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Our "Ally", Israel

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The main targets for Israeli spies are US industrial and technical secrets, according to a report in Newsweek magazine (AFP Photo/)

Washington (AFP) - Israel spies on the United States more than any other ally does and these activities have reached an alarming level, Newsweek magazine reported on Tuesday.

The main targets are US industrial and technical secrets, the weekly said, quoting classified briefings on legislation that would make it easier for Israeli citizens to get visas to enter America.

Newsweek said a congressional staffer familiar with a briefing last January called the testimony "very sobering ... alarming ... even terrifying", and quoted another as saying the behavior was "damaging."

"No other country close to the United States continues to cross the line on espionage like the Israelis do," said a former congressional staffer who attended another classified briefing in late 2013, according to Newsweek.

It said that briefing was one of several in recent months given by the Department of Homeland Security, the State Department, the FBI and the National Counterintelligence Directorate.

The former congressional staffer said the intelligence agencies did not give specifics, but cited "industrial espionage—folks coming over here on trade missions or with Israeli companies working in collaboration with American companies, [or] intelligence operatives being run directly by the government, which I assume meant out of the [israeli] Embassy."

Israel's espionage activities in America are unrivaled and go far beyond activities by other close allies, such as Germany, France, Britain and Japan, counter-intelligence agents told members of the House Judiciary and Foreign Affairs committees, Newsweek said.

"I don't think anyone was surprised by these revelations," the former aide was quoted as saying.

"But when you step back and hear ... that there are no other countries taking advantage of our security relationship the way the Israelis are for espionage purposes, it is quite shocking."

Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman rejected the allegations.

"We're talking about lies and falsehood, simply libel which is baseless and unfounded," he said.

Lieberman added Israel was not involved in any form of espionage against the United States, either direct or indirect in nature.

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More bashing of Israel.

"We're talking about lies and falsehood, simply libel which is baseless and unfounded," he said. Lieberman added Israel was not involved in any form of espionage against the United States, either direct or indirect in nature.

He said it isn't happening, so it isn't.

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I thought Newsweek had gone belly up. They should. The article doesn't quote any named source or report so it is just an opinion piece.

I would readily add the of course Israel is spying on us. We spy on them so isn't turn about fair play. If I were them I would doubling my spying on the U.S. considering the way Obama, Kerry, et.al., have treated them.

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Any reputable nation is going to have a spy network because information sharing rarely exists. Since we do the same thing I'm not going to cast stones at glass houses.

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I thought Newsweek had gone belly up. They should. The article doesn't quote any named source or report so it is just an opinion piece.

I would readily add the of course Israel is spying on us. We spy on them so isn't turn about fair play. If I were them I would doubling my spying on the U.S. considering the way Obama, Kerry, et.al., have treated them.

Thats the way ICHY likes it. He has never stated or otherwise implied that the US should show Israel ANY special deference. Never mind they're our ONLY ally in the entire middle east.

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More bashing of Israel.

"We're talking about lies and falsehood, simply libel which is baseless and unfounded," he said. Lieberman added Israel was not involved in any form of espionage against the United States, either direct or indirect in nature.

He said it isn't happening, so it isn't.

So that's that? Israel said they didn't do it so that's gospel?

Some folks need to reconsider the notion that the modern secular state of Israel = the Israel of the Bible.

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I thought Newsweek had gone belly up. They should. The article doesn't quote any named source or report so it is just an opinion piece.

I would readily add the of course Israel is spying on us. We spy on them so isn't turn about fair play. If I were them I would doubling my spying on the U.S. considering the way Obama, Kerry, et.al., have treated them.

Thats the way ICHY likes it. He has never stated or otherwise implied that the US should show Israel ANY special deference. Never mind they're our ONLY ally in the entire middle east.

Allowing them to steal from us is your idea of "special deference"? Interesting. Please explain what the Israeli's have done for us, that you consider so important, that we should give them a pass.

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I thought Newsweek had gone belly up. They should. The article doesn't quote any named source or report so it is just an opinion piece.

I would readily add the of course Israel is spying on us. We spy on them so isn't turn about fair play. If I were them I would doubling my spying on the U.S. considering the way Obama, Kerry, et.al., have treated them.

