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Fire Jacobs Now signs on campus


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Signs were posted on all entries to Samford Hall this morning stating "Fire Jacobs Now" as a not so subtle response to the news leaked yesterday about Jay Gouge's comments.

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Can anyone get a pic............ not that I don't believe, just want a picture of it.

They were removed rather quickly . . .

Can we put them back up?

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Can anyone get a pic............ not that I don't believe, just want a picture of it.

They were removed rather quickly . . .

Can we put them back up?

Have them put back up and then get a pic!

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Can we pitch in money for billboards?

Not saying we (AU fans) should do it, but I remember when the Arky fanbase paid for flyovers during their home games voicing their opinion of the Arky Administration and their coach Houston Nutt. What did that accomplish? A new AD and a new HC at season's end. And at that time, Arky hadn't even come close to the depths we are experiencing right now.
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I hate to say this....I hope it is done every single day until Dr. Gogue gets the message.

He's got the message, he knows how the fanbase feels. Now the big question is will be listen and act on what the fans want, or will he be swayed by the PTB/puppet masters?
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It's about time that Auburn people stand up and Jay Gogue and the BOT that we are sick and tired of JJ and his crap and he MUST go and go NOW. This is a strong message for Dr. Gogue to fire Jay Jacobs and Tim Jackson.

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What can we do to get the message through, Jay Jacobs NEEDS TO GO!!!! :pcprobs:

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Why in samhill is Dr. Gogue putting JJ in charge of hiring a new head football coach? look how JJ's last hire has turned out during the last 2 years. Whoever he hires this time, will Jay give the new coach a 15 to 20 million buyout?

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We could salt the playing field with Fire Jacobs

diesel fuel and a match does well also....lol

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It's about time that Auburn people stand up and Jay Gogue and the BOT that we are sick and tired of JJ and his crap and he MUST go and go NOW. This is a strong message for Dr. Gogue to fire Jay Jacobs and Tim Jackson.

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How much are those flyovers?????

We could just tie a banner on either Spirit or Nova. We would only have to pay for the lettering.

A hot air baloon may be better! When it runs low it can just drop over at the AD and fill back up.

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If he already knows how everyone feels then what is the point of being a greater laughing stock of the conference by plastering the campus with flyers and having the announcers talk about how low class it is for a plane to be flying overhead with a banner during the day Saturday. Place is sounding more bammer everyday. Ever heard of writing a freaking e-mail? Good to see that Auburn, like our country, has lost what once set us apart this week.

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If he already knows how everyone feels then what is the point of being a greater laughing stock of the conference by plastering the campus with flyers and having the announcers talk about how low class it is for a plane to be flying overhead with a banner during the day Saturday. Place is sounding more bammer everyday. Ever heard of writing a freaking e-mail? Good to see that Auburn, like our country, has lost what once set us apart this week.

Sorry, just got in from throwing Molotov cocktails to catch your scolding.... Burn it down!!!!


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I would suggest a massive letter campaign to President Gouge calling for the firing of Jacobs. You can't get rid of Chizik and overlook Jacobs role in his hiring and the contract extension along with the other screw ups he has had as AD.

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