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What we're being told - is wrong.


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From Benghazi , gun control, Climate Change to the IRS scandal.

Folks, I'm the last guy who'll turn toward conspiracies, but this really does have to make you think

As gun related deaths drop, the media spins the topic in exactly the opposite direction. Even w/ the carnage taking place in Chicago ( run by Obama insiders ) and even with horrific single events like Aurora or Newtown, the media are force feeding this anti-gun hysteria.

The number of tornadoes has dropped in the past 60 years, but we're being fed lies by our elected officials and media personalities suggesting that, but for only man's actions and specifically, the GOP's refusal to go along w/ the Left's plan to tax our way to cleaner air and fewer carbon emissions, we'd never have such storms as we're having. Tax us to the hilt, for our own good, of course.

( Does no one remember when the Wizard of Oz was filmed ? What was it that took Dorothy from Kansas to Oz ? Tornadoes in that part of the country are more the norm than not. This stuff ain't new )

This ciip would be funny, if it were from a movie.

But it isn't.

( I don't frequent the site listed in the above video, but its content can't be denied. )

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AJ would have proved his point better had he cited examples of serious news pieces rather than ones pertaining to the Easter bunny. Talking points are used by the mindless.......too bad there are so many mindless talking heads rather than journalists these days.

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Ammo dealers started that wonderful rumor. Funny how it sparked such a demand, huh?

some will believe it because they just want to.

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What is correct is that DHS has requested quotes for unusual amounts of ammunition in quantities of hundreds of millions of rounds. Has DHS actually purchased them.....not yet.

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Does it matter what the topic? If you watch further on, there's more than just spring economic news ( they weren't talking about the Easter bunny, btw )

AJ would have proved his point better had he cited examples of serious news pieces rather than ones pertaining to the Easter bunny. Talking points are used by the mindless.......too bad there are so many mindless talking heads rather than journalists these days.

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Does it matter what the topic? If you watch further on, there's more than just spring economic news ( they weren't talking about the Easter bunny, btw )

AJ would have proved his point better had he cited examples of serious news pieces rather than ones pertaining to the Easter bunny. Talking points are used by the mindless.......too bad there are so many mindless talking heads rather than journalists these days.

Yes, they did have a segment demonstrating repeated reporting even about the Easter bunny. Listen, I'm on your side. I do believe that talking points are spewed by talking heads as filtered to them....and that more serious issues suffer the same fate.

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Ah yes. The "Wizard of Oz" proof against global climate change.

Another great representative for Auburn University. :no:

LOL! Next it will be "climate change is just a theory."

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Ah yes. The "Wizard of Oz" proof against global climate change.

Another great representative for Auburn University. :no:/>

Your mock indignation does nothing to dispute my point. Tornadoes are/ have been common place in that part of the world for 70+ years. Fact is, contrary to Democrats & Leftists, this was NOT the result of any global warming. Tornadoes occur LESS, not more. Which is counter to the claims that violent weather will happen with greater frequency

But close your eyes & listen to your piper.

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Ah yes. The "Wizard of Oz" proof against global climate change.

Another great representative for Auburn University. :no:/>

Your mock indignation does nothing to dispute my point. Tornadoes are/ have been common place in that part of the world for 70+ years. Fact is, contrary to Democrats & Leftists, this was NOT the result of any global warming. Tornadoes occur LESS, not more. Which is counter to the claims that violent weather will happen with greater frequency

But close your eyes & listen to your piper.

If you could link us to this scientific data linking tornadic activity to climate change, that would be great. I know of several computer models linking climate change and rising sea levels to more intense and more frequent hurricanes.

Also, it is hard for me to understand how someone from your point can say "close your eyes & listen to your piper.", when all of the scientific data points in the climate change direction. You seem to be the one with their eyes closed...

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Ah yes. The "Wizard of Oz" proof against global climate change.

Another great representative for Auburn University. :no:

LOL! Next it will be "climate change is just a theory."

No, climate change has been occurring since creation. It's just you guys want to blame mankind for what is a natural occurrence.

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Ah yes. The "Wizard of Oz" proof against global climate change.

Another great representative for Auburn University. :no:

LOL! Next it will be "climate change is just a theory."

No, climate change has been occurring since creation. It's just you guys want to blame mankind for what is a natural occurrence.

You're right greenhouse gases are a hoax. All the scientific data, research, and experimentation are fake. I mean...Until the past two centuries, the concentrations of CO2 and CH4 had never exceeded about 280 ppm and 790 ppb, respectively. Current concentrations of CO2 are about 390 ppm and CH4 levels exceed 1,770 ppb. Both numbers are much higher than at any time during the last 650,000 years.

Data for the past 2000 years show that the atmospheric concentrations of CO2, CH4, and N2O – three important long-lived greenhouse gases – have increased substantially since about 1750. Rates of increase in levels of these gases are dramatic. CO2, for instance, never increased more than 30 ppm during any previous 1,000-year period in this record but has already risen by 30 ppm in the past two decades.

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There is no data to support that global warming/climate change is increasing the frequency or intensity of tornadoes.

Vertical shear

Even when weather conditions are favorable for thunderstorms—the air is unstable and humidity is high—it takes high vertical wind shear to generate the rotating, “supercell” thunderstorms that spawn tornadoes.