Thats the way ICHY likes it. He has never stated or otherwise implied that the US should show Israel ANY special deference. Never mind they're our ONLY ally in the entire middle east.

Allowing them to steal from us is your idea of "special deference"? Interesting. Please explain what the Israeli's have done for us, that you consider so important, that we should give them a pass.

What about our business partners in China or the EU? Isreal owes us a lot, but if the crap hits the fan I bet you they would be there with us to fight the good fight. It is a strategic and social connection we share. I get your point, but it is what it is.

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I thought Newsweek had gone belly up. They should. The article doesn't quote any named source or report so it is just an opinion piece.

I would readily add the of course Israel is spying on us. We spy on them so isn't turn about fair play. If I were them I would doubling my spying on the U.S. considering the way Obama, Kerry, et.al., have treated them.

Thats the way ICHY likes it. He has never stated or otherwise implied that the US should show Israel ANY special deference. Never mind they're our ONLY ally in the entire middle east.

Allowing them to steal from us is your idea of "special deference"? Interesting. Please explain what the Israeli's have done for us, that you consider so important, that we should give them a pass.

What about our business partners in China or the EU? Isreal owes us a lot, but if the crap hits the fan I bet you they would be there with us to fight the good fight. It is a strategic and social connection we share. I get your point, but it is what it is.

So, they can steal from us because they might do something for us one day? If they truly, "owe us a lot", should they be conducting this kind of, and volume of, espionage operations? Do you really believe we should tolerate that?

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I thought Newsweek had gone belly up. They should. The article doesn't quote any named source or report so it is just an opinion piece.

I would readily add the of course Israel is spying on us. We spy on them so isn't turn about fair play. If I were them I would doubling my spying on the U.S. considering the way Obama, Kerry, et.al., have treated them.

Thats the way ICHY likes it. He has never stated or otherwise implied that the US should show Israel ANY special deference. Never mind they're our ONLY ally in the entire middle east.

Allowing them to steal from us is your idea of "special deference"? Interesting. Please explain what the Israeli's have done for us, that you consider so important, that we should give them a pass.

What about our business partners in China or the EU? Isreal owes us a lot, but if the crap hits the fan I bet you they would be there with us to fight the good fight. It is a strategic and social connection we share. I get your point, but it is what it is.

So, they can steal from us because they might do something for us one day? If they truly, "owe us a lot", should they be conducting this kind of, and volume of, espionage operations? Do you really believe we should tolerate that?

The US reacting to this would be very, very hypocritical

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I thought Newsweek had gone belly up. They should. The article doesn't quote any named source or report so it is just an opinion piece.

I would readily add the of course Israel is spying on us. We spy on them so isn't turn about fair play. If I were them I would doubling my spying on the U.S. considering the way Obama, Kerry, et.al., have treated them.

Thats the way ICHY likes it. He has never stated or otherwise implied that the US should show Israel ANY special deference. Never mind they're our ONLY ally in the entire middle east.

Allowing them to steal from us is your idea of "special deference"? Interesting. Please explain what the Israeli's have done for us, that you consider so important, that we should give them a pass.

its not just about quid pro quo geo-politics. They are the only ally we have in a very unstable region on the world. Its not just about doing something for Israel. Its about political stabilization but as usual when US recedes from the world stage inevitably a vacuum is created and those who emerge are not good actors. I guess you feel great about Putin's recent bravado, huh? Obama is the greatest at leading from behind and Putin has no respect him whatsoever because Obama exudes weakness and Putin sees how non-committal he is. I know in your mind Obamas foreign policies are and have been "all good" We simply have a disagreement, not only about this particular topic but about american exceptionalism in general.. America has been a positive geo-political force in the world, not perfect, but a lot better than any other. When America even appears weak the world at large is a lot less safe for pretty much everyone

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I thought Newsweek had gone belly up. They should. The article doesn't quote any named source or report so it is just an opinion piece.

I would readily add the of course Israel is spying on us. We spy on them so isn't turn about fair play. If I were them I would doubling my spying on the U.S. considering the way Obama, Kerry, et.al., have treated them.

Thats the way ICHY likes it. He has never stated or otherwise implied that the US should show Israel ANY special deference. Never mind they're our ONLY ally in the entire middle east.

