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Will the Left ever stop accusing the Right for the actions of others ?


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Fox blogger, states, "we should get rid of all middle easterners, they are trying to kill us all". Would you like some cheese to go with the continual whine over the left wing? When will the right wing stop the constant whining over a media they can search out any opinion they choose to in, even those that support the wildest conspiracy theories that no one but an absolute BUFFOON could or would believe. Wah, wah wah. See if any of the newer diaper brands wick away the moisture. Might help you out one day.

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"Will the left every stop accusing the right for the actions of others"?? :dunno: :-\

What a stupid, idiotic thing to say.

How so ? Even after seeing the evidence posted, of time after time of where the Left falsely accused the Right for violent acts , that's all you have to say ?

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"Will the left every stop accusing the right for the actions of others"?? :dunno: :-\

What a stupid, idiotic thing to say.

How so ? Even after seeing the evidence posted, of time after time of where the Left falsely accused the Right for violent acts , that's all you have to say ?

I think Telling tiger did an adequate job.

Only an idiot would make that sort of statement and be actually serious about it.

As for your "evidence", I suppose (if I were an idiot) I could quote someone like Ann Coulter or Rush Limbaugh and ask when the "Right" was ever going to try rational arguments?

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It is politics. Rush and Glenn Beck REGULARLY spout pure BS based on helicopter headed theories of panicked old men. Do you pick through their every statement to find the lies like you do everything else? Of course not, why? you are willing to accept BS you agree with and hate everything else. Irrelevant. Next.

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Fox blogger, states, "we should get rid of all middle easterners, they are trying to kill us all". Would you like some cheese to go with the continual whine over the left wing? When will the right wing stop the constant whining over a media they can search out any opinion they choose to in, even those that support the wildest conspiracy theories that no one but an absolute BUFFOON could or would believe. Wah, wah wah. See if any of the newer diaper brands wick away the moisture. Might help you out one day.

" Fox Blogger " Unnamed, un-cited, and yet that's your reply to the very real issue I posted.

TV " journalist " goes on air to specifically name an individual as a member of a local TEA party group, when in fact, the Aurora shooter was someone else entirely. Brian Ross got it 100% wrong.

I understand how the extreme, hard core Left wing doesn't don't care to hear the facts when it makes their side look bad. I get that, I really do. But trying to pass off a clear pattern of bias by the Left, to first paint the Right as violent , hate filled intolerant hay-seeds, as nothing but 'paranoia', and then to blindly ignore the REAL perpetrators of these crimes, for the sake of some idiotic PC sensibilities, so as to not OFFEND anyone... I think we're dealing w/ more than mere blind partisan issues. There's a lack of mental development and maturity, as well as being able to honestly see what is going on in the world. It's like trying to deal w/ a habitual user who refuses to look in the mirror.

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"Will the left every stop accusing the right for the actions of others"?? :dunno: :-\

What a stupid, idiotic thing to say.

How so ? Even after seeing the evidence posted, of time after time of where the Left falsely accused the Right for violent acts , that's all you have to say ?

I think Telling tiger did an adequate job.

Only an idiot would make that sort of statement and be actually serious about it.

As for your "evidence", I suppose (if I were an idiot) I could quote someone like Ann Coulter or Rush Limbaugh and ask when the "Right" was ever going to try rational arguments?

Telling did no job at all, actually.

Why can't you address the original issue ? Where is YOUR evidence to counter it ? I see you can't even TRY to explain it away, so all you're left with is trying to play the equivocation game, and pretend " The Right does it too ! " ploy will suffice.

It won't.

And homo - you're admitting that an idiot is smarter than you ?

No comment. :roflol:

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You complain about this in the same way that you call Obama and Biden any name under the sun and are proud of it, then in another thread to day you whine about someone having(unnamed I might add) called Shrub Bush a dictator. Impossible to take you seriously. A very real issue too. You are hyper partisan and then panic when other people are too. Hilarious. You made mention that Jeff Dunham used Biden as the physical model for one of his puppets. Interesting since some might think you are the personality of the puppets' personality minus the humor.

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You complain about this in the same way that you call Obama and Biden any name under the sun and are proud of it, then in another thread to day you whine about someone having(unnamed I might add) called Shrub Bush a dictator. Impossible to take you seriously. A very real issue too. You are hyper partisan and then panic when other people are too. Hilarious. You made mention that Jeff Dunham used Biden as the physical model for one of his puppets. Interesting since some might think you are the personality of the puppets' personality minus the humor.

Still not addressing the issue, I see.

Understandable. You can't.

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Still can't comprehend what was said to you? Understandable, you can't. I'll give you my opinion of the Tea Party in one fell swoop. You ready? David Duke endorsed it. Birds of a feather.

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Well, that didn't take long. :roflol:

Cast the truth of day light onto the Left, and they start screeching " you're a RACIST ! ".

Too gorram predicable.

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Fox blogger, states, "we should get rid of all middle easterners, they are trying to kill us all". Would you like some cheese to go with the continual whine over the left wing? When will the right wing stop the constant whining over a media they can search out any opinion they choose to in, even those that support the wildest conspiracy theories that no one but an absolute BUFFOON could or would believe. Wah, wah wah. See if any of the newer diaper brands wick away the moisture. Might help you out one day.

