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The agency charged with protecting consumers just ripped off U.S. TAXPAYERS


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Taxpayers Eat $120 Million Over Budget for CFPB

The agency charged with protecting consumers from being duped by greedy financial institutions has just ripped off the American people.

Following other legendary examples of federal agencies, taxpayers are once again being taken for a ride. Here’s how it works.

When the federal government breaks ground on a project, there’s a good chance that schedule delays and management problems will follow closely behind.

Whether it’s an agency headquarters, a massive IT undertaking, or a random parking garage, the government has a history of project management troubles—which usually come at taxpayers’ expense.

- See more at: http://www.thefiscaltimes.com/Articles/2014/07/02/Taxpayers-Eat-120-Million-Over-Budget-CFPB#sthash.gkA9Oxf3.dpufThe agency charged with protecting consumers from being duped by greedy financial institutions has just ripped off the American people.

Following other legendary examples of federal agencies, taxpayers are once again being taken for a ride. Here’s how it works.

When the federal government breaks ground on a project, there’s a good chance that schedule delays and management problems will follow closely behind.

Whether it’s an agency headquarters, a massive IT undertaking, or a random parking garage, the government has a history of project management troubles—which usually come at taxpayers’ expense.

Read more at the LINK

Consumer Financial Protection Pulls an IRS, ‘Loses’ Documentation



When looking at square footage, CFPB renovations are calculated to cost $590 per square foot, as compared to $334 for the Trump World Tower, and $330 for the Bellagio Hotel and Casino.

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No real oversight. No real accountability.

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