Allowing them to steal from us is your idea of "special deference"? Interesting. Please explain what the Israeli's have done for us, that you consider so important, that we should give them a pass.

What about our business partners in China or the EU? Isreal owes us a lot, but if the crap hits the fan I bet you they would be there with us to fight the good fight. It is a strategic and social connection we share. I get your point, but it is what it is.

So, they can steal from us because they might do something for us one day? If they truly, "owe us a lot", should they be conducting this kind of, and volume of, espionage operations? Do you really believe we should tolerate that?

The US reacting to this would be very, very hypocritical

True after recent revelations. However, I don't think it should be accepted or encouraged.

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I thought Newsweek had gone belly up. They should. The article doesn't quote any named source or report so it is just an opinion piece.

I would readily add the of course Israel is spying on us. We spy on them so isn't turn about fair play. If I were them I would doubling my spying on the U.S. considering the way Obama, Kerry, et.al., have treated them.

Thats the way ICHY likes it. He has never stated or otherwise implied that the US should show Israel ANY special deference. Never mind they're our ONLY ally in the entire middle east.

Allowing them to steal from us is your idea of "special deference"? Interesting. Please explain what the Israeli's have done for us, that you consider so important, that we should give them a pass.

its not just about quid pro quo geo-politics. They are the only ally we have in a very unstable region on the world. Its not just about doing something for Israel. Its about political stabilization but as usual when US recedes from the world stage inevitably a vacuum is created and those who emerge are not good actors. I guess you feel great about Putin's recent bravado, huh? Obama is the greatest at leading from behind and Putin has no respect him whatsoever because Obama exudes weakness and Putin sees how non-committal he is. I know in your mind Obamas foreign policies are and have been "all good" We simply have a disagreement, not only about this particular topic but about american exceptionalism in general.. America has been a positive geo-political force in the world, not perfect, but a lot better than any other. When America even appears weak the world at large is a lot less safe for pretty much everyone

It always amuses me when you pretend to know what and how I think. I believe that we have been exceptional but, I believe we are drifting away from what made us exceptional.

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I thought Newsweek had gone belly up. They should. The article doesn't quote any named source or report so it is just an opinion piece.

I would readily add the of course Israel is spying on us. We spy on them so isn't turn about fair play. If I were them I would doubling my spying on the U.S. considering the way Obama, Kerry, et.al., have treated them.

Thats the way ICHY likes it. He has never stated or otherwise implied that the US should show Israel ANY special deference. Never mind they're our ONLY ally in the entire middle east.

Allowing them to steal from us is your idea of "special deference"? Interesting. Please explain what the Israeli's have done for us, that you consider so important, that we should give them a pass.

What about our business partners in China or the EU? Isreal owes us a lot, but if the crap hits the fan I bet you they would be there with us to fight the good fight. It is a strategic and social connection we share. I get your point, but it is what it is.

So, they can steal from us because they might do something for us one day? If they truly, "owe us a lot", should they be conducting this kind of, and volume of, espionage operations? Do you really believe we should tolerate that?

The US reacting to this would be very, very hypocritical

True after recent revelations. However, I don't think it should be accepted or encouraged.

I don't either but it's a reality that won't change anytime soon.

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I thought Newsweek had gone belly up. They should. The article doesn't quote any named source or report so it is just an opinion piece.

I would readily add the of course Israel is spying on us. We spy on them so isn't turn about fair play. If I were them I would doubling my spying on the U.S. considering the way Obama, Kerry, et.al., have treated them.

Thats the way ICHY likes it. He has never stated or otherwise implied that the US should show Israel ANY special deference. Never mind they're our ONLY ally in the entire middle east.

Allowing them to steal from us is your idea of "special deference"? Interesting. Please explain what the Israeli's have done for us, that you consider so important, that we should give them a pass.

its not just about quid pro quo geo-politics. They are the only ally we have in a very unstable region on the world. Its not just about doing something for Israel. Its about political stabilization but as usual when US recedes from the world stage inevitably a vacuum is created and those who emerge are not good actors. I guess you feel great about Putin's recent bravado, huh? Obama is the greatest at leading from behind and Putin has no respect him whatsoever because Obama exudes weakness and Putin sees how non-committal he is. I know in your mind Obamas foreign policies are and have been "all good" We simply have a disagreement, not only about this particular topic but about american exceptionalism in general.. America has been a positive geo-political force in the world, not perfect, but a lot better than any other. When America even appears weak the world at large is a lot less safe for pretty much everyone

It always amuses me when you pretend to know what and how I think. I believe that we have been exceptional but, I believe we are drifting away from what made us exceptional.

