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5 years into Obama's "economic recovery"

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The segment of the economy that Republicans and Democrats actually care about, has recovered. Those who in the other segments are on their own. Until of course, they fall so far that they need government assistance.

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The segment of the economy that Republicans and Democrats actually care about, has recovered. Those who in the other segments are on their own. Until of course, they fall so far that they need government assistance.

So true. All you have to do is look at the median household income.

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The segment of the economy that Republicans and Democrats actually care about, has recovered. Those who in the other segments are on their own. Until of course, they fall so far that they need government assistance.

The segment of the economy that Republicans and Democrats actually care about, has recovered. Those who in the other segments are on their own. Until of course, they fall so far that they need government assistance.

Do you honestly believe that having THE lowest labor force participation rate in history with over 90 million unemployed Americans is all anyone cares about?? Good Lord bro. Heres a fact for you...there are ore unemployed citrizens than are working in the entire private sector and you're trying to spin it like its not a big deal

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The segment of the economy that Republicans and Democrats actually care about, has recovered. Those who in the other segments are on their own. Until of course, they fall so far that they need government assistance.

The segment of the economy that Republicans and Democrats actually care about, has recovered. Those who in the other segments are on their own. Until of course, they fall so far that they need government assistance.

Do you honestly believe that having THE lowest labor force participation rate in history with over 90 million unemployed Americans is all anyone cares about?? Good Lord bro. Heres a fact for you...there are ore unemployed citrizens than are working in the entire private sector and you're trying to spin it like its not a big deal

I think you need to re-read my post and think about it again. I know you want me to be wrong but, it won't happen EVERY time. Are you arguing just for the sake of argument?

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The segment of the economy that Republicans and Democrats actually care about, has recovered. Those who in the other segments are on their own. Until of course, they fall so far that they need government assistance.

The segment of the economy that Republicans and Democrats actually care about, has recovered. Those who in the other segments are on their own. Until of course, they fall so far that they need government assistance.

Do you honestly believe that having THE lowest labor force participation rate in history with over 90 million unemployed Americans is all anyone cares about?? Good Lord bro. Heres a fact for you...there are ore unemployed citrizens than are working in the entire private sector and you're trying to spin it like its not a big deal

I think you need to re-read my post and think about it again. I know you want me to be wrong but, it won't happen EVERY time. Are you arguing just for the sake of argument?

LOL. I swear bro. i actually find you more and more tiring. Its really quite difficulty to imagine anyone with the obtuse point of view you continually display actually willing to post it over and over again. How you can argue that the segments of the economy that the republicans and democrats care about has recovered is way out there. Look, I understand that Obama's economic policies have benefited the richest 1% the most but to assume that's all any of them care about is, like i said, pretty much WAY out there. Having the lowest labor force participation rate in the history of the country cannot be spun and by trying you're looking pretty silly.

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The segment of the economy that Republicans and Democrats actually care about, has recovered. Those who in the other segments are on their own. Until of course, they fall so far that they need government assistance.

The segment of the economy that Republicans and Democrats actually care about, has recovered. Those who in the other segments are on their own. Until of course, they fall so far that they need government assistance.

Do you honestly believe that having THE lowest labor force participation rate in history with over 90 million unemployed Americans is all anyone cares about?? Good Lord bro. Heres a fact for you...there are ore unemployed citrizens than are working in the entire private sector and you're trying to spin it like its not a big deal

I think you need to re-read my post and think about it again. I know you want me to be wrong but, it won't happen EVERY time. Are you arguing just for the sake of argument?

LOL. I swear bro. i actually find you more and more tiring. Its really quite difficulty to imagine anyone with the obtuse point of view you continually display actually willing to post it over and over again. How you can argue that the segments of the economy that the republicans and democrats care about has recovered is way out there. Look, I understand that Obama's economic policies have benefited the richest 1% the most but to assume that's all any of them care about is, like i said, pretty much WAY out there. Having the lowest labor force participation rate in the history of the country cannot be spun and by trying you're looking pretty silly.


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The segment of the economy that Republicans and Democrats actually care about, has recovered. Those who in the other segments are on their own. Until of course, they fall so far that they need government assistance.

The segment of the economy that Republicans and Democrats actually care about, has recovered. Those who in the other segments are on their own. Until of course, they fall so far that they need government assistance.

