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Morning After Pill Now Available For 15 Year Olds


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At every turn, a certain segment of our country's intelligentsia seeks to drive wedges between parents and children and undermine the centrality of the family unit.

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It's much easier to indoctrinate kids if you "own" them. ;)

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Right next to the Flintstone Chewable vitamins, perhaps?

Yeah, this will work out well.

FDA Approves: Plan B To Be Dispensed Over The Counter


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I know that waaaay too many 14 yr olds were "active" while I was in HS. I would think that if anything - this is more helpful to younger girls. I do not see the problem with this. I doubt Plan-B encourages sex more than the Kardashians or Teen Mom. Plan-B is more of a solution to a larger problem.

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I agree that families are failing miserably teaching children that there is actually virtue and honor in waiting until marriage to engage in sex, but this just makes the green light of meaningless promiscuous sex even larger, and puts what was meant to be a beautiful act between a married man and woman, in the category of absolute dishonor. And make no mistake, I am one that is guilty of having sex before I was married, and it is the one gift that I wish that I could take back, and give to my wife on our wedding night. When are we going to stand up as a society and start instilling honor, virtue, and dignity in these kids? Parents need to stop letting government, TV, the Kardashian family and the like, these entertainers, and famous people teach them that it is ok and cool for kids to have sex before marriage. Also, think about how rampant disease will get now that these kids now have the green light to have unprotected sex. Chilling stuff.

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I know that waaaay too many 14 yr olds were "active" while I was in HS. I would think that if anything - this is more helpful to younger girls. I do not see the problem with this. I doubt Plan-B encourages sex more than the Kardashians or Teen Mom. Plan-B is more of a solution to a larger problem.

It's still too big of a decision to leave to a 15-year old to make without requiring a doctor's advice or their parents involvement. For heaven's sake, they can't even get a dose of Tylenol from the school nurse without parental permission and you're going to let them walk up to any pharmacy counter and get a high dose of birth control without so much as a wink in Mom and Dad's direction?

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I know that waaaay too many 14 yr olds were "active" while I was in HS. I would think that if anything - this is more helpful to younger girls. I do not see the problem with this. I doubt Plan-B encourages sex more than the Kardashians or Teen Mom. Plan-B is more of a solution to a larger problem.

It's still too big of a decision to leave to a 15-year old to make without requiring a doctor's advice or their parents involvement. For heaven's sake, they can't even get a dose of Tylenol from the school nurse without parental permission and you're going to let them walk up to any pharmacy counter and get a high dose of birth control without so much as a wink in Mom and Dad's direction?

I would like it if we could clean up society and go back to the "good ole days" when high moral virtues were respected. If 100% of pregnant 14-15 year olds talked to their parents about being preganant (hell, talked to them at all) then it would be a better idea to let families make the decision together. But what about LaQuaShanda whos mom has 6 kids, no job, and 4 baby daddies, and beats her kids? Do you think LaQuaShanda is going to ask her mom? Plus, I am willing to bet a Toomers lemonade that child birth is harder on a girl than a large BC dose. Sure you are going to have the suburban preachers daughter who wants to be seen as good instead of a skank who will use this as an out - but do you honestly beleive that all of a sudden 15 yr olds are jumping up and down (no pun intended) that Plan B is here and sex is ok? Plan B is because Plan A failed....miserably.

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So you're saying that we should take the exceptions and define them as the standard by which we make the rule? Because of LaQuaShanda, everyone's parental rights should be abrogated and huge life decisions left to the discretion of a 15-year old that couldn't even legally consent to sex in the first place?

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Plan B is all about fixing a screw up at 15 yrs old. And again, Plan B is not the problem. When it get to Plan B time, Plan A has failed for the good parents. LaQuaShanda was already set for failure. I had rather my daughter come home and say I bought Plan B than come home and say I am 3 weeks pregnant. You are making it sound like Plan B strips parents of rights.

"...huge life decisions left to the discretion of a 15-year old that couldn't even legally consent to sex in the first place" I doubt the parents had a hand in the huge life decision that got the girl preganant. Why start with Plan B?

Until we can fix the values in America and get everyone on the same page - I see no better answer. I am waaaaaaay more ticked at the "16 and Preganant" shows than Plan B.

"So you're saying that we should take the exceptions and define them as the standard by which we make the rule?"

- My answer to this shot is "No". We should not make this rule because of the people who would probably use it the most and be better off because of it, but because of the reality we face today no matter race, religion, or economic standing. LaQuaShanda is just the least able to get help or care for another child. Therefore, I provided an example. I will make sure and expand on my examples in the future to rule out confusion.

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Plan B is all about fixing a screw up at 15 yrs old.

The method of "fixing" the problem is still not something best left up to a 15-year old alone, apart from her parents.

And again, Plan B is not the problem. When it get to Plan B time, Plan A has failed for the good parents. LaQuaShanda was already set for failure. I had rather my daughter come home and say I bought Plan B than come home and say I am 3 weeks pregnant. You are making it sound like Plan B strips parents of rights.

