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Another democrat doesn't believe in free speech,,,,


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Free speeches that is.

Hillary Clinton: We Were Dead Broke

Clinton: 'We Gave Speeches to Pay Off Debt, Numerous Homes'

Hillary Clinton, who recently raked in $5 million dollars in speaking fees in 15 months, recounted to Diane Sawyer the sad tale of her former destitution, telling her, “We came out of the White House not only dead broke but in debt.”

According to Clinton, she and her husband, who has made over $100 million since leaving the White House, “struggled to, you know, piece together the resources for mortgages for houses, for Chelsea’s education, you know, it was not easy.”

But, as Clinton’s story goes, the two hard-working, middle-class millionaires somehow managed to put food on the table in their multiple houses, even though they “had to make double the money, because of, obviously, taxes, and then pay off the debts and get us houses and take care of family members.”

Although Sawyer wondered if Americans would understand why Hillary Clinton needs a speaking fee of $200,000, “five times the median income in this country for one speech”, Clinton assured her that she’s taking the high road: “I thought making speeches for money was a much better thing than getting connected with any one group or company as so many people who leave public life do.”

Later Sawyer also remarked on Clinton’s benevolence, reminding us “and she does make a lot of speeches for free, of course, to the groups she cares about so much.”


Wow and they called Romney an elitist.

If she runs for POTUS surely this will never come up because she would be the heir apparent democrat populist and champion of the working class!

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Do you really think this is something new?

Is she extorting people to make them pay such amounts for these speeches?

Are we supposed to condemn her because she possesses celebrity to receive such fees?

Is it impossible for a rich person to champion the working class?

I don't see the issue here. :dunno:

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Do you really think this is something new?

Is she extorting people to make them pay such amounts for these speeches?

Are we supposed to condemn her because she possesses celebrity to receive such fees?

Is it impossible for a rich person to champion the working class?

I don't see the issue here. :dunno:

What I think is you made an idiot of yourself with that little rant.

FTR I could care less what she does or how much she makes.

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Do you really think this is something new?

Is she extorting people to make them pay such amounts for these speeches?

Are we supposed to condemn her because she possesses celebrity to receive such fees?

Is it impossible for a rich person to champion the working class?

I don't see the issue here. :dunno:

What I think is you made an idiot of yourself with that little rant.



So, can I assume there was no issue? (Beyond reaching your quota of threads initiated in a day.)

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Do you really think this is something new?

Is she extorting people to make them pay such amounts for these speeches?

Are we supposed to condemn her because she possesses celebrity to receive such fees?

Is it impossible for a rich person to champion the working class?

I don't see the issue here. :dunno:

What I think is you made an idiot of yourself with that little rant.



So, can I assume there was no issue? (Beyond reaching your quota of threads initiated in a day.)

Maybe if I had put several of these :drippingsarcasm7pa: :drippingsarcasm7pa: on the original post you would have understood. But I seriously doubt it.

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Do you really think this is something new?

Is she extorting people to make them pay such amounts for these speeches?

Are we supposed to condemn her because she possesses celebrity to receive such fees?

Is it impossible for a rich person to champion the working class?

I don't see the issue here. :dunno:

What I think is you made an idiot of yourself with that little rant.



So, can I assume there was no issue? (Beyond reaching your quota of threads initiated in a day.)

Maybe if I had put several of these :drippingsarcasm7pa: :drippingsarcasm7pa: on the original post you would have understood. But I seriously doubt it.

Ah, so it was the thread quota. But seriously, you really should use the sarcasm note - how else are we to know? ;D

(Was the "idiot rant" comment sarcasm also?)

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Way to connect w/ the little people, Hill. Remind everyone that you were 'flat broke' , and that you had mortgages ( plural ) to pay , for SEVERAL houses.

And you had to pay for Chelsea's university. Yep. The ONE child y'all had.

btw - exactly WHY did you have all those legal fees again ?

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Ah, so it was the thread quota. (Nope) But seriously, you really should use the sarcasm note - how else are we to know? ;D

(Was the "idiot rant" comment sarcasm also?) (NOPE)

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The Clinton's had plenty of money, our money.

Bill makes a $200,000 annual pension, gets, free government healthcare, free secret service bodyguards for him and his family members, and another $1,000,000 per year to pay for $450,000 office space, staff, telephone services, and postage.

Hillary was a senator making $174,000 a year with free healthcare and travel allowances. Buying that extra house in NY was so she could get elected from there.

All of bill's speaking ingagemements earned him millions.

They didn't have to spend several hundred thousand dollars sending their daughter to Sanford. She could have gone to Arky much cheaper and the secret service bodyguards were free either place.

Life is tough.....

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Was life as tough on Reagan when he made $2 million for only 2 speeches in Japan...or is it too tough on Bush with his $100,000 to $150,000 per speech fee? Daddy Bush and Bill made numerous speeches together where they donated the fees to their common charity work.

Every president gets the same pension and perks. If they could have finally afforded it, she could have attended anywhere she was accepted. That is the American way right? Is it only the American way for those you agree with?

Political bullshi* childish games. Nothing but more polarity for the know nothings.

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The Clinton's had plenty of money, our money.

Bill makes a $200,000 annual pension, gets, free government healthcare, free secret service bodyguards for him and his family members, and another $1,000,000 per year to pay for $450,000 office space, staff, telephone services, and postage.

Hillary was a senator making $174,000 a year with free healthcare and travel allowances. Buying that extra house in NY was so she could get elected from there.

All of bill's speaking ingagemements earned him millions.

They didn't have to spend several hundred thousand dollars sending their daughter to Sanford. She could have gone to Arky much cheaper and the secret service bodyguards were free either place.

Life is tough.....

CPTAU, I'm sure they had trouble scraping by on $375k per year and a blank check on speeches...come on, can't you feel her pain?
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Do you really think this is something new?

Is she extorting people to make them pay such amounts for these speeches?

Are we supposed to condemn her because she possesses celebrity to receive such fees?

Is it impossible for a rich person to champion the working class?

I don't see the issue here. :dunno:/>

Only a rich man or woman can win a presidential election so yes, they can champion the working class but in reality they don't give a damn. In her own words....."What difference does it make?"

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Benghazi - Yawn

9/11 - yawn

Bill lying to congress and perjuring himself - yawn

Yeah, we get it

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No, you don't have it............other than your ASSumption you have no idea how I feel about any of those subjects.....I've never posted what I think about any of those issues here....

I'm FAR closer to what you think on those subjects than to what Hillary would think.

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No, you don't have it............other than your ASSumption you have no idea how I feel about any of those subjects.....I've never posted what I think about any of those issues here....

I'm FAR closer to what you think on those subjects than to what Hillary would think.


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Was life as tough on Reagan when he made $2 million for only 2 speeches in Japan...or is it too tough on Bush with his $100,000 to $150,000 per speech fee? Daddy Bush and Bill made numerous speeches together where they donated the fees to their common charity work.

Every president gets the same pension and perks. If they could have finally afforded it, she could have attended anywhere she was accepted. That is the American way right? Is it only the American way for those you agree with?

Political bullshi* childish games. Nothing but more polarity for the know nothings.

None of your examples whined about being penniless when they left the WH. Whats your point? I dont get it?

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I'm shocked you could put 4 letters in order to form a word....The Aricept must not be bootleg for your new script.

The whah ?

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