Do you honestly believe that having THE lowest labor force participation rate in history with over 90 million unemployed Americans is all anyone cares about?? Good Lord bro. Heres a fact for you...there are ore unemployed citrizens than are working in the entire private sector and you're trying to spin it like its not a big deal

I think you need to re-read my post and think about it again. I know you want me to be wrong but, it won't happen EVERY time. Are you arguing just for the sake of argument?

LOL. I swear bro. i actually find you more and more tiring. Its really quite difficulty to imagine anyone with the obtuse point of view you continually display actually willing to post it over and over again. How you can argue that the segments of the economy that the republicans and democrats care about has recovered is way out there. Look, I understand that Obama's economic policies have benefited the richest 1% the most but to assume that's all any of them care about is, like i said, pretty much WAY out there. Having the lowest labor force participation rate in the history of the country cannot be spun and by trying you're looking pretty silly.

Again with the "obtuse"? :laugh:

And really, that sentence could use a little editing dont'cha think? ;D

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And ICHY is right. Capitalists have pretty much recovered.

LOL convenient argument for someone unwilling to admit this administration HAS FAILED the American people in an almost unprecedented fashion. Its awesome though that those who support Obama are trying to spin this like his policies have created an economic recovery. The average rate of growth in every economic recovery in history is 4% and Obama's "recover" is averaging 2% and has earned the dubious distinction of having THE lowest labor force participation rate in American history. There are currently more Americans out of work than are working in the entire private sector and we have libtards in here telling us Obama's recovery is working..Good Lord!

The problem here is Obama sees the business community as the enemy. We have the highest corporate tax rates in the world and every time Obama expresses concerns over middle class America he turns around and pursues a policy that hurts the middle class. Keystone Pipeline says hello. Its clear this president doesn't understand that it is impossible to spend our way out of a recession with borrowed money, though God knows, he has tried and has spent more money than ALL Presidents before him combined. Helluva a recovery Barry..Thanks! Put it in the backs of corporate America by pushing raising the minimum wage when it has already been saddled with THE most intrusive regulatory policies in history currently costing over $1.86 trillion dollars a year.

Bottom line its much easier to demagogue the issue than to actually provide leadership in solving the economic shortfalls that continue to plague the country.

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And ICHY is right. Capitalists have pretty much recovered.

LOL convenient argument for someone unwilling to admit this administration HAS FAILED the American people in an almost unprecedented fashion. Its awesome though that those who support Obama are trying to spin this like his policies have created an economic recovery. The average rate of growth in every economic recovery in history is 4% and Obama's "recover" is averaging 2% and has earned the dubious distinction of having THE lowest labor force participation rate in American history. There are currently more Americans out of work than are working in the entire private sector and we have libtards in here telling us Obama's recovery is working..Good Lord!

The problem here is Obama sees the business community as the enemy. We have the highest corporate tax rates in the world and every time Obama expresses concerns over middle class America he turns around and pursues a policy that hurts the middle class. Keystone Pipeline says hello. Its clear this president doesn't understand that it is impossible to spend our way out of a recession with borrowed money, though God knows, he has tried and has spent more money than ALL Presidents before him combined. Helluva a recovery Barry..Thanks! Put it in the backs of corporate America by pushing raising the minimum wage when it has already been saddled with THE most intrusive regulatory policies in history currently costing over $1.86 trillion dollars a year.

Bottom line its much easier to demagogue the issue than to actually provide leadership in solving the economic shortfalls that continue to plague the country.

Blah, blah, blah-- you are an utterly predictable and unusually angry partisan.

The bottom fell out of the economy under Bush-- not all his fault by a long shot. The recession was far worse than usual. The recovery has been slower than usual. Obama's fault? Republican House's fault? Certainly brinkmanship politics with defaulting didn't help. The same folks that thought defaulting was a good idea cry about the slow growing economy. Insanity.

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And ICHY is right. Capitalists have pretty much recovered.

LOL convenient argument for someone unwilling to admit this administration HAS FAILED the American people in an almost unprecedented fashion. Its awesome though that those who support Obama are trying to spin this like his policies have created an economic recovery. The average rate of growth in every economic recovery in history is 4% and Obama's "recover" is averaging 2% and has earned the dubious distinction of having THE lowest labor force participation rate in American history. There are currently more Americans out of work than are working in the entire private sector and we have libtards in here telling us Obama's recovery is working..Good Lord!

