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Another one bites the dust!!!


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Looks like another kid getting flushed down the turdbowl to make room for future little turdlets. I remember we recruited this guy back in the day and he is from Mobile so hopefully DC can use this as ammo while recruiting down in that area. I remember Bama flushed another Mobile recruit, Burton Scott, last year and he was a 5 star. Just goes to show you Saban cares nothing about you unless you do something for him.

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Looks like another kid getting flushed down the turdbowl to make room for future little turdlets. I remember we recruited this guy back in the day and he is from Mobile so hopefully DC can use this as ammo while recruiting down in that area. I remember Bama flushed another Mobile recruit, Burton Scott, last year and he was a 5 star. Just goes to show you Saban cares nothing about you unless you do something for him.

One redshirt year. One year playing at UAT, One year sitting out at USA. That leaves him 2 years of playing time with USA?

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Looks like another kid getting flushed down the turdbowl to make room for future little turdlets. I remember we recruited this guy back in the day and he is from Mobile so hopefully DC can use this as ammo while recruiting down in that area. I remember Bama flushed another Mobile recruit, Burton Scott, last year and he was a 5 star. Just goes to show you Saban cares nothing about you unless you do something for him.

One redshirt year. One year playing at UAT, One year sitting out at USA. That leaves him 2 years of playing time with USA?


I was going to say no, until I thought about it and remembered that they (USA) are in the Sunbelt Conference.

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I guess coaches have two choices with under-achievers....they can let them ride the bench, play on the scout team and take up space......OR .... they can move them out to make room for someone else who might perform at a higher level. Gotta give NS credit I guess...it's no mystery what he is going to do and all the players know it.... so they probably give it all they've got. I doubt this kind of thing hurts Bama recruiting. While all his recruits know the "deal"...I expect all of them are thinking ....."it ain't gonna be me that washes out". To use a baseball analogy however, the down side for the kids is that when they don't make it in the 'bigs' they rarely drop to AAA....instead they usually end up near the bottom in class A.

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If you get to this level and try and sit on your rep, you won't make it. Most that leave a team figure that they won't play there and they go somewhere where the competition is not so tough.

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If you get to this level and try and sit on your rep, you won't make it. Most that leave a team figure that they won't play there and they go somewhere where the competition is not so tough.

pretty much. it's hard being the guy not getting any playing time. thats the risk of going to a team that is loaded with talent. either work your tail off and help the team any way you can, or wave the white flag and leave for another program with hopes of lesser competition and more playing time.

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If you get to this level and try and sit on your rep, you won't make it. Most that leave a team figure that they won't play there and they go somewhere where the competition is not so tough.

pretty much. it's hard being the guy not getting any playing time. thats the risk of going to a team that is loaded with talent. either work your tail off and help the team any way you can, or wave the white flag and leave for another program with hopes of lesser competition and more playing time.

I expect many/most of these guys don't wave the flag....more likely someone puts the proverbial pink slip in their locker. The problem in my view is that the guys usually dropped by a team full of 4 and 5* kids end up at a FCS or Div II school. Many of the guys who don't make it at Bama or UGa or wherever could probably play at dozens of other FBS schools but it's rare for one of these guys to get a second look or call from any of the same schools that were so eager to sign them up just a year or two earlier. They are considered "damaged goods". It's a huge roll of the dice for them being the fourth 5* RB or DL at Bama but NS's willingness to make cuts not only gives him his best team but he also removes these guys from his competition ....forever.
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If you get to this level and try and sit on your rep, you won't make it. Most that leave a team figure that they won't play there and they go somewhere where the competition is not so tough.

pretty much. it's hard being the guy not getting any playing time. thats the risk of going to a team that is loaded with talent. either work your tail off and help the team any way you can, or wave the white flag and leave for another program with hopes of lesser competition and more playing time.

So processed+meat.jpg is now kosher ?

Excerpted from: http://www.ncaapublications.com/productdownloads/D113.pdf

    NCAA Division I Manual
    1.3 Fundamental Policy.
    1.3.1 Basic Purpose. The competitive athletics programs of member institutions are designed to be a vital
    part of the educational system. A basic purpose of this Association is to maintain intercollegiate athletics as an
    integral part of the educational program and the athlete as an integral part of the student body and, by so doing,
    retain a clear line of demarcation between intercollegiate athletics and professional sports

So when you are a member institution and you lead the nation every year, in the processing of student athlete's for primarily non-scholastic reasons... are you not just in violation of these standards, but in reality a repeat violator... and as such in a continual state of lack of institutional control?