It does. How can you possibly argue that it doesn't? A bunch of government bureaucrats just decided that a parent has no say in the medical decisions of their minor child (3 years under the age of majority, btw).

"...huge life decisions left to the discretion of a 15-year old that couldn't even legally consent to sex in the first place" I doubt the parents had a hand in the huge life decision that got the girl preganant. Why start with Plan B?

Because we don't compound bad decision making by minor children by giving them the opportunity to continue making life decisions like this without parental involvement.

"So you're saying that we should take the exceptions and define them as the standard by which we make the rule?"

- My answer to this shot is "No". We should not make this rule because of the people who would probably use it the most and be better off because of it, but because of the reality we face today no matter race, religion, or economic standing. LaQuaShanda is just the least able to get help or care for another child. Therefore, I provided an example. I will make sure and expand on my examples in the future to rule out confusion.

Your answer is nonsensical. It is exactly what you've done. You're taking the fringe cases of people like LaQuaShonda and extending her particulars into a rule that alters the landscape for all. Instead of coming up with some narrow exceptions where outlier cases (such as potential for abuse or cases of parental neglect) can be covered, you take the danger of the outlier and remove all parents from the decision making process for a child too young to be making such decisions alone.

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The kicker in all this is that the people who lobbied for the age to be dropped to 15 aren't satisfied even with that:

"While an improvement over current policy, today's announcement is still disappointing," said Marcia D. Greenberger of the National Women's Law Center. "Because all women will be required to show an ID to establish their age, those without IDs could be denied access."


Yes, it is so sad that someone who can't prove they are at least 15 frickin' years old can't bypass their parents altogether. We must eliminate this so even preteens can make major life decisions all on their own. Who needs parental guidance anyway when we have gov't bureaucrats who know best?

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I know that waaaay too many 14 yr olds were "active" while I was in HS. I would think that if anything - this is more helpful to younger girls. I do not see the problem with this. I doubt Plan-B encourages sex more than the Kardashians or Teen Mom. Plan-B is more of a solution to a larger problem.

It's still too big of a decision to leave to a 15-year old to make without requiring a doctor's advice or their parents involvement. For heaven's sake, they can't even get a dose of Tylenol from the school nurse without parental permission and you're going to let them walk up to any pharmacy counter and get a high dose of birth control without so much as a wink in Mom and Dad's direction?

I would like it if we could clean up society and go back to the "good ole days" when high moral virtues were respected. If 100% of pregnant 14-15 year olds talked to their parents about being preganant (hell, talked to them at all) then it would be a better idea to let families make the decision together. But what about LaQuaShanda whos mom has 6 kids, no job, and 4 baby daddies, and beats her kids? Do you think LaQuaShanda is going to ask her mom? Plus, I am willing to bet a Toomers lemonade that child birth is harder on a girl than a large BC dose. Sure you are going to have the suburban preachers daughter who wants to be seen as good instead of a skank who will use this as an out - but do you honestly beleive that all of a sudden 15 yr olds are jumping up and down (no pun intended) that Plan B is here and sex is ok? Plan B is because Plan A failed....miserably.

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You guys do also realize that this makes it easier to cover up statutory rape, right? You're totally cool with removing parents from the process for a 15 year old even if some 30 year old creep has gotten involved with her and pressures her into taking Plan B to cover up his crime?

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Plan B is all about fixing a screw up at 15 yrs old.

The method of "fixing" the problem is still not something best left up to a 15-year old alone, apart from her parents.

The method of "conceiving" a child is still not something best left up to a 15 year old alone, apart from her parents.

And again, Plan B is not the problem. When it get to Plan B time, Plan A has failed for the good parents. LaQuaShanda was already set for failure. I had rather my daughter come home and say I bought Plan B than come home and say I am 3 weeks pregnant. You are making it sound like Plan B strips parents of rights.

It does. How can you possibly argue that it doesn't? A bunch of government bureaucrats just decided that a parent has no say in the medical decisions of their minor child (3 years under the age of majority, btw).

It takes much more than this to make me feel like I have lost my rights - like dying from pregnancy issues at 15. The fact that 15 is 3 years under the legal age of consent has ZERO bearing on this when we get to this point.

"...huge life decisions left to the discretion of a 15-year old that couldn't even legally consent to sex in the first place" I doubt the parents had a hand in the huge life decision that got the girl preganant. Why start with Plan B?

Because we don't compound bad decision making by minor children by giving them the opportunity to continue making life decisions like this without parental involvement.

So it is a good idea to ignore a huge problem until they are showing? What is your suggestion for a better solution. And Lord help me if you come back with "preach abstinence". And try not to act like a teenage girl is going to tell their parents everything.

"So you're saying that we should take the exceptions and define them as the standard by which we make the rule?"

- My answer to this shot is "No". We should not make this rule because of the people who would probably use it the most and be better off because of it, but because of the reality we face today no matter race, religion, or economic standing. LaQuaShanda is just the least able to get help or care for another child. Therefore, I provided an example. I will make sure and expand on my examples in the future to rule out confusion.