The problem here is Obama sees the business community as the enemy. We have the highest corporate tax rates in the world and every time Obama expresses concerns over middle class America he turns around and pursues a policy that hurts the middle class. Keystone Pipeline says hello. Its clear this president doesn't understand that it is impossible to spend our way out of a recession with borrowed money, though God knows, he has tried and has spent more money than ALL Presidents before him combined. Helluva a recovery Barry..Thanks! Put it in the backs of corporate America by pushing raising the minimum wage when it has already been saddled with THE most intrusive regulatory policies in history currently costing over $1.86 trillion dollars a year.

Bottom line its much easier to demagogue the issue than to actually provide leadership in solving the economic shortfalls that continue to plague the country.

Blah, blah, blah-- you are an utterly predictable and unusually angry partisan.

The bottom fell out of the economy under Bush-- not all his fault by a long shot. The recession was far worse than usual. The recovery has been slower than usual. Obama's fault? Republican House's fault? Certainly brinkmanship politics with defaulting didn't help. The same folks that thought defaulting was a good idea cry about the slow growing economy. Insanity.

Blah, blah, blah, you are utterly predictable still blaming Bush. No one blames O for the recession; hell, he got elected for 2 reasons; one being the recession. O's presidency is all about "what did you do with the hand you were dealt". By historical standards, he's crashed and burned. And, historically, when you have a deep recession; the curve coming out is equally steep on the upswing. When you have policies that by any objective measure could not possibly result in economic growth; no one should be surprised when we have lackluster growth. Frankly, we should be shocked that we have any growth at all. That is not a testament to O; it's a testament that American ingenuity survives even when we have policies hostile to it. We spent $1T on supposed shovel ready jobs projects and stimulus; that turned into nothing but welfare; no infrastructure, no industrial policy, no energy policy, nothing but $1T in additional debt around our necks. That's $3030 per citizen of the country of additional national debt...
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And ICHY is right. Capitalists have pretty much recovered.

LOL convenient argument for someone unwilling to admit this administration HAS FAILED the American people in an almost unprecedented fashion. Its awesome though that those who support Obama are trying to spin this like his policies have created an economic recovery. The average rate of growth in every economic recovery in history is 4% and Obama's "recover" is averaging 2% and has earned the dubious distinction of having THE lowest labor force participation rate in American history. There are currently more Americans out of work than are working in the entire private sector and we have libtards in here telling us Obama's recovery is working..Good Lord!

The problem here is Obama sees the business community as the enemy. We have the highest corporate tax rates in the world and every time Obama expresses concerns over middle class America he turns around and pursues a policy that hurts the middle class. Keystone Pipeline says hello. Its clear this president doesn't understand that it is impossible to spend our way out of a recession with borrowed money, though God knows, he has tried and has spent more money than ALL Presidents before him combined. Helluva a recovery Barry..Thanks! Put it in the backs of corporate America by pushing raising the minimum wage when it has already been saddled with THE most intrusive regulatory policies in history currently costing over $1.86 trillion dollars a year.

Bottom line its much easier to demagogue the issue than to actually provide leadership in solving the economic shortfalls that continue to plague the country.

Blah, blah, blah-- you are an utterly predictable and unusually angry partisan.

The bottom fell out of the economy under Bush-- not all his fault by a long shot. The recession was far worse than usual. The recovery has been slower than usual. Obama's fault? Republican House's fault? Certainly brinkmanship politics with defaulting didn't help. The same folks that thought defaulting was a good idea cry about the slow growing economy. Insanity.

Blah, blah, blah, you are utterly predictable still blaming Bush. No one blames O for the recession; hell, he got elected for 2 reasons; one being the recession. O's presidency is all about "what did you do with the hand you were dealt". By historical standards, he's crashed and burned. And, historically, when you have a deep recession; the curve coming out is equally steep. When you have policies that by any objective measure could not possibly result in economic growth; no one should be surprised when we have lackluster growth. Frankly, we should be shocked that we have any growth at all. That is not a testement to O; it's a testament that American ingenuity survives even when we have policies hostile to it. We spent $1T on supposed shovel ready jobs projects and stimulus; that turned into nothing but welfare; no infrastructure, no industrial policy, no energy policy, nothing but $1T in additional debt around our necks. That's $3030 per citizen of the country of additional national debt...

You still lack basic reading comprehension.

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And ICHY is right. Capitalists have pretty much recovered.

LOL convenient argument for someone unwilling to admit this administration HAS FAILED the American people in an almost unprecedented fashion. Its awesome though that those who support Obama are trying to spin this like his policies have created an economic recovery. The average rate of growth in every economic recovery in history is 4% and Obama's "recover" is averaging 2% and has earned the dubious distinction of having THE lowest labor force participation rate in American history. There are currently more Americans out of work than are working in the entire private sector and we have libtards in here telling us Obama's recovery is working..Good Lord!