" Fox Blogger " Unnamed, un-cited, and yet that's your reply to the very real issue I posted.

TV " journalist " goes on air to specifically name an individual as a member of a local TEA party group, when in fact, the Aurora shooter was someone else entirely. Brian Ross got it 100% wrong.

I understand how the extreme, hard core Left wing doesn't don't care to hear the facts when it makes their side look bad. I get that, I really do. But trying to pass off a clear pattern of bias by the Left, to first paint the Right as violent , hate filled intolerant hay-seeds, as nothing but 'paranoia', and then to blindly ignore the REAL perpetrators of these crimes, for the sake of some idiotic PC sensibilities, so as to not OFFEND anyone... I think we're dealing w/ more than mere blind partisan issues. There's a lack of mental development and maturity, as well as being able to honestly see what is going on in the world. It's like trying to deal w/ a habitual user who refuses to look in the mirror.

:roflol::roflol: :roflol: :roflol:

Please stop! You might be irony-blind but it's killing those of us who aren't!

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Accurate too. You invent chit to be pissed off about . Lies are fine with you as long as they support your point. When they don't you go into little girl overdrive whine mode. ANY media source you want to point too exhibits their editorial pov. INCLUDING FOX, you don't admt it is their editorial bias because you agree with it. Still hilarious.

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Accurate too. You invent chit to be pissed off about . Lies are fine with you as long as they support your point. When they don't you go into little girl overdrive whine mode. ANY media source you want to point too exhibits their editorial pov. INCLUDING FOX, you don't admt it is their editorial bias because you agree with it. Still hilarious.

I didn't " invent " anything. I noticed what is actually and literally happening, along w/ evidence to back it up.

YOU, on the other hand, have offered up nothing but childish insults, empty denials, and some purely fabricated B.S. in trying to paint ALL Americans who believe in smaller govt as being in perfect unison w/ David Duke ?

Beyond delusional, and 100% completely false.

But because you can't deal w/ the actual facts, you're hell bent on carrying on your temper tantrum w/ name calling and grasping at the most distant of straws, just to try to distract from the original issue.


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I must have touched a nerve and hit a bit too close to home for some.

The wailing and gnashing of teeth responses are comical. And truly " telling ".


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Other people are name calling? and you call Homer /homo and other kind names. No one but you takes your childishness seriously. . I do find it interesting how you know the very words he used in his endorsing video, lol. I didn't say anyone was anything except that Duke endorsed and it is simple fact people of the same interest find the same interest. Yes you touched a nerve, I hate hypocritical stupidity.

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Duke isn't remotely the issue, and yet you're sticking w/ that tactic, huh?

Why not just do us all a favor and say " Yes, the Left will continue to accuse the Right, because that's all the Left really has , and it seems to be working "

At least then you'd be honest.

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Honest only in your opinion, I too asked you a question...........of course equally ignored while you scream you are being ignored, lol typical. Where are your complaints about untrue attacks from the medias you like about the left? I can help you with that, there aren't any complaints, because you like those.. You can stomp your little internet foot and claim a wing nut victory, the only problem is, it isn't there. Funny, for a kindergarten student but not so much for a presumed adult. You are the definition of wing nut. Here ya go big wing nut. Of course, you will mentally not be able to read it, since it is critical of more than several wing nut and conservative favorites. My personal favorite, Glenn Beck, " Glenn Beck: This bombing is the perfect opportunity to buy gold to shield yourself against future disasters." His sponsors? Gold sellers. Yeah, no hypocrisy or self-serving actions at all. Well except for all of them. :roflol:http://mediamatters.org/blog/2013/04/16/the-worst-conservative-reactions-to-the-boston/193638

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Duke isn't remotely the issue, and yet you're sticking w/ that tactic, huh?

Why not just do us all a favor and say " Yes, the Left will continue to accuse the Right, because that's all the Left really has , and it seems to be working "

At least then you'd be honest.


I guess you haven't been paying much attention, but the Right has been tearing itself apart largely thanks to the Teaparty.

The Left doesn't need to accuse the right, all it has to do is sit back and watch, along with the vast majority of Americans who occupy the middle.

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You find it odd that I'd ignore YOUR tactic in trying to divert attention away from the issue of the OP ?

You can't deny or dismiss the original points made, so all you can do is phony up some disconnected side issues, and then bitch about it when I ignore them ?

Again, going back to the mental development , or lack there of, I mentioned before...

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The Left doesn't need to accuse the right, all it has to do is sit back and watch, along with the vast majority of Americans who occupy the middle.

So, why then ARE the Left constantly accusing the Right of things which it isn't responsible ?

Stay on topic, if you can. You're really close. Sorta.

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Yes I agree, you have a total lack of development in every area imaginable. You simply deflect. Oh no some redneck on the internet called me a name. :lmao: Judging from your behavior and inability to comprehend, I'd sure rather you not like me than to like me. I'm so good with it. I just don't care bubber. #yeehaw

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