Your answer is nonsensical. It is exactly what you've done. You're taking the fringe cases of people like LaQuaShonda and extending her particulars into a rule that alters the landscape for all. Instead of coming up with some narrow exceptions where outlier cases (such as potential for abuse or cases of parental neglect) can be covered, you take the danger of the outlier and remove all parents from the decision making process for a child too young to be making such decisions alone.

Once again - you are dwelling on my one way off in left field example. LaQuaShonda is the WORST CASE scenario - but every girl faces the same potential pregnancy related complications. Your example of "this makes rape easier to cover up" is just as far to one side as my statement. Again - tell me a better solution to a problem that is not going away with keeping the fact in mind you are dealing with a teenage girl who is probably scared out her mind and HIGHLY unlikely to talk to an adult.

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The bottom line is this...you're taking a situation where a girl (not a woman) is already showing signs of poor decision making by being sexually active. Then you compound the problem in one swift motion by simultaneously making it easier for snot-nosed punk boyfriends or her creepy 30-year old history teacher to pressure her and have influence in her decision while removing the ability of her parents to help guide her through the decision. Whether you like it or not, this is what you're advocating by taking the outliers and using them to make a rule that now covers all families.

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The bottom line is this...you're taking a situation where a girl (not a woman) is already showing signs of poor decision making by being sexually active. Then you compound the problem in one swift motion by simultaneously making it easier for snot-nosed punk boyfriends or her creepy 30-year old history teacher to pressure her and have influence in her decision while removing the ability of her parents to help guide her through the decision. Whether you like it or not, this is what you're advocating by taking the outliers and using them to make a rule that now covers all families.

It's just the further destruction of the family unit. Destroy normal family values, open the way for an "anything goes" society.
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I think the biggest issue is that the MOP is a higher dose of "the pill," which you need a prescription to take. There are medical conditions that would lead a physician to deny this prescription to some women. It is possible that a minor could be buying the MOP over the counter and it could lead to serious or even fatal consequences.

The mother of a girl who died after taking the Pill today called for a ban on giving emergency contraception to under-age girls without parental consent.

Jenny Bacon, from Bradford in West Yorkshire, whose daughter Caroline suffered a stroke aged 15, condemned reports that school nurses were handing out the morning after pill to under-age girls.

Her daughter started taking the contraceptive pill without her consent at the age of 14. She died shortly before her 16th birthday after suffering a stroke which left her paralysed and in a coma.

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My understanding is that the MaP has the equivalent amount of hormones as 3 days worth of a standard BC pill.

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Our society has taken the stigma out of unwed and teenage pregnancy, in fact the government will provide support money. Abortions done early (MOP) or later are the poor alternative allowed by the government.

Chasing the higher standard/ cost of living means both parents work or with a single parent he/she has to work and the kids are often left at home alone. The older minor children are not supervised after school and are often allowed out late by all parents.

More evidence of not supervising kids was the recent murder of a 15 year old in Birmingham's railroad park. He was shot by a 17 year old. They are both minors, both children. Then the police chief made a reference to the shooter as being a young man. He is not. He is an under supervised minor child, but the legal system will make up for it by treating him as an adult in the legal system.

We need to start supervising and controlling minor children better, or things will get even worse. I would start by banning all driving by anyone under the age of 18 and lacking a high school/ GED diploma....

It has the added advantage of reducing highway accidents.and deaths and lowers congestion on the roads.

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Our society has taken the stigma out of unwed and teenage pregnancy, in fact the government will provide support money. Abortions done early (MOP) or later are the poor alternative allowed by the government.

Chasing the higher standard/ cost of living means both parents work or with a single parent he/she has to work and the kids are often left at home alone. The older minor children are not supervised after school and are often allowed out late by all parents.

More evidence of not supervising kids was the recent murder of a 15 year old in Birmingham's railroad park. He was shot by a 17 year old. They are both minors, both children. Then the police chief made a reference to the shooter as being a young man. He is not. He is an under supervised minor child, but the legal system will make up for it by treating him as an adult in the legal system.

We need to start supervising and controlling minor children better, or things will get even worse. I would start by banning all driving by anyone under the age of 18 and lacking a high school/ GED diploma....

It has the added advantage of reducing highway accidents.and deaths and lowers congestion on the roads.

Which would hurt how many people working high school jobs? I know it would have hurt me since I worked during high school.

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I am not understanding this argument of taking parents out of these decisions. if a girl needs this pill there is already a problem and this is a band aid but not a replacement for proper parenting. would you also be opposed to boys being able to purchase condoms at that age?

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I am not understanding this argument of taking parents out of these decisions. if a girl needs this pill there is already a problem and this is a band aid but not a replacement for proper parenting. would you also be opposed to boys being able to purchase condoms at that age?

So because there's already a problem we should double down on it?

I don't think kids that young should be buying condoms, but the upside is that a condom isn't something you ingest into your body and alters the body's normal functioning chemically.

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