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Nancy Pelosi - Dumb as a sack of rocks


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Pelosi Statement on Cinco de Mayo

May 2, 2014

Washington, D.C. – Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi released the following statement in honor of Cinco de Mayo, which falls on Monday, May 5th:

“On Cinco de Mayo, we remember the courage and heroism of a poorly armed Mexican militia that, in 1862, and in defense of their country, their rights, and their future, defeated the imperial French army in the Battle of Puebla. Since that moment of valor, we honor the history of our friends and neighbors to the south and recognize and celebrate the contributions of Hispanic Americans across our country.

“As we look back on a seminal moment in history, let us also look forward to the best ways we can continue to embrace the diverse heritage and rich history of Latinos in the United States. There is no better way to acknowledge the important contributions to our country of America’s Latino community than by enacting comprehensive immigration reform.

“Whether on Cinco de Mayo or on any other day, the time is now for comprehensive immigration reform that honors the values of our country, strengthens our economy, and provides an earned pathway to citizenship. And the time is now for House Republicans to emulate the bravery demonstrated in the Battle of Puebla, recognize the importance of immigrants and family unification, and give us a vote on a comprehensive bill that reforms our broken immigration system.


The only thing broken about the immigration system is this administration could care less about enforcing it.

Pelosi Calls for Immigration Reform In Honor of Cinco de Mayo

Alissa Tabirian

May 5, 2014 at 1:28 pm

House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi called for immigration reform as a way to honor Cinco de Mayo, a Mexican holiday that celebrates the Mexican army’s victory over the French army in the Battle of Puebla in 1862.

“As we look back on a seminal moment in history, let us also look forward to the best ways we can continue to embrace the diverse heritage and rich history of Latinos in the United States,” Pelosi said in a press release last Friday. “There is no better way to acknowledge the important contributions to our country of America’s Latino community than by enacting comprehensive immigration reform.”

Pelosi challenged “House Republicans to emulate the bravery demonstrated in the Battle of Puebla, recognize the importance of immigrants and family unification, and give us a vote on a comprehensive bill that reforms our broken immigration system.”

House Republicans, however, continue to resist action on immigration reform. House Speaker John Boehner recently explained, “the American people don’t trust the president to enforce or implement the law that we may or may not pass.”


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I am very confused at what they think needs to be done. I hear a lot about reform, but as stated, they dont even try to enforce what we have. Other than just straight amnesty to anyone willing to run the border - what do they want?

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I am very confused at what they think needs to be done. I hear a lot about reform, but as stated, they dont even try to enforce what we have. Other than just straight amnesty to anyone willing to run the border - what do they want?

A way to admit the obvious and admit those 11M people onto the taxpayer roles they avoid now.
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I am very confused at what they think needs to be done. I hear a lot about reform, but as stated, they dont even try to enforce what we have. Other than just straight amnesty to anyone willing to run the border - what do they want?

You should check with these two conservative groups who agree we need immigration reform:

US Chamber of Commerce

Bibles Badges and Businesses

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Rocks....he is very, very sorry. We love you (ladies love those clear ones that set well in gold). :)

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