this: They say Carl Lawson, who I think is ranked as the #4 overall prospect (http://www.aufamily.com/forums/topic/124054-new-rivals-rankings/--thanks ellitor) is just a "future Auburn lineman." While the two Bama commits are "future Alabama stars."

I didn't take the time to look up where these two guys are ranked, but I can guess it's lower than #4. Why are they "stars" and Lawson is a "lineman?"

War Eagle

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Sounds like there might be a bit of a bias there? :drippingsarcasm7pa:

or to make this legible to our new AE folks feel more welcome!

Sounds like there might be a bit of a bias there?

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Sounds like there might be a bit of a bias there? :drippingsarcasm7pa:

or to make this legible to our new AE folks feel more welcome!

Sounds like there might be a bit of a bias there?

ARRRRRRGGGGGHHH!!! The piercing yellow font! Make it stop!! MAKE IT STOP!!! :hammerin:

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Martian Manhunter-there has always been bias in just about every newspaper in the State of Alabama. If the sportswriters didn't get their degree from Alabama, they are told by the management at the major newspapers (Mobile Press Register, Huntsville Times and the Birmingham News) to write articles friendly to Alabama and to take jabs at Auburn whenever they can. All three papers are owed by either Bama graduates or strong Bama fans. Even if upper management doesn't pound on them about always showing Bama in a good light, they learn that the Bama fans don't take kindly to bad mouthing their tide and they will start writing the editor to complain. That is exactly what happened recently to Scarbinsky of the Birmingham News. Back in 2010 he started writing articles that were favorable toward Auburn. He was even very vocal about how wrong it was for mis-informed journalist to be throwing Cam under the bus. A group of Updykers started writing the paper and complaining and cancelling their subscriptions and no more positive articles about Auburn from Mr. Scarbinsky. That is just the way it is in this state and pretty much nationwide. In Mobile, a well know and good sportswriter (I forget his name) who was actually an Ole Miss graduate was the Auburn beat writer for a while and did a great job. He was promoted and then wrote about all the teams in the SEC. Very good writer and very fair to every team he wrote about. He was offered an afternoon drive time radio sports talk show on a local station in Mobile and he was good, but he was unbiased and covered everything honestly. It didn't last long because the Red Elephant Club member who owned the radio station fired him not because he said bad things about Alabama, but because he didn't say enough good things about Alabama. He lost his job rather than submit to the demand that he turn the show into a love fest for all things bammer. Seldom does Auburn get a fair shake from the press, but who needs them anyway.

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Martian Manhunter-there has always been bias in just about every newspaper in the State of Alabama. If the sportswriters didn't get their degree from Alabama, they are told by the management at the major newspapers (Mobile Press Register, Huntsville Times and the Birmingham News) to write articles friendly to Alabama and to take jabs at Auburn whenever they can. All three papers are owed by either Bama graduates or strong Bama fans. Even if upper management doesn't pound on them about always showing Bama in a good light, they learn that the Bama fans don't take kindly to bad mouthing their tide and they will start writing the editor to complain. That is exactly what happened recently to Scarbinsky of the Birmingham News. Back in 2010 he started writing articles that were favorable toward Auburn. He was even very vocal about how wrong it was for mis-informed journalist to be throwing Cam under the bus. A group of Updykers started writing the paper and complaining and cancelling their subscriptions and no more positive articles about Auburn from Mr. Scarbinsky. That is just the way it is in this state and pretty much nationwide. In Mobile, a well know and good sportswriter (I forget his name) who was actually an Ole Miss graduate was the Auburn beat writer for a while and did a great job. He was promoted and then wrote about all the teams in the SEC. Very good writer and very fair to every team he wrote about. He was offered an afternoon drive time radio sports talk show on a local station in Mobile and he was good, but he was unbiased and covered everything honestly. It didn't last long because the Red Elephant Club member who owned the radio station fired him not because he said bad things about Alabama, but because he didn't say enough good things about Alabama. He lost his job rather than submit to the demand that he turn the show into a love fest for all things bammer. Seldom does Auburn get a fair shake from the press, but who needs them anyway.

neal mccready was his name
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The media in the this state and else where isn't ever gonna change. That is way we MUST go out and kick their little nicky grass starting this year.

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I don't ever remember when it was not that way. I have come to accept it over the years as just part of being an Auburn grad and supporter.

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Funny thing is that by the time that game is played the team with the two "future stars" may have disappeared into obscurity. Those two guys may take a serious beating with what many believe will be an over-matched offensive line.

They have three QB commits listed in that article? Talk about backup QB U!

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I love writing in yellow on this sight. Its a AE tradition. Old habits die hard.

That's 'site' not 'sight' -- even though no one can see it! ;-)

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^^^This^^^ may be the best piece I have ever written on a message board! What do you good folks think?

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While I agree with the synopsis particularly because of Lawson's pedigree compared with the two Bama commits (neither of which is a name I recognize...and I follow recruiting enough that I'd at least know who they are if they were highly rated at all), I will say in the writer's defense that using "star" twice so closely together is poor form. I would have preferred at least that he use "prospect" when alluding to Lawson, but because of the media bias that has already been mentioned, it wouldn't have gone over well to call him a star and the other two anything that is perceived as less than that.

On a completely separate note, it's good to see you on this side, J'onn!

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