The problem here is Obama sees the business community as the enemy. We have the highest corporate tax rates in the world and every time Obama expresses concerns over middle class America he turns around and pursues a policy that hurts the middle class. Keystone Pipeline says hello. Its clear this president doesn't understand that it is impossible to spend our way out of a recession with borrowed money, though God knows, he has tried and has spent more money than ALL Presidents before him combined. Helluva a recovery Barry..Thanks! Put it in the backs of corporate America by pushing raising the minimum wage when it has already been saddled with THE most intrusive regulatory policies in history currently costing over $1.86 trillion dollars a year.

Bottom line its much easier to demagogue the issue than to actually provide leadership in solving the economic shortfalls that continue to plague the country.

Blah, blah, blah-- you are an utterly predictable and unusually angry partisan.

The bottom fell out of the economy under Bush-- not all his fault by a long shot. The recession was far worse than usual. The recovery has been slower than usual. Obama's fault? Republican House's fault? Certainly brinkmanship politics with defaulting didn't help. The same folks that thought defaulting was a good idea cry about the slow growing economy. Insanity.

LOL...Oh, I know its Bush's fault even FIVE and a half years later. Brinkmanship politics were played by the democrats brah, but NOBODY defaulted. Let me ask..what color is the sky in your world? There us utterly no connection between Congress making every effort to reign in this administrations out of control spending and the worst economic recovery in history.

Only blind partisans continue to support the failed policies of the Obama crowd. Anger has not zilch to do with my posts. I cant control any of it so i don't waste my time being angry over it. At the same time, it is what it is and your continued effort to paint me as angry only further solidifies the obvious that you're going to make every effort to minimize the colossal failure this president has become by trying to compare it to situations 30 years removed or by placing all the blame on Bush 5 and half years later when it is NOW that America is saddled with THE LOWEST labor force participation rate in its history due to this president's failed economic policies.

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Right Obama has failed the country. I guess the recovery would have been faster had the Republicans forced GM and Chrysler into bankruptcy. :rolleyes:

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Right Obama has failed the country. I guess the recovery would have been faster had the Republicans forced GM and Chrysler into bankruptcy. :rolleyes:

Well that is the precedent whereby companies can gain protection from their creditors. As it turned out Ford refused govt bailout money did just that and they're healthier financially than either GM or Chrysler. The GM bailout cost taxpayers $billions when the feds sold their stock at a lower price than what they paid for it.....damned good policy, LOL. It seems ot be a pattern here. Throw as much tax payer money at every untenable situation like it is the govts job to fix it. Typical progressive policy making

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Right Obama has failed the country. I guess the recovery would have been faster had the Republicans forced GM and Chrysler into bankruptcy. :rolleyes:

Well that is the precedent whereby companies can gain protection from their creditors. As it turned out Ford refused govt bailout money did just that and they're healthier financially than either GM or Chrysler. The GM bailout cost taxpayers $billions when the feds sold their stock at a lower price than what they paid for it.....damned good policy, LOL. It seems ot be a pattern here. Throw as much tax payer money at every untenable situation like it is the govts job to fix it. Typical progressive policy making

Ford didn't need it DA. If they did, believe me, they would have asked for it.

So are you really arguing that austerity is the way to address a recession teetering on the brink of depression?

Would the recovery been faster had GM and Chrysler been allowed to declare bankruptcy?

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Right Obama has failed the country. I guess the recovery would have been faster had the Republicans forced GM and Chrysler into bankruptcy. :rolleyes:

Well that is the precedent whereby companies can gain protection from their creditors. As it turned out Ford refused govt bailout money did just that and they're healthier financially than either GM or Chrysler. The GM bailout cost taxpayers $billions when the feds sold their stock at a lower price than what they paid for it.....damned good policy, LOL. It seems ot be a pattern here. Throw as much tax payer money at every untenable situation like it is the govts job to fix it. Typical progressive policy making

Ford didn't need it DA. If they did, believe me, they would have asked for it.

So are you really arguing the austerity is the way to address a recession teetering on the brink of depression?

Would the recovery been faster had GM and Chrysler been allowed to declare bankruptcy?

