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Left Created GOP War on Women, But Ignores Oppressed Women in Muslim World


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Ralph Peters: Left Created GOP War on Women, But Ignores Oppressed Women in Muslim World

LT. COL. RALPH PETERS: First of all, Brian, the American left, and all the feminists, have spent more energy defending a handful of terrorist thugs in Gitmo than they have spent over the years defending the rights of hundreds of millions of brutally oppressed women throughout the Islamic world. And now suddenly it's the Beverly Hills Hotel and the Polo Lounge. They're protesting that, even though -- look, for years, the stars have been staying at the Fairmont, which is owned by Qataris and Saudis; staying at the Four Seasons, It's almost half-owned by a Saudi. How are women's rights doing in Saudi Arabia right now?

My problem essentially, Brian, is simply this: Let me tell your viewers something, I'm not a Republican; I am an independent and on ethical John Stewart Mills grounds, I am pro-choice. But, the notion that the left has created this lie about a Republican war on women while they are ignoring the brutality, brutal treatment of women, Boko Haram, obviously. You have women being punished for being raped. You have genital mutilation. You have stoning to death, but also the slavery, the oppression, the lack of freedom, and the American left says nothing about it and let me give you a classic example.

Yesterday, in the New York Times, Nicholas Kristof, the columnist, whose heart is in the right place but who is ethically challenged, he wrote a 900-word column about the importance of education for women and every example he cited of deprivation was an Islamic country. And yet never in that column does he use the word Islam or the word Muslim. You see the left contorting itself not to say that Boko Haram is an Islamist organization attempting to impose Sharia Law. That doesn't mean all Muslims are bad, but it does mean that if you look honestly at the world, only in the Islamic world, only in the Islamic world are women brutally oppressed and do they suffer the deprivation of rights and the American left says nothing. (via The Right Scoop)


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Of course they do. President Clinton. Please stand up! Please stand up! :)

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Seriously? :-\/> :no:/>

This is self parodying.

Seriously! Democrats are just as lame as anyone when it comes to equality and fairness. They just want equality to justify their means.

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Yea, them dimocrats should a done spent what ever it takes to help them Muslim women. What? TM, you wanna spend hour tax money on Muslim womans? You can stop right here and let me off your librul bus. You aint no true conservative, you aint no tee party member. You sound like homies now. Spend all hour money on muslims,SMH. You done turned.

If you want to save the world, spend your own money, not mine.

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Yea, them dimocrats should a done spent what ever it takes to help them Muslim women. What? TM, you wanna spend hour tax money on Muslim womans? You can stop right here and let me off your librul bus. You aint no true conservative, you aint no tee party member. You sound like homies now. Spend all hour money on muslims. You done turned.

What happened to you bud? What is becoming painfully obvious is, you can no longer thoughtfully engage with out making a fool of yourself with hyperboles of ignorance.

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Gee wiz, Blue. If you can do it, why am I not allowed?

Yeah, I always post in a fake ignorant persona. Keep it up it only proves your inability to honestly articulate what you are willing to really stand behind. All I've have ever gotten out of your posts are whines about the political process and how it upsets your naive idealism. Since you have made another feigned ignorant post above, why don't you point out what you disagree with in the OP rather than the ignorant persona act? Continuing this pattern is not strengthening a position, if you even have one..just sayin brah.

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Gee wiz, Blue. If you can do it, why am I not allowed?

Clearly there is a double standard on this forum. ;)

Says the guy who calls himself a capitalist in the purest sense who favors "govt run free markets"...LOl

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Gee wiz, Blue. If you can do it, why am I not allowed?

Clearly there is a double standard on this forum. ;)

Says the guy who calls himself a capitalist in the purest sense who favors "govt run free markets"...LOl

It's one thing to constantly misrepresent me Blue, but you have drifted into outright lying.

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That a boy Blue. Dont let them libtard commies tell you nuthin. You know a libtard commie when you see one.

Free markets is always the best. Socialating business aint never worked no weres.

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That a boy Blue. Dont let them libtard commies tell you nuthin. You know a libtard commie when you see one.

Free markets is always the best. Socialating business aint never worked no weres.

They can tell me anything they want but having a consistent conception of reality would be really nice. I see you continue to choose a side in the argument that reflects your overall lack of understanding of anything beyond talking points concerning partisanship. "Govt run free markets" is always best...LOL

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Gee wiz, Blue. If you can do it, why am I not allowed?

Clearly there is a double standard on this forum. ;)

Says the guy who calls himself a capitalist in the purest sense who favors "govt run free markets"...LOl

It's one think to constantly misrepresent me Blue, but you have drifted into outright lying.

