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How are those strict anti gun laws working out?


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And don't forget who the mayor of Chicago is.

dam write! librul polices promotes vilence. Chicago is what barry wants to transform America to.

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And don't forget who the mayor of Chicago is.

dam write! librul polices promotes vilence. Chicago is what barry wants to transform America to.

pretty much yeah. Glad you understand.
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And don't forget who the mayor of Chicago is.

dam write! librul polices promotes vilence. Chicago is what barry wants to transform America to.

Going full tilt troll mode, from here on out, huh?

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This book is somewhat dated but still very relevant. The empirical data in the book will crush opposing arguments that gun control is the answer to lower crime.


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Criminals will get guns, that is a fact, our own government distributed hundreds of them to criminals! The only people that gun laws hurt are law abiding, upstanding citizens that want to protect their families.

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Looks like Conceal Carry didn't work either. It was stated that conceal carry in Chicago area would fix all the crime. In fact they even bragged about how crime had lowered in the first part of 2014, well apparently it was that coldest winter since 1872 that did it. Not even the bangers are going to hang on the streets in that stuff.

Want the truth. Regardless of the laws for or against, not a single one of them are going to have a impact on the Southside where all these shootings happen.

I found it totally hilarious when I was living there in the Western burbs. All the people in Napperville, Downers Grove, Batavia, Geneva, St. Charles areas rushing out to get signed up for permits and purchase guns. Freaking Gander Mountain on Randall road was making a killing, there were like hour plus waits just to get help with guns.

Know what the really funny part is. The parents out there that said we must arm ourselves to protect our families from the gangs and the drugs. Take a look at the increased use of heroin and its deaths in the Western burbs. Gangs don't have to go out there. They let little Timmy or Sally come on into the Southside, and make sure they aren't harmed and that no one touches their BMWs, sell them the drugs and then let Timmy or Sally go back to the high end neighborhoods and deal it themselves to their own classmates. Hell, drug dealers will kill locals in the Southside for messing with white kids from the burbs.

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This may be a bit simplistic but it gets the point across aptly. "don't fear guns, fear a government that fears your guns"

Life is not complicated...history teaches exactly this.
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About a year ago at this time, there was a long running thread on this topic. Many took exception at pointing out the obvious hypocrisy and lack of action from this administration, and black community leaders, on the destruction of the family, gun violence, etc., in the black community. Well, another year goes by...with the same result...well, not really the same. Last 4th weekend; a longer weekend with an extra day, 75 people were shot and 12 killed...this year; 80 shot and 14 killed. And from the leading black leader in the nation (his worship); not a peep. How about Jesse? Al? Fudge? Booker? Cummings? Hastings? Still not a word. The President is too busy fund raising in Texas to weigh in on something this trivial; or the humanitarian crisis he created in our border states. He's in the state; but it's obvious fund raising is more important than doing his job.

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About a year ago at this time, there was a long running thread on this topic. Many took exception at pointing out the obvious hypocrisy and lack of action from this administration, and black community leaders, on the destruction of the family, gun violence, etc., in the black community. Well, another year goes by...with the same result...well, not really the same. Last 4th weekend; a longer weekend with an extra day, 75 people were shot and 12 killed...this year; 80 shot and 14 killed. And from the leading black leader in the nation (his worship); not a peep. How about Jesse? Al? Fudge? Booker? Cummings? Hastings? Still not a word. The President is too busy fund raising in Texas to weigh in on something this trivial; or the humanitarian crisis he created in our border states. He's in the state; but it's obvious fund raising is more important than doing his job.

Actually while he use to be quiet on it, Jackson (and I am not a fan of his) has been pushing the issue for the past year. Discussing more police, more teachers, more positive models for youth, and addressing housing, transportation, schools,and a reconstruction of the south side. He also has been pointing out that its known where the guns are coming from, and where the guns are being sold. He has been on the Chicago news discussing the weekends shootings.

Unless the politicians fix alot of the economic hardships in those areas nothing will change. If you want to get to the people on the street the guys like Jesse aren't going to be the ones to do it. It will be people like these people:


Was a really good documentary on a group of ex gang members that try and curve violence in that area.

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Glad that Jessie finally spoke out. Let's see where it goes after one speech. I suspect nowhere.

And of course I agree that "guys like Jessie" aren't going to be the ones to do anything. They don't do anything...they talk, stir the pot and make money feigning outrage. I do firmly believe that this president is failing our children; and in particular black children, by not doing anything on this front.