Actually Ford took out a $23.5 billion dollar loan to avoid bankruptcy while GM and Chrysler leaned on the govt for federal guarantees. When the federal govt starts routinely embracing policies that promote the idea that some companies are too big to fail the tax payer loses EVERYTIME

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And ICHY is right. Capitalists have pretty much recovered.

LOL convenient argument for someone unwilling to admit this administration HAS FAILED the American people in an almost unprecedented fashion. Its awesome though that those who support Obama are trying to spin this like his policies have created an economic recovery. The average rate of growth in every economic recovery in history is 4% and Obama's "recover" is averaging 2% and has earned the dubious distinction of having THE lowest labor force participation rate in American history. There are currently more Americans out of work than are working in the entire private sector and we have libtards in here telling us Obama's recovery is working..Good Lord!

The problem here is Obama sees the business community as the enemy. We have the highest corporate tax rates in the world and every time Obama expresses concerns over middle class America he turns around and pursues a policy that hurts the middle class. Keystone Pipeline says hello. Its clear this president doesn't understand that it is impossible to spend our way out of a recession with borrowed money, though God knows, he has tried and has spent more money than ALL Presidents before him combined. Helluva a recovery Barry..Thanks! Put it in the backs of corporate America by pushing raising the minimum wage when it has already been saddled with THE most intrusive regulatory policies in history currently costing over $1.86 trillion dollars a year.

Bottom line its much easier to demagogue the issue than to actually provide leadership in solving the economic shortfalls that continue to plague the country.

Blah, blah, blah-- you are an utterly predictable and unusually angry partisan.

The bottom fell out of the economy under Bush-- not all his fault by a long shot. The recession was far worse than usual. The recovery has been slower than usual. Obama's fault? Republican House's fault? Certainly brinkmanship politics with defaulting didn't help. The same folks that thought defaulting was a good idea cry about the slow growing economy. Insanity.

Blah, blah, blah, you are utterly predictable still blaming Bush. No one blames O for the recession; hell, he got elected for 2 reasons; one being the recession. O's presidency is all about "what did you do with the hand you were dealt". By historical standards, he's crashed and burned. And, historically, when you have a deep recession; the curve coming out is equally steep. When you have policies that by any objective measure could not possibly result in economic growth; no one should be surprised when we have lackluster growth. Frankly, we should be shocked that we have any growth at all. That is not a testement to O; it's a testament that American ingenuity survives even when we have policies hostile to it. We spent $1T on supposed shovel ready jobs projects and stimulus; that turned into nothing but welfare; no infrastructure, no industrial policy, no energy policy, nothing but $1T in additional debt around our necks. That's $3030 per citizen of the country of additional national debt...

You still lack basic reading comprehension.

OK, let's see...this thread is about Obama's economic leadership 5.5 years into his admin; right? Your answer to that is "the bottom fell out of the economy under Bush".... and you say I have reading comprehension issues? Once elected and in office, what difference does it make who created the situation?... O is the president now, congratulations; he got what you asked for...now, where's his hope and change?

The second point you made was "the recession was far worse than usual" apparently used as justification for the recovery pattern we are seeing...However, global and US economic history says severe recessions are followed by faster and steeper rebounds....so you basically got that one about as wrong as you could get it.

Your last point was gridlock somehow created a slower economic climate. I'll set aside for a moment who caused/causes gridlock; the reality is that the gridlock prevented spending additional deficit $$. Throwing more $$ into unproductive efforts, unemployment, etc., only gets you more of the thing you subsidize. So, it would seem that the gridlock actually helped growth; not the other way around as you infer...

I think my reading comprehension was pretty good....I would recommend reading Adam Smith or the more recent Porter.

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And ICHY is right. Capitalists have pretty much recovered.

LOL convenient argument for someone unwilling to admit this administration HAS FAILED the American people in an almost unprecedented fashion. Its awesome though that those who support Obama are trying to spin this like his policies have created an economic recovery. The average rate of growth in every economic recovery in history is 4% and Obama's "recover" is averaging 2% and has earned the dubious distinction of having THE lowest labor force participation rate in American history. There are currently more Americans out of work than are working in the entire private sector and we have libtards in here telling us Obama's recovery is working..Good Lord!

The problem here is Obama sees the business community as the enemy. We have the highest corporate tax rates in the world and every time Obama expresses concerns over middle class America he turns around and pursues a policy that hurts the middle class. Keystone Pipeline says hello. Its clear this president doesn't understand that it is impossible to spend our way out of a recession with borrowed money, though God knows, he has tried and has spent more money than ALL Presidents before him combined. Helluva a recovery Barry..Thanks! Put it in the backs of corporate America by pushing raising the minimum wage when it has already been saddled with THE most intrusive regulatory policies in history currently costing over $1.86 trillion dollars a year.

