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Democratic senator calls for Holder to resign


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Democratic senator calls for Holder to resign

Sen. Joe Manchin said Friday he thinks Attorney General Eric Holder should resign in the wake of a series of scandals involving surveillance of reporters for Fox News and The Associated Press.

"Let me just say that ... any public official -- no matter whether it be the attorney general or anybody in public office -- whenever you feel that you have lost your effectiveness, or may be losing your effectiveness, to the detriment of the job that you do, even though you're a good, honest, sincere, hardworking person, you have to evaluate that and make a decision," the West Virginia Democrat said on Bloomberg TV's "Political Capital with Al Hunt."

"And I think we're at the time now where decisions have to be made," he added. "I just think that, basically, in light of what is going on in the country and everybody looking at it -- it might be the most well-intended person with the best of intentions, but if they're not being effective and they're not being received, how effective is it and how good is it for the country?"

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/06/07/manchin-calls-for-holder-to-resign/#ixzz2VcgL1LFX

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