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Darren Bates


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Looks like Darren Bates made the 53 man roster. Congrats and War Eagle to him! Unfortunately it looks like Lutz, Blake, and McCalebb did not make the final cut for their respected teams.

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Amazing that a team's chemistry could go from national champions to this so quickly. You gotta be happy for DB. He is one of a few guys who played hard on every down last year. Shows he is tough both physically and mentally. He is very deserving. Hope he makes it to the pro bowl and has a long career.

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Geez, come on. Sonny Smith used to tell Barkley all the time that if he stayed on his current path of 50% effort playing college ball Charles would be selling insurance in a couple years. Coaches for the last 10,000 years have used that motivational bs.

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I would be willing to bet it was along the lines of "if you don't get your sh*t together you will be working at Fed Ex".

It doesn't make much sense that a coach would say that to a starter...mind blowing

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