We can certainly agree on that and IMO that drift is a direct function of Obama's foreign policy failures.

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I thought Newsweek had gone belly up. They should. The article doesn't quote any named source or report so it is just an opinion piece.

I would readily add the of course Israel is spying on us. We spy on them so isn't turn about fair play. If I were them I would doubling my spying on the U.S. considering the way Obama, Kerry, et.al., have treated them.

Thats the way ICHY likes it. He has never stated or otherwise implied that the US should show Israel ANY special deference. Never mind they're our ONLY ally in the entire middle east.

Allowing them to steal from us is your idea of "special deference"? Interesting. Please explain what the Israeli's have done for us, that you consider so important, that we should give them a pass.

its not just about quid pro quo geo-politics. They are the only ally we have in a very unstable region on the world. Its not just about doing something for Israel. Its about political stabilization but as usual when US recedes from the world stage inevitably a vacuum is created and those who emerge are not good actors. I guess you feel great about Putin's recent bravado, huh? Obama is the greatest at leading from behind and Putin has no respect him whatsoever because Obama exudes weakness and Putin sees how non-committal he is. I know in your mind Obamas foreign policies are and have been "all good" We simply have a disagreement, not only about this particular topic but about american exceptionalism in general.. America has been a positive geo-political force in the world, not perfect, but a lot better than any other. When America even appears weak the world at large is a lot less safe for pretty much everyone

It always amuses me when you pretend to know what and how I think. I believe that we have been exceptional but, I believe we are drifting away from what made us exceptional.

We can certainly agree on that and IMO that drift is a direct function of Obama's foreign policy failures.

That is probably where you and I differ the most. I think Obama is a continuation (possibly and acceleration but, I think that is yet to be proven) of what has been going on since post Eisenhower. If this period goes down in history as the end of American exceptionalism, the blame will not be solely on Obama. The blame will not even be solely on politics. Mostly, but not solely.

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I thought Newsweek had gone belly up. They should. The article doesn't quote any named source or report so it is just an opinion piece.

I would readily add the of course Israel is spying on us. We spy on them so isn't turn about fair play. If I were them I would doubling my spying on the U.S. considering the way Obama, Kerry, et.al., have treated them.

Thats the way ICHY likes it. He has never stated or otherwise implied that the US should show Israel ANY special deference. Never mind they're our ONLY ally in the entire middle east.

Allowing them to steal from us is your idea of "special deference"? Interesting. Please explain what the Israeli's have done for us, that you consider so important, that we should give them a pass.

its not just about quid pro quo geo-politics. They are the only ally we have in a very unstable region on the world. Its not just about doing something for Israel. Its about political stabilization but as usual when US recedes from the world stage inevitably a vacuum is created and those who emerge are not good actors. I guess you feel great about Putin's recent bravado, huh? Obama is the greatest at leading from behind and Putin has no respect him whatsoever because Obama exudes weakness and Putin sees how non-committal he is. I know in your mind Obamas foreign policies are and have been "all good" We simply have a disagreement, not only about this particular topic but about american exceptionalism in general.. America has been a positive geo-political force in the world, not perfect, but a lot better than any other. When America even appears weak the world at large is a lot less safe for pretty much everyone

It always amuses me when you pretend to know what and how I think. I believe that we have been exceptional but, I believe we are drifting away from what made us exceptional.

We can certainly agree on that and IMO that drift is a direct function of Obama's foreign policy failures.

That is probably where you and I differ the most. I think Obama is a continuation (possibly and acceleration but, I think that is yet to be proven) of what has been going on since post Eisenhower. If this period goes down in history as the end of American exceptionalism, the blame will not be solely on Obama. The blame will not even be solely on politics. Mostly, but not solely.

Yeah we do disagree...widely

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