Something which Nick Saban unabashedly dares call.... 'The Process'.... which also includes overuse of Medical Hardship provisions, as well as extensive grey-shirting.

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He was a legacy...didn't his dad play at UA? Why to USA? That seems to be the most popular landing for the processed ones. Kid might have played more at miss st, AU, Vandy, etc. I think Saban signs kids just to keep them away from competition.

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He was a legacy...didn't his dad play at UA? Why to USA? That seems to be the most popular landing for the processed ones. Kid might have played more at miss st, AU, Vandy, etc. I think Saban signs kids just to keep them away from competition.

Weird with the tight signing restrictions the damn SEC office has placed on SEC teams now at 25 that any head coach could afford to sign a kid just to keep them away from his competitors. :dead:
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He was a legacy...didn't his dad play at UA? Why to USA? That seems to be the most popular landing for the processed ones. Kid might have played more at miss st, AU, Vandy, etc. I think Saban signs kids just to keep them away from competition.

Thats exactly what hes doing, I just cant believe the athlete and parents cant see that!!
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He was a legacy...didn't his dad play at UA? Why to USA? That seems to be the most popular landing for the processed ones. Kid might have played more at miss st, AU, Vandy, etc. I think Saban signs kids just to keep them away from competition.

Thats exactly what hes doing, I just cant believe the athlete and parents cant see that!!

Bingo!!! Bear was the absolute master at signing kids that had no chance to play but kept them away from the other schools. Hence, the Bear Bryant rule that limits scholarships. Like WE6 says, I can't see how this escapes the player and his parents. Spanky is doing the same thing Bear did but the upside for the player now is he gets an opportunity to play somewhere else after he gets "processed" Not a very ethical way to do business but then again, when have the bammers ever cared about ethics???.
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He was a legacy...didn't his dad play at UA? Why to USA? That seems to be the most popular landing for the processed ones. Kid might have played more at miss st, AU, Vandy, etc. I think Saban signs kids just to keep them away from competition.

Thats exactly what hes doing, I just cant believe the athlete and parents cant see that!!

Bingo!!! Bear was the absolute master at signing kids that had no chance to play but kept them away from the other schools. Hence, the Bear Bryant rule that limits scholarships. Like WE6 says, I can't see how this escapes the player and his parents. Spanky is doing the same thing Bear did but the upside for the player now is he gets an opportunity to play somewhere else after he gets "processed" Not a very ethical way to do business but then again, when have the bammers ever cared about ethics???.

It's really not that hard to understand. These kids have huge heads from being the star of their high school team, then saban and all of the other coaches sweep in and inflate their heads even larger with stories of how they will take over college football, win 4 straight national championships and get drafted #1. I would be willing to bet the topic of earning a starting position or competing with other players NEVER enters the conversation when saban or one of his staff is in a living room. It's all about starting early and leading the team. It's no wonder they have the "it won't happen to me" mentality.

And parents, they are even worse. They have blinders on about the possibility of anyone being better than their kid. Add to that the fact that a lot of these kids come from low income households who are dreaming of the money he can earn in the NFL and you have the best possible target to be scammed by someone with saban's "process".

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Some things are for sure and non-debatable:

If Saban didn't recruit players illegally, if the turdville boosters didn't pay off every player with $500 handshakes, free cars and tailored suits, if the recruit's parents weren't offered cushy jobs and if the REC cult didn't own practically every media outlet in the country (including Forbes and BSPN), and if the NCAA wasn't in Bama's back pocket, then our team would be winning championships and basking in the glory, It's all somebody else's fault. I suspect that the bammer's somehow got to Jay Gould and convinced him to keep Jacobs -- probably slipped a mickey in his cocktail or something and took pictures of him in a compromising situation, I don't have any proof of course but what else could it be?

Y'all, aren't we ever going to get over our obsession with what Saban/Bama does or doesn't do? Their day in the sun will be over soon enough. Our day will come before long regardless of them.

I've been in positions most of my adult life where I've have had to listen to folks blame others or accuse others simply because they 'know' there has to be cheating or collusion or something underhanded going on. They can't stand the fact that others are successful simply because the work harder, smarter, and apply themselves.

I'm done venting I guess. Flame on.

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Some things are for sure and non-debatable:

If Saban didn't recruit players illegally, if the turdville boosters didn't pay off every player with $500 handshakes, free cars and tailored suits, if the recruit's parents weren't offered cushy jobs and if the REC cult didn't own practically every media outlet in the country (including Forbes and BSPN), and if the NCAA wasn't in Bama's back pocket, then our team would be winning championships and basking in the glory, It's all somebody else's fault. I suspect that the bammer's somehow got to Jay Gould and convinced him to keep Jacobs -- probably slipped a mickey in his cocktail or something and took pictures of him in a compromising situation, I don't have any proof of course but what else could it be?