Bottom line its much easier to demagogue the issue than to actually provide leadership in solving the economic shortfalls that continue to plague the country.

Blah, blah, blah-- you are an utterly predictable and unusually angry partisan.

The bottom fell out of the economy under Bush-- not all his fault by a long shot. The recession was far worse than usual. The recovery has been slower than usual. Obama's fault? Republican House's fault? Certainly brinkmanship politics with defaulting didn't help. The same folks that thought defaulting was a good idea cry about the slow growing economy. Insanity.

LOL...Oh, I know its Bush's fault even FIVE and a half years later. Brinkmanship politics were played by the democrats brah, but NOBODY defaulted. Let me ask..what color is the sky in your world? There us utterly no connection between Congress making every effort to reign in this administrations out of control spending and the worst economic recovery in history.

Only blind partisans continue to support the failed policies of the Obama crowd. Anger has not zilch to do with my posts. I cant control any of it so i don't waste my time being angry over it. At the same time, it is what it is and your continued effort to paint me as angry only further solidifies the obvious that you're going to make every effort to minimize the colossal failure this president has become by trying to compare it to situations 30 years removed or by placing all the blame on Bush 5 and half years later when it is NOW that America is saddled with THE LOWEST labor force participation rate in its history due to this president's failed economic policies.

You can't read either.

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And ICHY is right. Capitalists have pretty much recovered.

LOL convenient argument for someone unwilling to admit this administration HAS FAILED the American people in an almost unprecedented fashion. Its awesome though that those who support Obama are trying to spin this like his policies have created an economic recovery. The average rate of growth in every economic recovery in history is 4% and Obama's "recover" is averaging 2% and has earned the dubious distinction of having THE lowest labor force participation rate in American history. There are currently more Americans out of work than are working in the entire private sector and we have libtards in here telling us Obama's recovery is working..Good Lord!

The problem here is Obama sees the business community as the enemy. We have the highest corporate tax rates in the world and every time Obama expresses concerns over middle class America he turns around and pursues a policy that hurts the middle class. Keystone Pipeline says hello. Its clear this president doesn't understand that it is impossible to spend our way out of a recession with borrowed money, though God knows, he has tried and has spent more money than ALL Presidents before him combined. Helluva a recovery Barry..Thanks! Put it in the backs of corporate America by pushing raising the minimum wage when it has already been saddled with THE most intrusive regulatory policies in history currently costing over $1.86 trillion dollars a year.

Bottom line its much easier to demagogue the issue than to actually provide leadership in solving the economic shortfalls that continue to plague the country.

Blah, blah, blah-- you are an utterly predictable and unusually angry partisan.

The bottom fell out of the economy under Bush-- not all his fault by a long shot. The recession was far worse than usual. The recovery has been slower than usual. Obama's fault? Republican House's fault? Certainly brinkmanship politics with defaulting didn't help. The same folks that thought defaulting was a good idea cry about the slow growing economy. Insanity.

LOL...Oh, I know its Bush's fault even FIVE and a half years later. Brinkmanship politics were played by the democrats brah, but NOBODY defaulted. Let me ask..what color is the sky in your world? There us utterly no connection between Congress making every effort to reign in this administrations out of control spending and the worst economic recovery in history.

Only blind partisans continue to support the failed policies of the Obama crowd. Anger has not zilch to do with my posts. I cant control any of it so i don't waste my time being angry over it. At the same time, it is what it is and your continued effort to paint me as angry only further solidifies the obvious that you're going to make every effort to minimize the colossal failure this president has become by trying to compare it to situations 30 years removed or by placing all the blame on Bush 5 and half years later when it is NOW that America is saddled with THE LOWEST labor force participation rate in its history due to this president's failed economic policies.

You can't read either.

Great response but predictable and fully expected. :-\ Your posturing that implies you're just smarter than everyone here is the norm with you libs. Press on.

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And ICHY is right. Capitalists have pretty much recovered.

LOL convenient argument for someone unwilling to admit this administration HAS FAILED the American people in an almost unprecedented fashion. Its awesome though that those who support Obama are trying to spin this like his policies have created an economic recovery. The average rate of growth in every economic recovery in history is 4% and Obama's "recover" is averaging 2% and has earned the dubious distinction of having THE lowest labor force participation rate in American history. There are currently more Americans out of work than are working in the entire private sector and we have libtards in here telling us Obama's recovery is working..Good Lord!

