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2013 NFL Draft


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An Auburn NFL Draft thread??? Gonna be a lot of crickets in here.....

Hopefully that will change in the coming years..

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Its hard to watch the draft. Auburn used to fill up the first two rounds . I hope Gustave can get us back there

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Call me pessimistic, but I think Lutz goes undrafted. I'd be surprised if teams take a chance on him (hip and all). There's still the late rounds though...? But, Corey might be our only hope...

Just goes to show the pitiful player development on Chiz and staffs part...

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McCalebb probably has the best chance of being drafted from this point on. Blake and Lutz are 7th round/FA type guys...maybe 6th round.

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Round 5 completed and appx. 25% of all players picked, 44 of 168, have come from the SEC.

The bad news is that Auburn is tied with Kentucky and Vanderbilt with 1 player drafted each. :(

The good news is, it's not going to be like that in the future. ;D

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Really disappointed in the Panthers draft maybe Cam will put in a good word for Lutz, Omac, and Blake

They went defense heavy so far but they have this 6th round pick coming up shortly. Let's hope they grab one of the 3.
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Really disappointed in the Panthers draft maybe Cam will put in a good word for Lutz, Omac, and Blake

They went defense heavy so far but they have this 6th round pick coming up shortly. Let's hope they grab one of the 3.

Yeah the first two picks didn't bother me but a D2 OG and a ILB were not needed was hoping for a WR for Cam or a CB with a pulse,

It hurts me every time i see a TE taken that isn't Lutzie he's clearly the best TE left. Keeping my fingers crossed for all three of them!

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Really disappointed in the Panthers draft maybe Cam will put in a good word for Lutz, Omac, and Blake

They went defense heavy so far but they have this 6th round pick coming up shortly. Let's hope they grab one of the 3.

Yeah the first two picks didn't bother me but a D2 OG and a ILB were not needed was hoping for a WR for Cam or a CB with a pulse,

It hurts me every time i see a TE taken that isn't Lutzie he's clearly the best TE left. Keeping my fingers crossed for all three of them!

Yes, Lutz graded out better than the last 5 TE's picked.
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Really disappointed in the Panthers draft maybe Cam will put in a good word for Lutz, Omac, and Blake

They went defense heavy so far but they have this 6th round pick coming up shortly. Let's hope they grab one of the 3.

Yeah the first two picks didn't bother me but a D2 OG and a ILB were not needed was hoping for a WR for Cam or a CB with a pulse,

It hurts me every time i see a TE taken that isn't Lutzie he's clearly the best TE left. Keeping my fingers crossed for all three of them!

Yes, Lutz graded out better than the last 5 TE's picked.

The problem is... he has a bum hip. Not worth the gamble.

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Georgia just had their 8th D player drafted. bama & Georgia in the SECC for a reason as we know. LSU turning out plenty of picks as usual. As mentioned above, just piss poor player development in Auburn. I never could understand how a HC that cut his teeth as a DC could have the pathetic D numbers we have had over the past 4 years. Glad it is a new day and truly hope we return to a disciplined, mean , attacking team.

War Eagle !

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Really disappointed in the Panthers draft maybe Cam will put in a good word for Lutz, Omac, and Blake

They went defense heavy so far but they have this 6th round pick coming up shortly. Let's hope they grab one of the 3.

Yeah the first two picks didn't bother me but a D2 OG and a ILB were not needed was hoping for a WR for Cam or a CB with a pulse,

It hurts me every time i see a TE taken that isn't Lutzie he's clearly the best TE left. Keeping my fingers crossed for all three of them!

Yes, Lutz graded out better than the last 5 TE's picked.

The problem is... he has a bum hip. Not worth the gamble.

I don't get that logic. He has the best hands of any TE, and maybe any WR, in the draft. He is something like 6'6" and 250 lbs.. He is an outstanding blocker. He probably isn't the fastest TE in the draft, but he never had a problem getting open against SEC LB's and safeties. And Lattimore was drafted after he has blown out both knee's. Teams are missing out on a quality person, and player, if they pass on Lutz.