You aint foolin no buddy libtard. You name me one place where your sociolized guvernment medicine works. We done already got the best doctors in the world. Why dont you go get sick with them commies in Cannada and see how you like your commie medicine.

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Gee wiz, Blue. If you can do it, why am I not allowed?

Clearly there is a double standard on this forum. ;)

Says the guy who calls himself a capitalist in the purest sense who favors "govt run free markets"...LOl

It's one think to constantly misrepresent me Blue, but you have drifted into outright lying.

You aint foolin no buddy libtard. You name me one place where your sociolized guvernment medicine works. We done already got the best doctors in the world. Why dont you go get sick with them commies in Cannada and see how you like your commie medicine.

So, I take this as your seal of approval of O-Care. That's not at all a surprise but as expected you're in a distinct minority which fits you well. I don know how you're insured or even if you are but arguing that costs are more easily contained with a govt run program is the height of willful ignorance and a purposeful disconnection from reality.

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Gee wiz, Blue. If you can do it, why am I not allowed?

Clearly there is a double standard on this forum. ;)

Says the guy who calls himself a capitalist in the purest sense who favors "govt run free markets"...LOl

It's one think to constantly misrepresent me Blue, but you have drifted into outright lying.

You aint foolin no buddy libtard. You name me one place where your sociolized guvernment medicine works. We done already got the best doctors in the world. Why dont you go get sick with them commies in Cannada and see how you like your commie medicine.

So, I take this as your seal of approval of O-Care. That's not at all a surprise but as expected you're in a distinct minority which fits you well. I don know how you're insured or even if you are but arguing that costs are more easily contained with a govt run program is the height of willful ignorance and a purposeful disconnection from reality.

Thats write Blue. Aint nobody gettin a better deal on medicine than we was. The free market was workin till that commie kenyan dimocrap Oblamma was elected.

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Gee wiz, Blue. If you can do it, why am I not allowed?

Clearly there is a double standard on this forum. ;)

Says the guy who calls himself a capitalist in the purest sense who favors "govt run free markets"...LOl

It's one think to constantly misrepresent me Blue, but you have drifted into outright lying.

You had once posted you don't call people liars w/o sufficient cause. Dude, you specifically stated in another thread that private company profits drives up costs and have stated forever that you favor a single payer system which would be entirely govt run while, at the same time, when convenient, you try to discredit my pointing this out by calling me a liar and qualifying yourself as a capitalist in the purest sense? :-\ Consistency in this argument is not strongest suit.

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Gee wiz, Blue. If you can do it, why am I not allowed?

Clearly there is a double standard on this forum. ;)

Says the guy who calls himself a capitalist in the purest sense who favors "govt run free markets"...LOl

It's one think to constantly misrepresent me Blue, but you have drifted into outright lying.

You aint foolin no buddy libtard. You name me one place where your sociolized guvernment medicine works. We done already got the best doctors in the world. Why dont you go get sick with them commies in Cannada and see how you like your commie medicine.

So, I take this as your seal of approval of O-Care. That's not at all a surprise but as expected you're in a distinct minority which fits you well. I don know how you're insured or even if you are but arguing that costs are more easily contained with a govt run program is the height of willful ignorance and a purposeful disconnection from reality.

Thats write Blue. Aint nobody gettin a better deal on medicine than we was. The free market was workin till that commie kenyan dimocrap Oblamma was elected.

I have no choice but to assume this is the best you can do. Its all relative Einstein. I dont see anyone arguing O-Care is working better than what we had before unless that is your position here.

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Gee wiz, Blue. If you can do it, why am I not allowed?

Clearly there is a double standard on this forum. ;)

Says the guy who calls himself a capitalist in the purest sense who favors "govt run free markets"...LOl

It's one think to constantly misrepresent me Blue, but you have drifted into outright lying.

You had once posted you don't call people liars w/o sufficient cause. Dude, you specifically stated in another thread that private company profits drives up costs and have stated forever that you favor a single payer system which would be entirely govt run while, at the same time, when convenient, you try to discredit my pointing this out by calling me a liar and qualifying yourself as a capitalist in the purest sense? :-\ Consistency in this argument is not strongest suit.

Write again Blue. The guvernment cant run nuthin. Hiways is in ruins. Schools aint teachin nuthin but libtard bull crap. Army cant win no dam wars no more.

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Gee wiz, Blue. If you can do it, why am I not allowed?

Clearly there is a double standard on this forum. ;)

Says the guy who calls himself a capitalist in the purest sense who favors "govt run free markets"...LOl

It's one think to constantly misrepresent me Blue, but you have drifted into outright lying.