Y'all, aren't we ever going to get over our obsession with what Saban/Bama does or doesn't do? Their day in the sun will be over soon enough. Our day will come before long regardless of them.

I've been in positions most of my adult life where I've have had to listen to folks blame others or accuse others simply because they 'know' there has to be cheating or collusion or something underhanded going on. They can't stand the fact that others are successful simply because the work harder, smarter, and apply themselves.

I'm done venting I guess. Flame on.

Im not blameing anyone, I've witnessed his BS twice! Once with calloway and now with liner
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Some things are for sure and non-debatable:

If Saban didn't recruit players illegally, if the turdville boosters didn't pay off every player with $500 handshakes, free cars and tailored suits, if the recruit's parents weren't offered cushy jobs and if the REC cult didn't own practically every media outlet in the country (including Forbes and BSPN), and if the NCAA wasn't in Bama's back pocket, then our team would be winning championships and basking in the glory, It's all somebody else's fault. I suspect that the bammer's somehow got to Jay Gould and convinced him to keep Jacobs -- probably slipped a mickey in his cocktail or something and took pictures of him in a compromising situation, I don't have any proof of course but what else could it be?

Y'all, aren't we ever going to get over our obsession with what Saban/Bama does or doesn't do? Their day in the sun will be over soon enough. Our day will come before long regardless of them.

I've been in positions most of my adult life where I've have had to listen to folks blame others or accuse others simply because they 'know' there has to be cheating or collusion or something underhanded going on. They can't stand the fact that others are successful simply because the work harder, smarter, and apply themselves.

I'm done venting I guess. Flame on.

Im not blameing anyone, I've witnessed his BS twice! Once with calloway and now with liner

Don't forget Phillip Sims. He is nothing like what they look for in a QB. I have no idea why they even recruited him. Luckily he was able to transfer and not sit a year.

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Some things are for sure and non-debatable:

If Saban didn't recruit players illegally, if the turdville boosters didn't pay off every player with $500 handshakes, free cars and tailored suits, if the recruit's parents weren't offered cushy jobs and if the REC cult didn't own practically every media outlet in the country (including Forbes and BSPN), and if the NCAA wasn't in Bama's back pocket, then our team would be winning championships and basking in the glory, It's all somebody else's fault. I suspect that the bammer's somehow got to Jay Gould and convinced him to keep Jacobs -- probably slipped a mickey in his cocktail or something and took pictures of him in a compromising situation, I don't have any proof of course but what else could it be?

Y'all, aren't we ever going to get over our obsession with what Saban/Bama does or doesn't do? Their day in the sun will be over soon enough. Our day will come before long regardless of them.

I've been in positions most of my adult life where I've have had to listen to folks blame others or accuse others simply because they 'know' there has to be cheating or collusion or something underhanded going on. They can't stand the fact that others are successful simply because the work harder, smarter, and apply themselves.

I'm done venting I guess. Flame on.

Im not blameing anyone, I've witnessed his BS twice! Once with calloway and now with liner

Don't forget Phillip Sims. He is nothing like what they look for in a QB. I have no idea why they even recruited him. Luckily he was able to transfer and not sit a year.

if Sims had stayed at Bama he'd probably be the starter next year as a SR..he kind of screwed himself

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Some things are for sure and non-debatable:

If Saban didn't recruit players illegally, if the turdville boosters didn't pay off every player with $500 handshakes, free cars and tailored suits, if the recruit's parents weren't offered cushy jobs and if the REC cult didn't own practically every media outlet in the country (including Forbes and BSPN), and if the NCAA wasn't in Bama's back pocket, then our team would be winning championships and basking in the glory, It's all somebody else's fault. I suspect that the bammer's somehow got to Jay Gould and convinced him to keep Jacobs -- probably slipped a mickey in his cocktail or something and took pictures of him in a compromising situation, I don't have any proof of course but what else could it be?

Y'all, aren't we ever going to get over our obsession with what Saban/Bama does or doesn't do? Their day in the sun will be over soon enough. Our day will come before long regardless of them.

I've been in positions most of my adult life where I've have had to listen to folks blame others or accuse others simply because they 'know' there has to be cheating or collusion or something underhanded going on. They can't stand the fact that others are successful simply because the work harder, smarter, and apply themselves.