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Houston just took Ryan Griffin, TE from UConn, who graded out below every remaining TE in the draft.

Things do not look good for Lutz.

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Really disappointed in the Panthers draft maybe Cam will put in a good word for Lutz, Omac, and Blake

They went defense heavy so far but they have this 6th round pick coming up shortly. Let's hope they grab one of the 3.

Yeah the first two picks didn't bother me but a D2 OG and a ILB were not needed was hoping for a WR for Cam or a CB with a pulse,

It hurts me every time i see a TE taken that isn't Lutzie he's clearly the best TE left. Keeping my fingers crossed for all three of them!

Yes, Lutz graded out better than the last 5 TE's picked.

The problem is... he has a bum hip. Not worth the gamble.

I don't get that logic. He has the best hands of any TE, and maybe any WR, in the draft. He is something like 6'6" and 250 lbs.. He is an outstanding blocker. He probably isn't the fastest TE in the draft, but he never had a problem getting open against SEC LB's and safeties. And Lattimore was drafted after he has blown out both knee's. Teams are missing out on a quality person, and player, if they pass on Lutz.

It doesn't matter how good his hands are... He's got a bum hip. Lattimore has knee issues, true... but, it's been proven players can return from serious knee injuries... I can't name a single player that has come back from a serious hip injury...

And Lutz is not a very good blocker... That was his weakness. Which is probably why he still hasn't been snatched up.

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Have you seen Lutz post surgery? He was already pretty slow. He has a major hitch in his gait when he is walking let alone running. These teams spend so much time and money on this, no way they take him just yet. Also, the lattimore situation is a special case.

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I don't get that logic. He has the best hands of any TE, and maybe any WR, in the draft.

Really, LOL? How can you seriously make that statement when you know for a fact that you have not seen 95% of these players drafted ever play? The problem is that some of you live in a vacuum in which Auburn and a few other SEC schools are the only teams in the country, then you pretend like every "good" Auburn player is somehow a shoe-in for the NFL. Guys like Lutzenkirchen, Blake...they are good collegiate players...do you realize how many "good" players there are all around the country? Playing for teams you have literally never seen play?

You can not possibly quantify or prove that Lutzenkirchen "has the best hands". Tyler Eifert, the #1 TE drafted, had 50 receptions this past season alone. That is 9 less than Lutz had in his ENTIRE career. Last season he had 63 for 800 yards...thats nearly 200 yards more than Lutz had in his ENTIRE career. Zach Ertz had 69 receptions for 900 yards. Etc. etc.

The reality is that Blake, Lutz, etc. are nowhere near as good as AU fans perceive them to be. Obviously, this is the natural bias of fandom.

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I don't get that logic. He has the best hands of any TE, and maybe any WR, in the draft.

Really, LOL? How can you seriously make that statement when you know for a fact that you have not seen 95% of these players drafted ever play? The problem is that some of you live in a vacuum in which Auburn and a few other SEC schools are the only teams in the country, then you pretend like every "good" Auburn player is somehow a shoe-in for the NFL. Guys like Lutzenkirchen, Blake...they are good collegiate players...do you realize how many "good" players there are all around the country? Playing for teams you have literally never seen play?

You can not possibly quantify or prove that Lutzenkirchen "has the best hands". Tyler Eifert, the #1 TE drafted, had 50 receptions this past season alone. That is 9 less than Lutz had in his ENTIRE career. Last season he had 63 for 800 yards...thats nearly 200 yards more than Lutz had in his ENTIRE career. Zach Ertz had 69 receptions for 900 yards. Etc. etc.

The reality is that Blake, Lutz, etc. are nowhere near as good as AU fans perceive them to be. Obviously, this is the natural bias of fandom.

Name one player, you have seen in the college game, who has better hands than Lutz. I am a fan of college football. I have watched a game or two other than Auburn's. Did those other TE's play in an O where the leading O player was a RB who got to 1,000 yards on his last carry of the season? You can not possibly prove that Lutz doesn't have the best hands in college football. See how that works?

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