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Report: Manziel lied to mother, threw AJ McCarron under the bus and misled media


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His phone died and the Bammer guy didn't wake him up. I wonder if he ever blames Reveille for eating his homework...... :blink:


More details are emerging on Texas A&M quarterback and Heisman winner Johnny Manziel's actions at the Manning Passing Academy camp earlier in July and they paint a different picture than originally thought.

Manziel has been under the media microscope this past week after originally saying he left the Manning camp for illness.

It was later widely speculated that it was a hangover that caused Manziel to be tardy in his role as a camp counselor resulting in his departure from the camp.

Originally, reports said that Archie Manning himself asked Manziel to leave. Not true, according to a new report.

Dartmouth head coach Buddy Teevens was in charge of scheduling and asked Manziel to leave after missing every staff meeting and being tardy when no other quarterback counselor did so. Archie Manning agreed with Teeven's assessment and sent the quarterback packing early.

Among those other counselors was Alabama Quarterback AJ McCarron, Manziel's roommate at the camp.

At SEC media days, Manziel told the media his phone died, he was busy and he overslept. He denied being hungover but did not deny consuming alcohol.

"I'm not Tebow," Manziel stated.

He also was asked why McCarron didn't wake him up.

"I don't know. It's my fault," Manziel said.

The new report says that statement was deliberately vague and that McCarron couldn't have awoken Manziel because he wasn't in the room they shared.

He was allegedly spotted on Bourbon Street in New Orleans, an hour away from Manning's camp after 4 a.m. in the morning. "No one knows where he slept," the report reads.

He also reportedly lied to his mother and said that not only did he oversleep, but that McCarron didn't wake him up.

McCarron was hammered with questions about the incident as well.

"I can't answer on Johnny Manziel's part. My name is A.J. Everything that has to do with him, he's his own man. I'm not going to speak on another man's business. That's how I was raised. If it don't have nothing to do with you, don't speak on it. I know how I handle myself out in public, how I carry myself in front of people. That's what I'm worried about, trying to be the best player and the best person off the field that I can be for my family and the University of Alabama. I never want to disrespect them in any way," said.

Nonetheless, Peyton Manning says Manziel is welcome back to the camp next year.

"Johnny was great with the campers for the time he was here," Manning said.

Many say that critics are being too harsh on the 20-year-old college student, regardless of what happened at camp.

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Not defending JFB or that particular situation....but AJ is full of it. He was raised to keep secrets, which is completely different, and not honorable in any way.

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Not defending JFB or that particular situation....but AJ is full of it. He was raised to keep secrets, which is completely different, and not honorable in any way.

I won't defend or attack JFB's or AJ's actual behavior here, or the veracity of AJ's comments, as I don't know anything about either beyond what the media reports. But I will say that the AJ quote as reported reflects the way I wish all humans would respond and behave. (Well, other than the double negative: "If it don't have nothing..." :-\ )

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That bama qb is doing the ultimate betrayal by making jf think they r good friends all the while gearing up for the rematch and trying to steal the fire out of jonhnny when the game comes around! Once a bammer always a bammer! Cant trust em at all!! Guess i was right about ole aj after all

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That bama qb is doing the ultimate betrayal by making jf think they r good friends all the while gearing up for the rematch and trying to steal the fire out of jonhnny when the game comes around! Once a bammer always a bammer! Cant trust em at all!! Guess i was right about ole aj after all

Yea... i found it a little bit shady that AJ didn't attempt to wake JF but yet claims to be his friend? I mean he didn't have to physically wake him up but if he's a friend why not just say "Hey man it's ____ o'clock. We have to be at _____ at ______ o'clock." If JF doesn't get up then that's on him. From the comments it seems like AJ just tipped toed out and got ready for the day....lol...j/k. From my days of having a roommate in college my roommate would wake me up sometimes by just getting ready in the mornings. Either JF was drunk or AJ just left him hanging. It's certainly JF's responsibility to get up but man....i sure wouldn't want AJ to be declaring me as his friend! lol.

It's certainly going to make the game that more interesting. JMO but i think JF is going to play with a huge chip on his shoulder this season. I know many are expecting him not to be as successful as last season but i think he will achieve similar or equal statistics that he did last year.

Aside from the Manning camp, I think much that has been discussed about JF was just blown out of proportion. He's blessed to come from a wealthy family that provides him with experiences i could only dream of coming from a poor family but who am i to get mad or bash him for that? He does need to show a little more maturity and i think it would be good idea to close his twitter account but he is who he is.

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