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The Letter That Caused Lois Lerner to Take Administrative Leave, EDITED

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Lois Lerner refuses to resign per Senator Grassley. http://www.foxnews.c...strative-leave/

Inspector General's report which details the targeting (Bear in mind, THIS WAS AN AUDIT, NOT AN INVESTIGATION which is more thorough, ie, people are under oath):


Examples: The IRS used what is termed a "BOLO" (Be On The Lookout) for terms which the Tea Party used, such as, "Tea Party", "Patriots", "9/12 Project"; issues that used the terms "government spending", "government debt", "government taxes"; if they used the phrase "making America a better place to live"; stating a critical remark about how the country is being run ALL applications using any of these terms were forwarded for specific review, pg. 8

The average time to approve the 501©4 organizations took 574 days. The IRS has only 270 days to approve these applications. pg. 15 Barack H. Obama (half-brother of the president) had his charity approved in 34 days....even though it had operated beyond the legal limit without approval

The IRS demanded to know the donors. The purpose of this non-profit is specifically designed for the purpose of NOT identifying donors (this is what the Democrats are hating so badly) pg. 19

Pg. 20 lists the "Seven Questions Identified as Unnecessary by the EO Function"......the 7 deadly questions that the IRS should not have asked but wrongly held applications in queue

The Inspector General states "Suffice it to say, this is not over as far as we are concerned. Subsequent action will be taken."

List of groups and questions:


Among the many inquiries by the IRS this was one example which reflects the inappropriateness of the IRS interrogation of the Tea Party affiliates: provide "content of the group's prayer meetings, educational seminars, and signs their members hold outside Planned Parenthood."

ACLU's defense of the Tea Party:


General info: http://www.cnn.com/2...s/tea-party-irs

Lois Lerner stated that she "had done no wrong". The problem has been that she has practiced "targeting" for almost two decades without being challenged, consequently she did not no better.

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Lois Lerner refuses to resign per Senator Grassley. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/05/23/irs-official-who-refused-to-testify-placed-on-administrative-leave/


Pages 3 & 4 show the intrusive, irresponsible questions of the applicant.

Signed, Lois Lerner

What is inappropriate about those questions?

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