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Will The Five Bad Guys Just Released Fight Us Again?

Proud Tiger

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There has been much discussion about the merits of releasing the five terrorists in exchange for Bergdahl. Obama, Hagel, etc., said not to worry. Kerry responded with "baloney" to suggestions they may come at us again. Hillary said there was no way they would become involved again. But now comes news that the leader of the militant group marching on Bagdad is a former jihadist who was a U.S. prisoner

released in 2009.


Question.....politics aside is there anyone here naïve enough to believe that none of the five guys will ever be involved an action that costs the lives of Americans?

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I have no earthly idea how Obama, Clinton, Kerry or anyone else could declare with such certainty that these guys wouldn't jump right back in the fight in some way.

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They've had tracking chips implanted.

Now that would be awesome!
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Yeah right RIR, just like they were all over the guy they released in 2009 who is now leading the militants down the highway to Baghdad. Every retired General and Admral I have heard speak out say there is no way we can track then for long and they will be back. I am truly amazed how naive you are. And I find it funny that you readily criticize Bush, Cheney, and Powell, whey they also acted on intelligence they had.......which was wrong.

TT.....if we think we can take them wt drone later when they are integrated back into their community, why don't we use them now when the militants are sitting ducks along the highway?

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Titan, I have ZERO confidence. Heck we lost track of Bergdahl several times over the years and only "found" him when the Taliban sent us a video.

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We are tracking them, no doubt. In my opinion they should still be in a box made of iron bars.

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I agree we are tracking them. Just not in the manner some might think.

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Yes, they'll never stop. Its not about bergdahl on a personal level. Its about our country as the biggest kid on the block giving in to some gutter trash Muslims armed with 1950s ak-47s. In their eyes they won a battle. Besides, if they die they get 72 virgins...

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Seriously, if you don't think the US intelligence resources are all over these guys, you're nuts.

You mean like they were in Benghazi? LOL

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Intelligence is not an adjective I would use for this administration. They are surprised ant the situation in Iraq? Yeah and they were also surprised by Benghazi, the IRS scandal, the VA scandal, children flooding across our southern border, etc. If they stayed off the golf courses thy might have time to talk to the intelligence people.

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It's strange to me that those on the left still six - ten years later demonize Bush for acting on faulty intelligence but think the intelligence the Obama Administration is (acting or not acting on) is absolute. And we should trust this administration to actually know what to do.

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Now we know that one of the five, Fazl, lead the attack when the first Ameican soldier Swain) as killed in Iraq.His daughter was on TV this morning. She didn't have anything nice to ay about Obama.

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You can bet they'll be fighting us again. This is going to come back and bite us big time. Obama is not interested in fighting terrorism as an enemy of the United States. He has more of the mentality of actually believing these people have legitimate grievances and that they should be allowed to share power. He has the same ideas for what is going on in Iraq.

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It's strange to me that those on the left still six - ten years later demonize Bush for acting on faulty intelligence but think the intelligence the Obama Administration is (acting or not acting on) is absolute. And we should trust this administration to actually know what to do.

Its hard to imagine anybody being anymore of an incompetent nincompoop than barry and his cabal have become. Honestly, I believe we could have picked just about any jackass off of any busy street in America and gotten just as good if not better performance of duty than we've gotten outta barry as POTUS and THAT says a lot.

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It's strange to me that those on the left still six - ten years later demonize Bush for acting on faulty intelligence but think the intelligence the Obama Administration is (acting or not acting on) is absolute. And we should trust this administration to actually know what to do.

Its hard to imagine anybody being anymore of an incompetent nincompoop than barry and his cabal have become. Honestly, I believe we could have picked just about any jackass off of any busy street in America and gotten just as good if not better performance of duty than we've gotten outta barry as POTUS and THAT says a lot.

If they are anything like another guy Obama & his clowns released they will be on the battlefield in short order.

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