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Split from gay marriage compromise thread...discussion of marriage history


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I can't even tell you how many of my gay friends have come to me and said: "Will you should try this homosexual thing, it's great!" . I just tell them to stop misleading me. :-\

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Not relevant. Hand dominance has genetic coding support. Homosexuality as of yet has not been proven to be genetically driven. Hence, you don't really get to choose which hand is dominant. Homosexuality is a choice. You must choose it, and you can also choose NOT to be homosexual.

Heterosexuality as of yet has not been proven to be genetically driven, either. And I'm not sure why it matters if it is genetic or otherwise. If a behavior is wrong, does it matter if it is genetic or not?

if its genetic and no one is a victim how is it wrong?

Genetics matter because the gay crowd claims that they were MADE that way and have no choice about it.

Heterosexuality is genetic by definition...x and y dna.

There is no argument as to whether heterosexuality is right or wrong. That is how we procreate as defined and directed by God in Genesis.

Homosexuality is not victimless because others are misled into this sinful lifestyle. Even each "gay" person has been misled by evil designed to destroy their lives. Also, as society moves toward acceptance and normalization of this behavior, the group as a whole allows itself to be degraded.

who has been misled into homosexuality? has a homosexual ever told you it ruined his life? the homosexuals I know claim it was like taking an elephant of their chest when they admitted to themselves that they were different and stopped fighting what was in them since childhood.

It is my opinion that the homosexual community is very accepting of other homosexuals. It is also my opinion that some confused people will adapt to fit into a lifestyle that is not natural for them to be accepted by people. Therefore, it is only reasonable that some people who are confused about their sexuality might adopt a homosexual lifestyle so that they can be a part of a community that accepts them. I would not say that anyone is "misled" by someone else in this situation, but it is similar.
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Not relevant. Hand dominance has genetic coding support. Homosexuality as of yet has not been proven to be genetically driven. Hence, you don't really get to choose which hand is dominant. Homosexuality is a choice. You must choose it, and you can also choose NOT to be homosexual.

Heterosexuality as of yet has not been proven to be genetically driven, either. And I'm not sure why it matters if it is genetic or otherwise. If a behavior is wrong, does it matter if it is genetic or not?

if its genetic and no one is a victim how is it wrong?

Genetics matter because the gay crowd claims that they were MADE that way and have no choice about it.

Heterosexuality is genetic by definition...x and y dna.

There is no argument as to whether heterosexuality is right or wrong. That is how we procreate as defined and directed by God in Genesis.

Homosexuality is not victimless because others are misled into this sinful lifestyle. Even each "gay" person has been misled by evil designed to destroy their lives. Also, as society moves toward acceptance and normalization of this behavior, the group as a whole allows itself to be degraded.

who has been misled into homosexuality? has a homosexual ever told you it ruined his life? the homosexuals I know claim it was like taking an elephant of their chest when they admitted to themselves that they were different and stopped fighting what was in them since childhood.

It is my opinion that the homosexual community is very accepting of other homosexuals. It is also my opinion that some confused people will adapt to fit into a lifestyle that is not natural for them to be accepted by people. Therefore, it is only reasonable that some people who are confused about their sexuality might adopt a homosexual lifestyle so that they can be a part of a community that accepts them. I would not say that anyone is "misled" by someone else in this situation, but it is similar.

Vulnerable people are being misled by society's newly found acceptance of this unnatural and abnormal behavior.

Yes they do have a choice as to whom they are attracted to, just like you do. They also have a choice not to act on their gayness, thus preventing them from committing the sin of homosexuality.

Who's life has it ruined, how about the dead guy who's father disapproved if his lifestyle.

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Vulnerable people are being misled by society's newly found acceptance of this unnatural and abnormal behavior.

Yes they do have a choice as to whom they are attracted to, just like you do. They also have a choice not to act on their gayness, thus preventing them from committing the sin of homosexuality.

Who's life has it ruined, how about the dead guy who's father disapproved if his lifestyle.

I wish I could choose who I was attracted to. I've met ugly girls with great personalities that I wish I could have been physically attracted to.