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Glad that Jessie finally spoke out. Let's see where it goes after one speech. I suspect nowhere.

And of course I agree that "guys like Jessie" aren't going to be the ones to do anything. They don't do anything...they talk, stir the pot and make money feigning outrage. I do firmly believe that this president is failing our children; and in particular black children, by not doing anything on this front.

I think politicians on both sides at all levels are failing to be honest, not just the president.

It's not just one speech by him. Like I said not a fan and never will be, but the past years to 2 years he has really appeared to have gotten involved and really is trying to make some kind of difference down there. You don't see much of it on the national level, but while I was living in Chicago I would see it on the local stuff. So I'm going to give him his credit on this one.

If you watch the documentary, the female in it is the daughter of one of the old school gang leaders that was a major major bad ass. Bad enough that even though he is dead the youth fear his daughter cause of who here father was. Some of the stuff in it is sad, like these kids down there have no dreams cause they honestly expect to be dead before they even reach the age of 18.

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And don't forget who the mayor of Chicago is.

dam write! librul polices promotes vilence. Chicago is what barry wants to transform America to.

Going full tilt troll mode, from here on out, huh?

Heve doesn't have a choice, does he? I mean he's all about defending Obama. Pretty hard to defend a presidency that's melting down at full clip.

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And don't forget who the mayor of Chicago is.

dam write! librul polices promotes vilence. Chicago is what barry wants to transform America to.

Going full tilt troll mode, from here on out, huh?

Heve doesn't have a choice, does he? I mean he's all about defending Obama. Pretty hard to defend a presidency that's melting down at full clip.

I rarely defend the President. I just believe it is foolish to blame him for everything.

What does the word "heve" mean?

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And don't forget who the mayor of Chicago is.

dam write! librul polices promotes vilence. Chicago is what barry wants to transform America to.

Going full tilt troll mode, from here on out, huh?

Heve doesn't have a choice, does he? I mean he's all about defending Obama. Pretty hard to defend a presidency that's melting down at full clip.

I rarely defend the President. I just believe it is foolish to blame him for everything.

What does the word "heve" mean?

Clearly you do not like it but the fact is, the President gets the credit but also the blame for the things that go down on his watch. Obama is the President and while i do not blame him for everything what i do blame him for is having no vision, no plan and no results that benefit America. What metric would you like to discuss. his economic policies on jobs, his foreign policies, his environmental policies? I mean what can we point to over the last 6 years and honestly say, that is good news.

I measure him against his own words..nothing more and nothing less. He propped himself up as the prophet of hope and change...the "one we'd all been waiting for" He promised transparency, in fact, he promised to end the corruption inside the beltway and to run the most transparent admin in the country's history. He made a lot of promises and has delivered none and 6 years in the country and the world is in virtual chaos. You like it, I dont. The end.

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And don't forget who the mayor of Chicago is.

dam write! librul polices promotes vilence. Chicago is what barry wants to transform America to.

Going full tilt troll mode, from here on out, huh?

Heve doesn't have a choice, does he? I mean he's all about defending Obama. Pretty hard to defend a presidency that's melting down at full clip.

I rarely defend the President. I just believe it is foolish to blame him for everything.

What does the word "heve" mean?

Clearly you do not like it but the fact is, the President gets the credit but also the blame for the things that go down on his watch. Obama is the President and while i do not blame him for everything what i do blame him for is having no vision, no plan and no results that benefit America. What metric would you like to discuss. his economic policies on jobs, his foreign policies, his environmental policies? I mean what can we point to over the last 6 years and honestly say, that is good news.

I measure him against his own words..nothing more and nothing less. He propped himself up as the prophet of hope and change...the "one we'd all been waiting for" He promised transparency, in fact, he promised to end the corruption inside the beltway and to run the most transparent admin in the country's history. He made a lot of promises and has delivered none and 6 years in the country and the world is in virtual chaos. You like it, I dont. The end.

I find it ironic that demands for more vision and more plans come from the same folks who would diminish government involvement in virtually every aspect of life.

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And don't forget who the mayor of Chicago is.

dam write! librul polices promotes vilence. Chicago is what barry wants to transform America to.

Going full tilt troll mode, from here on out, huh?

Heve doesn't have a choice, does he? I mean he's all about defending Obama. Pretty hard to defend a presidency that's melting down at full clip.