I'm done venting I guess. Flame on.

Im not blameing anyone, I've witnessed his BS twice! Once with calloway and now with liner

Don't forget Phillip Sims. He is nothing like what they look for in a QB. I have no idea why they even recruited him. Luckily he was able to transfer and not sit a year.

if Sims had stayed at Bama he'd probably be the starter next year as a SR..he kind of screwed himself

He may have gotten to start as a senior, but that wasn't written in stone. He played in every game, and started four last year at Va., so I don't see how he screwed himself.

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Some things are for sure and non-debatable:

If Saban didn't recruit players illegally, if the turdville boosters didn't pay off every player with $500 handshakes, free cars and tailored suits, if the recruit's parents weren't offered cushy jobs and if the REC cult didn't own practically every media outlet in the country (including Forbes and BSPN), and if the NCAA wasn't in Bama's back pocket, then our team would be winning championships and basking in the glory, It's all somebody else's fault. I suspect that the bammer's somehow got to Jay Gould and convinced him to keep Jacobs -- probably slipped a mickey in his cocktail or something and took pictures of him in a compromising situation, I don't have any proof of course but what else could it be?

Y'all, aren't we ever going to get over our obsession with what Saban/Bama does or doesn't do? Their day in the sun will be over soon enough. Our day will come before long regardless of them.

I've been in positions most of my adult life where I've have had to listen to folks blame others or accuse others simply because they 'know' there has to be cheating or collusion or something underhanded going on. They can't stand the fact that others are successful simply because the work harder, smarter, and apply themselves.

I'm done venting I guess. Flame on.

Im not blameing anyone, I've witnessed his BS twice! Once with calloway and now with liner

Don't forget Phillip Sims. He is nothing like what they look for in a QB. I have no idea why they even recruited him. Luckily he was able to transfer and not sit a year.

if Sims had stayed at Bama he'd probably be the starter next year as a SR..he kind of screwed himself

He may have gotten to start as a senior, but that wasn't written in stone. He played in every game, and started four last year at Va., so I don't see how he screwed himself.

he went from possibly starting for a team in the title hunt to now after the Virginia Spring game being the 3rd man behind a couple underclassmen one being a RS frosh..

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But if he isn't an NFL caliber player, he kinda won the lottery. A degree from UVA is to a degree from Alabama as quality of life in Charlottesville is to quality of life in Tuscaloosa. For a guy that probably isn't on the tip of NFL scout tongues, he made an amazing decision that afforded him a fighting chance to play QB in the ACC, gave him a chance to learn from Mike London (a quality coach and human being), and ensured himself a degree from one of the top four or five public institutions in America.

I'm going to say Phillip Sims didn't screw himself.

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Some things are for sure and non-debatable:

If Saban didn't recruit players illegally, if the turdville boosters didn't pay off every player with $500 handshakes, free cars and tailored suits, if the recruit's parents weren't offered cushy jobs and if the REC cult didn't own practically every media outlet in the country (including Forbes and BSPN), and if the NCAA wasn't in Bama's back pocket, then our team would be winning championships and basking in the glory, It's all somebody else's fault. I suspect that the bammer's somehow got to Jay Gould and convinced him to keep Jacobs -- probably slipped a mickey in his cocktail or something and took pictures of him in a compromising situation, I don't have any proof of course but what else could it be?

Y'all, aren't we ever going to get over our obsession with what Saban/Bama does or doesn't do? Their day in the sun will be over soon enough. Our day will come before long regardless of them.

I've been in positions most of my adult life where I've have had to listen to folks blame others or accuse others simply because they 'know' there has to be cheating or collusion or something underhanded going on. They can't stand the fact that others are successful simply because the work harder, smarter, and apply themselves.

I'm done venting I guess. Flame on.

Im not blameing anyone, I've witnessed his BS twice! Once with calloway and now with liner

Brent Calloway processed himself by acting like a true thug. We'll see if Liner can keep himself out of trouble long enough to produce on the field; based on his past actions, I'm doubtful.
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What many fail to see is that saban has a second coaching staff, which isn't illegal, and is pretty smart. Their job is evaluation of recruits, recruiting, bama game film, opponents game film, and overall evals of the entire team from top to bottom. Saban and his main coaching staff are free to coach and to close the deal in recruiting. The second staff has all but sealed the deal with most of he kids they recruit. Saban just shows up at their house in the end to close. And in case you all didn't know, Gus is putting together the EXACT same kind of second staff. Pretty smart if you ask me.

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