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The Obama Ship is Sinking

Proud Tiger

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I hope the sink rate continues right into November and then joins the Titanic.


I should note this is a Washington Post/ABC poll, not exactly a bastion of conservatism.

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This poll is a sterling endorsement of the progressive liberal agenda and where it inevitably leads the country. Hopefully, Obama has set back that agenda a few decades because, quite literally, I don't think the country as we know it as a Constitutional Republic, survives if they have their way and I would guess based on this poll I am not alone in feeling that way.

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The biggest problem is still the votes he has bought his party based on race baiting and class warfare. Until this segment looses all the "perks" they are given, they will never vote for the best interest of the country.

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What completely astonishes me and confirms my fears that America is truly in decline and DEEP trouble is that 41% still support the man. He has done nothing but spend more money than all the Presidents before him combined, proven to be a habitual liar, draw imaginary Red Lines showing unprecedented weakness, divided the country more so than at any time since the Civil War, killed job creation, used government agencies for political attacks etc etc etc.

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What completely astonishes me and confirms my fears that America is truly in decline and DEEP trouble is that 41% still support the man. He has done nothing but spend more money than all the Presidents before him combined, proven to be a habitual liar, draw imaginary Red Lines showing unprecedented weakness, divided the country more so than at any time since the Civil War, killed job creation, used government agencies for political attacks etc etc etc.

Only because 41% DEPEND on him. See above

That percentage does not care about foreign policy, lying, or the great divide. Killing job creation allows them to stay dependent. Here's an iPhone - vote for me.

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40% of the voters will always go with their party left or right. The best pole is the election popular vote.

This chart show the percentage of popular vote won in presidential elections. Jimmy Carter only had about 40% of the voters when he lost to Reagan.

What's more interesting is that Clinton only had slightly more than that. Clinton never won the popular vote and he is always portrayed by the media as being so popular.

GW Bush did better in popular vote than Clinton.

Keeping 3rd party candidates out of the general election, getting the votes of moderate independents, and getting a major turnout of your base is what matters. If Romney had gotten his base out in large numbers, he'd be president.


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AUisAll.......you nailed what scares the heck out of me........that 41%still support him and that I live among them.I don't give a rats whether people are Dem or Republican s long as they put country before party/politics . Those 41%may think they do but way to many of them like their entitlements and warped opinions better. By warped, I mean not based on a foundation of facts.

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"By warped, I mean not based on a foundation of facts."

This entire administration is so far beyond warped it is outrageous. The lies upon which their entire agenda is based are piled up so high it appears we'll never get to the bottom of them. The scary thought is so many folks still support this administration and from all appearances have no problem with him willfully and intentionally lying to the American people to get his agenda passed...that's what's frightening to me.

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I won't say everything in Mr. Obama's foreign policy has been a complete and utter failure, but almost everything. Would sending a Seal team to kill OBL count as a foreign policy win? Let's see there was is “Reset”, lead from behind, Arab spring, UN sanctions, “Smart diplomacy”, R2P. Libya was a bust. They gave Egypt to the Muslim Brotherhood and now the Russians are telling the U.S. to stay out. They gave Iraq back to the terrorists and are in the process of doing the same in Afghanistan. They are reducing the military to pre WWII levels. Therefore telling the world the U.S. is no longer a world leader. Did I leave anything out?

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I won't say everything in Mr. Obama's foreign policy has been a complete and utter failure, but almost everything. Would sending a Seal team to kill OBL count as a foreign policy win? Let's see there was is “Reset”, lead from behind, Arab spring, UN sanctions, “Smart diplomacy”, R2P. Libya was a bust. They gave Egypt to the Muslim Brotherhood and now the Russians are telling the U.S. to stay out. They gave Iraq back to the terrorists and are in the process of doing the same in Afghanistan. They are reducing the military to pre WWII levels. Therefore telling the world the U.S. is no longer a world leader. Did I leave anything out?

He throws like a girl.
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I don't think community organizers read the Constitution, especially in Chicago. They work hard though at voter fraud.

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