The problem here is Obama sees the business community as the enemy. We have the highest corporate tax rates in the world and every time Obama expresses concerns over middle class America he turns around and pursues a policy that hurts the middle class. Keystone Pipeline says hello. Its clear this president doesn't understand that it is impossible to spend our way out of a recession with borrowed money, though God knows, he has tried and has spent more money than ALL Presidents before him combined. Helluva a recovery Barry..Thanks! Put it in the backs of corporate America by pushing raising the minimum wage when it has already been saddled with THE most intrusive regulatory policies in history currently costing over $1.86 trillion dollars a year.

Bottom line its much easier to demagogue the issue than to actually provide leadership in solving the economic shortfalls that continue to plague the country.

Blah, blah, blah-- you are an utterly predictable and unusually angry partisan.

The bottom fell out of the economy under Bush-- not all his fault by a long shot. The recession was far worse than usual. The recovery has been slower than usual. Obama's fault? Republican House's fault? Certainly brinkmanship politics with defaulting didn't help. The same folks that thought defaulting was a good idea cry about the slow growing economy. Insanity.

LOL...Oh, I know its Bush's fault even FIVE and a half years later. Brinkmanship politics were played by the democrats brah, but NOBODY defaulted. Let me ask..what color is the sky in your world? There us utterly no connection between Congress making every effort to reign in this administrations out of control spending and the worst economic recovery in history.

Only blind partisans continue to support the failed policies of the Obama crowd. Anger has not zilch to do with my posts. I cant control any of it so i don't waste my time being angry over it. At the same time, it is what it is and your continued effort to paint me as angry only further solidifies the obvious that you're going to make every effort to minimize the colossal failure this president has become by trying to compare it to situations 30 years removed or by placing all the blame on Bush 5 and half years later when it is NOW that America is saddled with THE LOWEST labor force participation rate in its history due to this president's failed economic policies.

You can't read either.

^THIS^ is the truth. However, in fairness to Blue, he doesn't need to read anything because he already knows everything.

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Here's an interesting article.

Feds disguising the devastation of poverty

Easy benefits allow the poor to settle into ambition-numbing subsistence

By Tammy Bruce

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Hiding the poverty consuming this nation is one of government’s big jobs these days.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics made a startling announcement. New data released by the bureau reveals that in one out of every five families — 20 percent — no one is employed. Not one person in those families has a job. This is monumental, but we don’t see it because of the remarkable effort by the federal government to hide the truth.

Why? Because seeing the government’s failure spells their political ruin. Your family and future have been designated as a sacrifice to ensure the future of incompetent — and sometimes malevolent — politicians. Hiding poverty is now Job One.

During the Great Depression, hundreds of people lined up at soup kitchens every day in every city, a resource many people used as their sole food supplier.

It’s not a good thing that people had to line up at a soup kitchen, but that’s the point. We saw the poverty, and by standing in line to get food, you felt the impact of a government that had failed in its policies and duties. There was no denying the truth. You knew something had to change.

How best to perpetrate a lie about the condition of our economy than by making invisible the truth of the matter? When no one sees people in unemployment offices, and no one sees lines of people waiting for food, and no one sees the homeless population soar, it allows the craven in Washington to prevail with lies about what’s really happening.

Today, there’s no need to stand in line for food. Your friendly federal government will send you a pre-filled debit card that you can use without anyone knowing (perhaps even yourself) how desperate your situation is.

In order to file for unemployment benefits, you used to have to stand in line at the “unemployment office,” and speak person-to-person, describing what happened and what sort of work you wanted. Even more importantly, you saw you were not alone.

These days? Go online and file a claim.

Not only do you never need to leave your house, you also never see the physical reality of how many of your neighbors are in the same boat as you are. Instead, after you get your Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) card and click online to get your check, you hear politicians and their mainstream media propagandists on television telling you how fabulous everything is while waxing optimistically about the strength of the “recovery.”

The latest effort by liberals to hide their destruction of our lives comes courtesy of San Jose, Calif. Tired of the tent towns erected by the exploding number of homeless in this city near San Francisco, the City Council decided “to solve San Jose’s homeless problem [by] suggesting new neighborhoods consisting of small structures called “pods” or “microhouses,” according to a local TV station, KPIX.