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Isaiah 5:20

20Woe to those who call evil good

and good evil,

who put darkness for light

and light for darkness,

who put bitter for sweet

and sweet for bitter.

This is happening now in our country and it is a sad thing.

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If God created Man, wouldn't it be safe to say he created both heterosexual and homosexual Men? Isn't it possible that God put homosexuals on this earth because think of what would happen if ALL people were heterosexuals. The planet would be so over-populated, that thousands, maybe even millions, of people would die of thirst or starvation by not having enough food and water for sustenance. Homosexuality exists for a reason, and that reason could be that God put homosexuals on this earth to help keep the population in check. Think about that.

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If God created Man, wouldn't it be safe to say he created both heterosexual and homosexual Men? Isn't it possible that God put homosexuals on this earth because think of what would happen if ALL people were heterosexuals. The planet would be so over-populated, that thousands, maybe even millions, of people would die of thirst or starvation by not having enough food and water for sustenance. Homosexuality exists for a reason, and that reason could be that God put homosexuals on this earth to help keep the population in check. Think about that.

Nah. That would be saying that God endorses sin. And that is not consistent with His Word or His nature.
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There is a reason that homosexuality is in the world. Satan exists. And homosexuality is the polar opposite of God's plan for the institution of marriage.

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I thought I had an advantage in this discussion.14 years ago my wife and I moved into a neighborhood there was two men living here we assumed were gay. the only people in the whole place to introduce and welcome us. today they are family. my kids refer to each of them as "uncle". they are not the least bit feminine or obvious. they are giving, helpful, friendly even to those who don't approve of their lives and are rude to them. they are intelligent, professional(one is an au grad) and will be trusted to handle the financials for my children should my wife and I both pass. they are invited and usually attend our family gatherings and we are to theirs too. they have natural nieces and nephews as well that are spoiled by them as well. they have tons of friends gay and straight through work and their past just like anyone else, we have met many of them. I honestly cant say one bad thing about these guys. I cant imagine anyone who knows or has met them that could see any reason to have a problem with them. they have told of their past and how they got to where they are now. they have told stories of their friends.(mostly to my wife) how growing up in a church of Christ farming family and knowing from very young age that he was different. thinking he was going to hell for it. hiding it, even from himself and trying to be normal till he was mid-twenties and almost married. he waited a long time after the breakup to come out so it didn't add insult to injury for the girl. his family came around and was glad he was happy. these guys have been together for 25+years and haven't harmed a damn soul. I refuse to believe they are going to hell for being different. I guess I may actually be at a disadvantage in the discussion because I cant fathom that I actually have a choice in whether im attracted to men or women. to say you have a choice and can choose to act or not is either talking out of your ass or you actually have been fighting homosexual urges yourself. if so I concede im wrong.

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I thought I had an advantage in this discussion.14 years ago my wife and I moved into a neighborhood there was two men living here we assumed were gay. the only people in the whole place to introduce and welcome us. today they are family. my kids refer to each of them as "uncle". they are not the least bit feminine or obvious. they are giving, helpful, friendly even to those who don't approve of their lives and are rude to them. they are intelligent, professional(one is an au grad) and will be trusted to handle the financials for my children should my wife and I both pass. they are invited and usually attend our family gatherings and we are to theirs too. they have natural nieces and nephews as well that are spoiled by them as well. they have tons of friends gay and straight through work and their past just like anyone else, we have met many of them. I honestly cant say one bad thing about these guys. I cant imagine anyone who knows or has met them that could see any reason to have a problem with them. they have told of their past and how they got to where they are now. they have told stories of their friends.(mostly to my wife) how growing up in a church of Christ farming family and knowing from very young age that he was different. thinking he was going to hell for it. hiding it, even from himself and trying to be normal till he was mid-twenties and almost married. he waited a long time after the breakup to come out so it didn't add insult to injury for the girl. his family came around and was glad he was happy. these guys have been together for 25+years and haven't harmed a damn soul. I refuse to believe they are going to hell for being different. I guess I may actually be at a disadvantage in the discussion because I cant fathom that I actually have a choice in whether im attracted to men or women. to say you have a choice and can choose to act or not is either talking out of your ass or you actually have been fighting homosexual urges yourself. if so I concede im wrong.