I rarely defend the President. I just believe it is foolish to blame him for everything.

What does the word "heve" mean?

I blame him for his failure to lead, act, and lack of honesty. He's well deserving of the harsh rhetoric.

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And don't forget who the mayor of Chicago is.

dam write! librul polices promotes vilence. Chicago is what barry wants to transform America to.

Going full tilt troll mode, from here on out, huh?

Heve doesn't have a choice, does he? I mean he's all about defending Obama. Pretty hard to defend a presidency that's melting down at full clip.

I rarely defend the President. I just believe it is foolish to blame him for everything.

What does the word "heve" mean?

Clearly you do not like it but the fact is, the President gets the credit but also the blame for the things that go down on his watch. Obama is the President and while i do not blame him for everything what i do blame him for is having no vision, no plan and no results that benefit America. What metric would you like to discuss. his economic policies on jobs, his foreign policies, his environmental policies? I mean what can we point to over the last 6 years and honestly say, that is good news.

I measure him against his own words..nothing more and nothing less. He propped himself up as the prophet of hope and change...the "one we'd all been waiting for" He promised transparency, in fact, he promised to end the corruption inside the beltway and to run the most transparent admin in the country's history. He made a lot of promises and has delivered none and 6 years in the country and the world is in virtual chaos. You like it, I dont. The end.

I find it ironic that demands for more vision and more plans come from the same folks who would diminish government involvement in virtually every aspect of life.

I find it ironic that the same folks who are proponents of big and bigger government are satisfied with ineptitude at the highest levels of government.
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And don't forget who the mayor of Chicago is.

dam write! librul polices promotes vilence. Chicago is what barry wants to transform America to.

Going full tilt troll mode, from here on out, huh?

Heve doesn't have a choice, does he? I mean he's all about defending Obama. Pretty hard to defend a presidency that's melting down at full clip.

I rarely defend the President. I just believe it is foolish to blame him for everything.

What does the word "heve" mean?

Clearly you do not like it but the fact is, the President gets the credit but also the blame for the things that go down on his watch. Obama is the President and while i do not blame him for everything what i do blame him for is having no vision, no plan and no results that benefit America. What metric would you like to discuss. his economic policies on jobs, his foreign policies, his environmental policies? I mean what can we point to over the last 6 years and honestly say, that is good news.

I measure him against his own words..nothing more and nothing less. He propped himself up as the prophet of hope and change...the "one we'd all been waiting for" He promised transparency, in fact, he promised to end the corruption inside the beltway and to run the most transparent admin in the country's history. He made a lot of promises and has delivered none and 6 years in the country and the world is in virtual chaos. You like it, I dont. The end.

I find it ironic that demands for more vision and more plans come from the same folks who would diminish government involvement in virtually every aspect of life.

I find it ironic that the same folks who are proponents of big and bigger government are satisfied with ineptitude at the highest levels of government.

But then, no one has said that.

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And don't forget who the mayor of Chicago is.

dam write! librul polices promotes vilence. Chicago is what barry wants to transform America to.

Going full tilt troll mode, from here on out, huh?

Heve doesn't have a choice, does he? I mean he's all about defending Obama. Pretty hard to defend a presidency that's melting down at full clip.

I rarely defend the President. I just believe it is foolish to blame him for everything.

What does the word "heve" mean?

Clearly you do not like it but the fact is, the President gets the credit but also the blame for the things that go down on his watch. Obama is the President and while i do not blame him for everything what i do blame him for is having no vision, no plan and no results that benefit America. What metric would you like to discuss. his economic policies on jobs, his foreign policies, his environmental policies? I mean what can we point to over the last 6 years and honestly say, that is good news.

I measure him against his own words..nothing more and nothing less. He propped himself up as the prophet of hope and change...the "one we'd all been waiting for" He promised transparency, in fact, he promised to end the corruption inside the beltway and to run the most transparent admin in the country's history. He made a lot of promises and has delivered none and 6 years in the country and the world is in virtual chaos. You like it, I dont. The end.

I find it ironic that demands for more vision and more plans come from the same folks who would diminish government involvement in virtually every aspect of life.

I find it ironic that the same folks who are proponents of big and bigger government are satisfied with ineptitude at the highest levels of government.

But then, no one has said that.

Yeah OK. I'll remember that the next time you are making excuses for Obama and big government.
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