When air near the ground is blowing at one speed or direction, and air at higher altitudes is blowing at a different speed or direction, a cylinder of air in between starts to spin. Initially, this cylinder of spinning air is parallel to the ground (horizontal), but strong updrafts within the thunderstorm stand it upright. It is within this rotating thunderstorm that tornadoes form.

If global warming (or a naturally occurring, long-term variation) has altered wind patterns in ways that lead to more vertical wind shear over the southern United States or Gulf of Mexico in April, it might make conditions more favorable for tornadoes. So, the CSI team analyzed daily wind shear from 1979-2010. The results showed no trend, only year-to-year variability.


I very seldom believe anything the government has to say. They have lied too much. However, I don't believe anything the UN has to say either.

From 2011


US Climate Extremes Index


Personally, I believe solar flares care causing much of the change and extremes.

This article is a decent read. http://carliniinstit...re_affecting_us

Then there's this:


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There is no data to support that global warming/climate change is increasing the frequency or intensity of tornadoes.

Vertical shear

Even when weather conditions are favorable for thunderstorms—the air is unstable and humidity is high—it takes high vertical wind shear to generate the rotating, “supercell” thunderstorms that spawn tornadoes.

When air near the ground is blowing at one speed or direction, and air at higher altitudes is blowing at a different speed or direction, a cylinder of air in between starts to spin. Initially, this cylinder of spinning air is parallel to the ground (horizontal), but strong updrafts within the thunderstorm stand it upright. It is within this rotating thunderstorm that tornadoes form.

If global warming (or a naturally occurring, long-term variation) has altered wind patterns in ways that lead to more vertical wind shear over the southern United States or Gulf of Mexico in April, it might make conditions more favorable for tornadoes. So, the CSI team analyzed daily wind shear from 1979-2010. The results showed no trend, only year-to-year variability.


I very seldom believe anything the government has to say. They have lied too much. However, I don't believe anything the UN has to say either.

From 2011


Thanks. I had never heard of anyone trying to link this until the guy above...

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Another attribution has been magma shifts that cause oceanic temperature disparities which directly influence land weather, a la el Nina and

el Nino.

I agree. I'm not sure if NOAA is including the solar activity in their data, however, we can include it for a study if someone wants to take the time to write the program. It would be a great project for some grad students at AU. Just sayin'.



On May 17th there was a large, 3.2 magnitude flare, which was suppose to reach our magnetic atmosphere by late May 19th.



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More data:

  • Weather on Earth can also be affected. Recently, NOAA scientists finally concluded that four factors determined global temperatures: carbon dioxide levels, volcanic eruptions, Pacific El Niño pattern, and the Sun's activity.

There is also historical evidence that long-term periods of global cold, rainfall, drought, and other weather shifts relate to solar cycle activity:

  • Times of depressed solar activity seem to correspond with times of global cold. For example, during the 70-year period from 1645 to 1715, few, if any, sunspots were seen, even during expected sunspot maximums. Western Europe entered a climate period known as the "Maunder Minimum" or "Little Ice Age." Temperatures dropped by 1.8 to 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Times of increased solar activity have corresponded with global warning. During the 12th and 13th centuries, the Sun was active, and the European climate was quite mild.


Yearly-averaged sunspot numbers from 1610 to 2008. Researchers believe upcoming Solar Cycle 24 will be similar to the cycle that peaked in 1928, marked by a red arrow. Credit: NASA/MSFC


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If you could link us to this scientific data linking tornadic activity to climate change, that would be great. I know of several computer models linking climate change and rising sea levels to more intense and more frequent hurricanes.

Also, it is hard for me to understand how someone from your point can say "close your eyes & listen to your piper.", when all of the scientific data points in the climate change direction. You seem to be the one with their eyes closed...

Because much of the same language for global warming was used by the vast majority of the scientific community almost 40 years ago. Only it was global COOLING which the were railing against, not warming.





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Yep, we were supposed to be expecting such a dramatic change that lawns would be covered with snow during July and August within 20 years.

Speeecial people thought that one up too.

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Yep, we were supposed to be expecting such a dramatic change that lawns would be covered with snow during July and August within 20 years.

Speeecial people thought that one up too.

" We have top men working on it, right now "

" Who ? "

" Top. Men "

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Ah yes. The "Wizard of Oz" proof against global climate change.

Another great representative for Auburn University. :no:/>

Your mock indignation does nothing to dispute my point. Tornadoes are/ have been common place in that part of the world for 70+ years. Fact is, contrary to Democrats & Leftists, this was NOT the result of any global warming. Tornadoes occur LESS, not more. Which is counter to the claims that violent weather will happen with greater frequency

But close your eyes & listen to your piper.

First, my "indignation" was not "mock". Assuming you are in fact a graduate of AU, as a fellow alum, I find your posts embarrassing.

Secondly your comment about there being tornadoes in that part of the country is a non-sequitur relevant to global climate change. Science is quite aware of the natural history of any given area (and it goes back further than "70 yrs" btw).

Valid theories are predictive. The predictions associated with global climate change theory include stronger and more frequent storms of all types. That doesn't mean that any given E4 or E5 storm "proves" the theory of climate change, but they are certainly consistent with the predictions.

The proof is ultimately "in the pudding". Certainly for people who prefer to simply deny the science based on political reasons. And there is plenty of money out there to feed such ignorance.

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