Thanks for the story. They seem like really nice people. But that has nothing to do with the fact that many people refrain from acting on sexual impulses every day when the impulses are wrong. Some of us don't think that it is wrong to refrain from acting on sexual impulses.
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Not relevant. Hand dominance has genetic coding support. Homosexuality as of yet has not been proven to be genetically driven. Hence, you don't really get to choose which hand is dominant. Homosexuality is a choice. You must choose it, and you can also choose NOT to be homosexual.

First, the lack of a specific gene providing a "hard code" for homosexuality in no way rules out the fact that homosexuality has a biological or genetic base. Many natural human characteristics are a result of genetic coding combined with other influences. (See "epigenetics"). Gene expression is far more complex that simply determining a trait by a sequence of amino acids.

Actually, while there hasn't been a huge amount of research in the causes of homosexuality, there has been enough to clearly indicate a strong biological (genetic) component to the reasons one is homosexual.

Below is a reading list I filed which may or may not include primary papers. But the information is there if you know how to look for it.










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I thought I had an advantage in this discussion.14 years ago my wife and I moved into a neighborhood there was two men living here we assumed were gay. the only people in the whole place to introduce and welcome us. today they are family. my kids refer to each of them as "uncle". they are not the least bit feminine or obvious. they are giving, helpful, friendly even to those who don't approve of their lives and are rude to them. they are intelligent, professional(one is an au grad) and will be trusted to handle the financials for my children should my wife and I both pass. they are invited and usually attend our family gatherings and we are to theirs too. they have natural nieces and nephews as well that are spoiled by them as well. they have tons of friends gay and straight through work and their past just like anyone else, we have met many of them. I honestly cant say one bad thing about these guys. I cant imagine anyone who knows or has met them that could see any reason to have a problem with them. they have told of their past and how they got to where they are now. they have told stories of their friends.(mostly to my wife) how growing up in a church of Christ farming family and knowing from very young age that he was different. thinking he was going to hell for it. hiding it, even from himself and trying to be normal till he was mid-twenties and almost married. he waited a long time after the breakup to come out so it didn't add insult to injury for the girl. his family came around and was glad he was happy. these guys have been together for 25+years and haven't harmed a damn soul. I refuse to believe they are going to hell for being different. I guess I may actually be at a disadvantage in the discussion because I cant fathom that I actually have a choice in whether im attracted to men or women. to say you have a choice and can choose to act or not is either talking out of your ass or you actually have been fighting homosexual urges yourself. if so I concede im wrong.

1Corinthians 6:9

Don't you realize that those who do wrong will not inherit the Kingdom of God? Don't fool yourselves. Those who indulge in sexual sin, or who worship idols, or commit adultery, or are male prostitutes, or practice homosexuality.

And I have no doubt that these two guys are genuinely great people. I have friends that are homosexuals that are genuinely great, humble, peaceful, extremely generous, and kind people. And the fact that you don't alienate them for their bondage that they are under, tells me that you have a really good heart. That is how we should be to others, to accept them where they are. Just like Jesus did. We will never change people by telling them how wrong they are, it's Jesus' job to change hearts. We are just to love people but hate the sin that has them bound.

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I thought I had an advantage in this discussion.14 years ago my wife and I moved into a neighborhood there was two men living here we assumed were gay. the only people in the whole place to introduce and welcome us. today they are family. my kids refer to each of them as "uncle". they are not the least bit feminine or obvious. they are giving, helpful, friendly even to those who don't approve of their lives and are rude to them. they are intelligent, professional(one is an au grad) and will be trusted to handle the financials for my children should my wife and I both pass. they are invited and usually attend our family gatherings and we are to theirs too. they have natural nieces and nephews as well that are spoiled by them as well. they have tons of friends gay and straight through work and their past just like anyone else, we have met many of them. I honestly cant say one bad thing about these guys. I cant imagine anyone who knows or has met them that could see any reason to have a problem with them. they have told of their past and how they got to where they are now. they have told stories of their friends.(mostly to my wife) how growing up in a church of Christ farming family and knowing from very young age that he was different. thinking he was going to hell for it. hiding it, even from himself and trying to be normal till he was mid-twenties and almost married. he waited a long time after the breakup to come out so it didn't add insult to injury for the girl. his family came around and was glad he was happy. these guys have been together for 25+years and haven't harmed a damn soul. I refuse to believe they are going to hell for being different. I guess I may actually be at a disadvantage in the discussion because I cant fathom that I actually have a choice in whether im attracted to men or women. to say you have a choice and can choose to act or not is either talking out of your ass or you actually have been fighting homosexual urges yourself. if so I concede im wrong.