You had once posted you don't call people liars w/o sufficient cause. Dude, you specifically stated in another thread that private company profits drives up costs and have stated forever that you favor a single payer system which would be entirely govt run while, at the same time, when convenient, you try to discredit my pointing this out by calling me a liar and qualifying yourself as a capitalist in the purest sense? :-\ Consistency in this argument is not strongest suit.

It wasn't a generalized statement as you damn well know. It was a comparison of private healthcare insurance vs. Medicare (for example) which is why I referenced MPR (medical payout ratio) when I said it.

And I am a capitalist in the purest sense because I live off capital income instead of working (for example.)

You can call me whatever you want. I don't care. I do care about deliberate misrepresentations of my position just to give you something to work with.

So please quit lying about my posts. You even put quotes around it for chrissakes.

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Gee wiz, Blue. If you can do it, why am I not allowed?

Clearly there is a double standard on this forum. ;)

Says the guy who calls himself a capitalist in the purest sense who favors "govt run free markets"...LOl

It's one think to constantly misrepresent me Blue, but you have drifted into outright lying.

You had once posted you don't call people liars w/o sufficient cause. Dude, you specifically stated in another thread that private company profits drives up costs and have stated forever that you favor a single payer system which would be entirely govt run while, at the same time, when convenient, you try to discredit my pointing this out by calling me a liar and qualifying yourself as a capitalist in the purest sense? :-\ Consistency in this argument is not strongest suit.

It wasn't a generalized statement as you damn well know. It was a comparison of private healthcare insurance vs. Medicare (for example) which is why I referenced MPR (medical payout ratio) when I said it.

And I am a capitalist in the purest sense because I live off capital income instead of working (for example.)

You can call me whatever you want. I don't care. I do care about deliberate misrepresentations of my position just to give you something to work with.

So please quit lying about my posts. You even put quotes around it for chrissakes.

You honestly believe he knows the difference? You poor naive liberal.

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Gee wiz, Blue. If you can do it, why am I not allowed?

Clearly there is a double standard on this forum. ;)

Says the guy who calls himself a capitalist in the purest sense who favors "govt run free markets"...LOl

It's one think to constantly misrepresent me Blue, but you have drifted into outright lying.

You had once posted you don't call people liars w/o sufficient cause. Dude, you specifically stated in another thread that private company profits drives up costs and have stated forever that you favor a single payer system which would be entirely govt run while, at the same time, when convenient, you try to discredit my pointing this out by calling me a liar and qualifying yourself as a capitalist in the purest sense? :-\ Consistency in this argument is not strongest suit.

Write again Blue. The guvernment cant run nuthin. Hiways is in ruins. Schools aint teachin nuthin but libtard bull crap. Army cant win no dam wars no more.

I tell you what bud. I'll give you all the time you need to explain to my ignorant ass how O-Care is NOT the biggest boondoggle in history, what has been accomplished, like shrinking networks of care, higher individual costs, only 26% previously uninsured comes even remotely close to justifying the extravagant expense of $billions it has thrown away on exchanges that dont even work, not to mention, robbing $716 billion from Medicare. I'll wait why you clear this up for me.


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Gee wiz, Blue. If you can do it, why am I not allowed?

Clearly there is a double standard on this forum. ;)

Says the guy who calls himself a capitalist in the purest sense who favors "govt run free markets"...LOl

It's one think to constantly misrepresent me Blue, but you have drifted into outright lying.

You had once posted you don't call people liars w/o sufficient cause. Dude, you specifically stated in another thread that private company profits drives up costs and have stated forever that you favor a single payer system which would be entirely govt run while, at the same time, when convenient, you try to discredit my pointing this out by calling me a liar and qualifying yourself as a capitalist in the purest sense? :-\ Consistency in this argument is not strongest suit.

It wasn't a generalized statement as you damn well know. It was a comparison of private healthcare insurance vs. Medicare (for example) which is why I referenced MPR (medical payout ratio) when I said it.

And I am a capitalist in the purest sense because I live off capital income instead of working (for example.)

You can call me whatever you want. I don't care. I do care about deliberate misrepresentations of my position just to give you something to work with.

So please quit lying about my posts. You even put quotes around it for chrissakes.

You honestly believe he knows the difference? You poor naive liberal.

LOL @ you 2 playing lap dog for each others arguments.

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Write again Blue. It aint workin and it aint never gunna work. Aint no country in the hole history of the world were it worked. Aint nuthin free. Commie libtards just dont get that.

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Write again Blue. It aint workin and it aint never gunna work. Aint no country in the hole history of the world were it worked. Aint nuthin free. Commie libtards just dont get that.

I see. Rather than actually reading about its monstrous failures you prefer to purposefully remain detached from reality. Good call and not a surprise...AT ALL.

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