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Your original account has been reenabled. It should have done so automatically after 2 days, so I apologize that you were still in limbo. But don't create a new user account. If you're having trouble, contact an admin (me, stoic-one or RuninRed).

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Well, thanks for responding, but I wasn't able to contact you because I could not log in. This was initially due to the fact I couldn't remember my password as I came with the AuEagle folks and have been logged-in for over 6 years. Anyway, I was forced to contact Rob and he took care of it.

During my suspension, I conversed with several people on this forum to say good bye as I didn't care to participate on a forum with an active poster with the power to censor me without providing the reasons for doing so. Several suggested I shouldn't let you "run me off". After considering their point, I agreed and decided to return.

Except for the problems I have experienced with you, this forum seems otherwise well-moderated in general. The recent thread in the football section concerning religiosity is a excellent example of that.

I should mention that I don't so much resent the suspension for "not adhering to the subject" on your own thread. I admit that you provided notice that you would do exactly that. (Although, I would point out that posters do this all the time on various threads without being suspended. It's clearly not against any forum rules. In fact, this just represents an example of how you can employ your own personal rules on your threads simply because you can.)

My bigger problem is you have deleted many of my posts without bothering to notify me exactly why you deleted them. None of these posts contained profanity or an extraordinary amount of "abusiveness". Certainly no more abusiveness exhibited by some posters who just happen to side with you on religious issues.

I find this particularly galling when I have gone to the trouble of carefully editing a post and looking up references to support it. I don't appreciate having such effort disappear with no stated reason. It's nothing more than pure censorship based on your personal whim. In some cases, I respectfully asked you to provide the specific reason for a deletion as I didn't want to keep wasting my time making the same "mistake".

Frankly, I don't understand the business rationale that allows you to operate this way. I can maybe see why the principles would allow a moderator to post, but if so, one would think said moderator would go out of their way to exercise fairness. Deleting multiple posts without providing a reason to the poster clearly ignores any standard of fairness.

Anyway I am back. All I ask is that I be treated like everyone else. Even when we disagree about an issue.

(And thanks for starting a thread with me as the subject. Presumably you won't suspend me again for going off-topic. ;) )

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Well, thanks for responding, but I wasn't able to contact you because I could not log in. This was initially due to the fact I couldn't remember my password as I came with the AuEagle folks and have been logged-in for over 6 years. I couldn't get the password reset function to work for me. Anyway, I was forced to contact Rob and he took care of it.

During my suspension, I conversed with several people on this forum to say good bye as I didn't care to participate on a forum with an active poster with the power to censor me without providing the reasons for doing so. Several suggested I shouldn't let you "run me off". After considering their point, I agreed and decided to return.

Except for the problems I have experienced with you, this forum seems otherwise well-moderated in general. The recent thread in the football section concerning religiosity is a excellent example of that.

I should mention that I don't so much resent the suspension for "not adhering to the subject" on your own thread. I admit that you provided notice that you would do exactly that. (Although, I would point out that posters do this all the time on various threads without being suspended. It's clearly not against any forum rules. In fact, this just represents an example of how you can employ your own personal rules on your threads simply because you can.)

My bigger problem is you have deleted many of my posts without bothering to notify me exactly why you deleted them. None of these posts contained profanity or an extraordinary amount of "abusiveness". Certainly no more abusiveness exhibited by some posters who just happen to side with you on religious issues.

I find this particularly galling when I have gone to the trouble of carefully editing a post and looking up references to support it. I don't appreciate having such effort disappear with no stated reason. It's nothing more than pure censorship based on your personal whim. In some cases, I respectfully asked you to provide the specific reason for a deletion as I didn't want to keep wasting my time making the same "mistake".

Frankly, I don't understand the business rationale that allows you to operate this way. I can maybe see why the principles would allow a moderator to post, but if so, one would think said moderator would go out of their way to exercise fairness. Deleting multiple posts without providing a reason to the poster clearly ignores any standard of fairness.

Anyway I am back. All I ask is that I be treated like everyone else. Even when we disagree about an issue.

(And thanks for starting a thread with me as the subject. Presumably you won't suspend me again for going off-topic. ;) )

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As I mentioned in a private message, I didn't delete your posts for disagreeing with me. I deleted them because in a thread I specifically created to discuss compromise with people interested in compromise you chose to basically restate that you didn't think compromise was necessary. That and you dredged up the old arguments from the locked thread, another thing I specifically said not to do in the new one. Then you broke a rule of the forums by posting a thread bellyaching about your posts being deleted. At some point I just felt you just needed to cool down.

I'm going to lock this and we can take the rest of this to private message if you want to go into it further. I don't harbor any ill will or hard feelings about this toward you. Let's just move on if we can. I have no desire to drive you out of here. I'm not interested in the board being a conservative/Republican echo chamber.

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