1Corinthians 6:9

Don't you realize that those who do wrong will not inherit the Kingdom of God? Don't fool yourselves. Those who indulge in sexual sin, or who worship idols, or commit adultery, or are male prostitutes, or practice homosexuality.

And I have no doubt that these two guys are genuinely great people. I have friends that are homosexuals that are genuinely great, humble, peaceful, extremely generous, and kind people. And the fact that you don't alienate them for their bondage that they are under, tells me that you have a really good heart. That is how we should be to others, to accept them where they are. Just like Jesus did. We will never change people by telling them how wrong they are, it's Jesus' job to change hearts. We are just to love people but hate the sin that has them bound.

Well put, Weegle!
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I don't have a problem with religion considering homosexuality a sin. That's well within their right to believe. What I do have a problem with is that that belief is keeping people from enjoying something heterosexual people enjoy. Religious beliefs should not be used to dictate who can be married and who can't.

In the Bible it says homosexuality is a sin. OK. So is lying, cheating, murder, envy, etc. etc. Everyone has vices. Everyone is guilty of committing sin. Except, according to Christians, Jesus. So, for those sins that aren't punishable by law...you're only really accountable to god, right? So, if you are only accountable to him, and homosexuals are only accountable to him...why is it your business if they should be able to marry or not? If it really is a sin like you all say it is, they'll be held accountable. Just like you will for your sins when you die.

Plus, if marriage were truly based on the Bible in the first place, then divorce would be illegal except in instances of adultery.

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Your last sentence is a reminder of exactly why we dont need to legistlate based on the bible.

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Yes because life would suck so badly if we lived by the principles Christ set forth. Good grief.

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Why do people continually quote the bible to those who don't believe in it?

I mean that's like me quoting Lord of the Rings as proof to someone who doesn't believe in Sauron.

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This argument has nothing to do with Christ.

It is about theological principles directing civil law.

You do know that Jesus IS God right?
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This argument has nothing to do with Christ.

It is about theological principles directing civil law.

You do know that Jesus IS God right?

No, I don't "know" that Jesus is God.

Neither do you, for that matter.

But you make my point. This is about imposing theological beliefs onto civic laws.

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This argument has nothing to do with Christ.

It is about theological principles directing civil law.

You do know that Jesus IS God right?

No, I don't "know" that Jesus is God.

Neither do you, for that matter.

But you make my point. This is about imposing theological beliefs onto civic laws.

Oh wow! You are sooooo intelligent that you even know what I know! Had no idea of the level of brilliance that I was dealing with. :laugh:
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This argument has nothing to do with Christ.

It is about theological principles directing civil law.

You do know that Jesus IS God right?

No, I don't "know" that Jesus is God.

Neither do you, for that matter.

But you make my point. This is about imposing theological beliefs onto civic laws.

Oh wow! You are sooooo intelligent that you even know what I know! Had no idea of the level of brilliance that I was dealing with. :laugh:


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This argument has nothing to do with Christ.

It is about theological principles directing civil law.

You do know that Jesus IS God right?

No, I don't "know" that Jesus is God.

Neither do you, for that matter.

But you make my point. This is about imposing theological beliefs onto civic laws.

Oh wow! You are sooooo intelligent that you even know what I know! Had no idea of the level of brilliance that I was dealing with. :laugh:/>


Have you ever had a personal relationship with Jesus?
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