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VA Scandal in Arizona

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This is an atrocity-Period. If we were to use Democrat logic or tactics we would blame this directly on Obama like they did with Bush on Katrina. But I don't blame this on Obama but on a government that is too big and unfortunately is riddled with lazy people.

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This is an atrocity-Period. If we were to use Democrat logic or tactics we would blame this directly on Obama like they did with Bush on Katrina. But I don't blame this on Obama but on a government that is too big and unfortunately is riddled with lazy people.

That's a fair assessment. The President needs to step in and take control of the situation, or find someone competent enough to do so. If he doesn't then part of the blame can be shifted to his doorsteps.

Issues with the VA have been noted for decades and while it may improve in some instances, it rarely ever hits the mark it should. Our government needs a shake up.

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Yet the VA is one of the shining examples they used when puhsing through OBAMACARE. That and the native American healthcare system.

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Yet the VA is one of the shining examples they used when puhsing through OBAMACARE. That and the native American healthcare system.

Don't get me wrong, IMO, Obama is the biggest POS to ever reside in the White House. He is corrupt and a habitual liar. I've just seen some place the blame for this VA atrocity on him and I just disagree.
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Yet the VA is one of the shining examples they used when puhsing through OBAMACARE. That and the native American healthcare system.

Don't get me wrong, IMO, Obama is the biggest POS to ever reside in the White House. He is corrupt and a habitual liar. I've just seen some place the blame for this VA atrocity on him and I just disagree.

I wasn't taking a swipe at Obama, my point was that the dems held up the VA as a great example of government run healthcare and what we could all look forward to.
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Yet the VA is one of the shining examples they used when puhsing through OBAMACARE. That and the native American healthcare system.

Don't get me wrong, IMO, Obama is the biggest POS to ever reside in the White House. He is corrupt and a habitual liar. I've just seen some place the blame for this VA atrocity on him and I just disagree.

I wasn't taking a swipe at Obama, my point was that the dems held up the VA as a great example of government run healthcare and what we could all look forward to.

You are 100% correct!
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“President Obama can’t just come to California and do fundraisers without addressing the largest veteran population during the VA crisis," Sure he can. Whose going to call him on it, the MSM? Get real they voted for him and have covered for him for the past seven or eight years. The press are not ready to admit they were wrong.

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ByJennifer JanischCBS NewsMay 9, 2014, 4:58 PM

Email reveals deliberate effort by VA hospital to hide long patient waits

A Veterans Affairs employee at the VA Medical Center in Cheyenne, Wyoming, has been placed on administrative leave after CBS News obtained an email showing an employee directing his staff on how to game the appointments system to make it appear as though veterans were being seen within the VA's 14-day directive.

The email, written by Telehealth Coordinator David Newman, a registered nurse, describes how patients at the Cheyenne VA Medical Center are always listed getting appointments within a 14-day window, no matter when the appointment was first requested, and no matter how long the patient actually waited.

The memo admitted, "Yes, this is gaming the system a bit..." because "when we exceed the 14 day measure, the front office gets very upset, which doesn't help us."

The employee further instructs staff on how to "get off the bad boys list" by "cancelling the visit (by clinic) and then rescheduling it with a desired date within that 14 day window."

Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki made the following statement in response to an inquiry by CBS News:

"On May 9, upon learning of an email sent by a Cheyenne VA Medical Center employee, I immediately requested the independent VA Office of Inspector General conduct a thorough investigation of the actions outlined in the employee's email. I have also directed that the employee be removed immediately from patient care responsibilities and placed on administrative leave. VA takes any allegations about patient care or employee misconduct very seriously. If true, the behavior outlined in the email is unacceptable."

However, CBS News has learned that the VA's Office of the Medical Inspector had already investigated and substantiated claims of improper scheduling practices at the Cheyenne VAMC, sending a report to the Office of Special Counsel on December 23, 2013. It is unclear why it took five months, and an inquiry by CBS News, for the VA to take action against an employee there and order an Inspector General's investigation.

Friday's developments come a day after Shinseki directed his agency to complete a nationwide review of clinics at VA Medical Centers across the country to assess veterans' access to care.


I think there will be a lot more coming out, this is just the tip of a very big iceberg.

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Typical. Just plain typical.

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Not to pile on here...but, my own problem with the VA Rocked on for 8 years before i finally got a hearing.

It took Sen Shelby, Sen Sessions, Rep Mo Brooks offices to get me into the see the folks i needed to see.

If you want to know more message about it. I was one of the thousands of folks that lost my military records in the fire up in Cinicinati and it came out of that.

I got an empty DD214 and zero pay or health or school records right now. They have a record of where my records went thru Kansas City at one time before the fire and thats it. Took me 8 years to just get to see the right folks.

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They're doing better (sometimes) David. I recently requested a copy of DD214, received it in less than 30 days.

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This former Marine would like to see some changes!

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Obama has spent more $ for the VA each year he's been in office. Unfortunately, merely tossing $ at a problem ( the typical D.C. mind set ) and expecting things to just get better , only shows a terrific vacuum of leadership.

It's not found in D.C. , and certainly not in the WH.

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Obama has spent more $ for the VA each year he's been in office. Unfortunately, merely tossing $ at a problem ( the typical D.C. mind set ) and expecting things to just get better , only shows a terrific vacuum of leadership.

It's not found in D.C. , and certainly not in the WH.

He let the VA spend almost 500 million on office furniture. Desks tables chairs drapes carpets.......

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I'm sure that Nancy Pelosi would say what a great benefit that furniture money was for the companies that make that furniture, and that those items were necessary in helping make the VA a warm, vibrant and healing place for our veterans to go.


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