So, voila — homelessness ended by putting people in a 150-square-foot container. Not only can you say you’ve “solved” the homeless problem, you get rid of the evidence that liberalism destroys people’s lives.

The last time I checked, people weren’t homeless because they lacked a container to live in. They’re homeless because of joblessness, inflation, drug abuse and alcoholism — all of which leads to general despair and misery.

Even more concerning is the apparent goal to convince the millions of Americans who have lost hope that this is the “new normal.” Welfare benefits keep the individual from sinking completely, while ripping away any notion that things can and should be better.

When I was a kid, my mother was on welfare and food stamps for a period of time. There was no EBT card in those days. Instead, you had to peel off coupons, actual stamps, from the food-stamp booklet, and everyone in line at the market knew your situation.

It was embarrassing for my mother, but I’ll always remember her determination to get off welfare and get a job. After one journey to the market when I was 10, she said to me, “Every time we go to the store, I am so ashamed. I’ve got to get a job. I may not be home with you as much, but I’ll be making my own money again, and I’ll be in charge of my life. Remember. Tammy, never let yourself get into a situation where you have to rely on the government so you can live your life. It’s not worth it. It’s killing me.”

My mother wasn’t a political woman, and she had no idea how political that statement really was. In fact, it was a demand for the more natural state of personal freedom and independence. For her, it was brought home when her situation became apparent to other people and, therefore, to herself. While I’m glad she had that safety net, she wanted better, and she knew it was possible.

It’s a powerful thing to know, really know, that things are bad and that you need to make a change. It’s also why politicians are determined to make sure today’s poverty is hidden not just from the public, but from the poverty-stricken themselves.


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And ICHY is right. Capitalists have pretty much recovered.

LOL convenient argument for someone unwilling to admit this administration HAS FAILED the American people in an almost unprecedented fashion. Its awesome though that those who support Obama are trying to spin this like his policies have created an economic recovery. The average rate of growth in every economic recovery in history is 4% and Obama's "recover" is averaging 2% and has earned the dubious distinction of having THE lowest labor force participation rate in American history. There are currently more Americans out of work than are working in the entire private sector and we have libtards in here telling us Obama's recovery is working..Good Lord!

The problem here is Obama sees the business community as the enemy. We have the highest corporate tax rates in the world and every time Obama expresses concerns over middle class America he turns around and pursues a policy that hurts the middle class. Keystone Pipeline says hello. Its clear this president doesn't understand that it is impossible to spend our way out of a recession with borrowed money, though God knows, he has tried and has spent more money than ALL Presidents before him combined. Helluva a recovery Barry..Thanks! Put it in the backs of corporate America by pushing raising the minimum wage when it has already been saddled with THE most intrusive regulatory policies in history currently costing over $1.86 trillion dollars a year.

Bottom line its much easier to demagogue the issue than to actually provide leadership in solving the economic shortfalls that continue to plague the country.

Blah, blah, blah-- you are an utterly predictable and unusually angry partisan.

The bottom fell out of the economy under Bush-- not all his fault by a long shot. The recession was far worse than usual. The recovery has been slower than usual. Obama's fault? Republican House's fault? Certainly brinkmanship politics with defaulting didn't help. The same folks that thought defaulting was a good idea cry about the slow growing economy. Insanity.

LOL...Oh, I know its Bush's fault even FIVE and a half years later. Brinkmanship politics were played by the democrats brah, but NOBODY defaulted. Let me ask..what color is the sky in your world? There us utterly no connection between Congress making every effort to reign in this administrations out of control spending and the worst economic recovery in history.

Only blind partisans continue to support the failed policies of the Obama crowd. Anger has not zilch to do with my posts. I cant control any of it so i don't waste my time being angry over it. At the same time, it is what it is and your continued effort to paint me as angry only further solidifies the obvious that you're going to make every effort to minimize the colossal failure this president has become by trying to compare it to situations 30 years removed or by placing all the blame on Bush 5 and half years later when it is NOW that America is saddled with THE LOWEST labor force participation rate in its history due to this president's failed economic policies.

You can't read either.

^THIS^ is the truth. However, in fairness to Blue, he doesn't need to read anything because he already knows everything.

Speaking of this robust Obama recovery, I know this; ObamaCare will hurt small business owners bad. Yaboy Harry Reid is gonna be very popular when possibly as many as 90,000 people in Nevada lose their heath insurance when the business mandate kicks in. The beat goes on, the economy continues to tank, and the liberal progressives keep telling themselves its all Geo Bush's fault.


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