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Praying for Republican Victory


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I wouldn't expect much aid or hope with healthcare over the next two years.

The GOP is going to go in all for repeal and not provide any alternatives. They won't do anything but repeal, and save whatever they want to do for 2016. Obama isn't going to back down on that one.

So no alternatives all repeal vs Obama is gonna equal gridlock on healthcare. So ya, neither side is going to offer anything health-care wise.

But it will continue to drive out the baby-boomers that do not want to deal with the changes (cause will be even more changes), and it will drive up the salary of it's professionals. So gridlock there will actually be a victory for me personally far as job/finances.

GOP is not going to try repeal ObamaCare until they win the Oval Office in 2016. Obama has to sign a repeal and they would be wasting their time because he wont sign it.

After more than 50 failed attempts to repeal or neutralize Obamacare, Boehner said the House would vote again in 2015 to scuttle the law, even if Democrats can still block it in the Senate and it faces a certain veto from Obama.


Boehner and McConnell penned an op-ed in The Wall Street Journal outlining their vision, including repealing the health care law.


House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, and Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Kentucky, the likely Senate majority leader in the next Congress, said their first priority would be to grow the economy. Among other things, they wrote, that goal "means renewing our commitment to repeal Obamacare, which is hurting the job market along with Americans' health care."


Every new GOP senator who won in last night’s election campaigned on repealing Obamacare.


Are you saying that in their campaign promises, and their post victory speeches, and their post victory interviews... they lied?!?!?! Geez, and we are just 3 days in.

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I'm an architect. I was a Principal in a very well known firm doing wonderful award winning projects. I was entrusted with some of the biggest and most important projects because of my management abilities. The unemployment rate for architects was around 40% during the crunch. Many architects left the profession.

And no I have no insurance. Refuse to get Obamacare but frankly I can't afford it.

I'm very thankful for the election results. Things will change. Obama is the worst.

Do you recall what triggered that crunch? Do you recall who the President was?

LOL ..ol'Mr "Conservative" himself. Most "conservatives" NEVER let an opportunity pass to get in a shot at GWB. Ya know? :-\

Interesting rebuttal. Hard to argue with the truth, isn't it. There is no value in being a blind follower. There is no value in ignoring the truth or, believing what you want to believe. Reality cannot be changed by rhetoric.

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I'm an architect. I was a Principal in a very well known firm doing wonderful award winning projects. I was entrusted with some of the biggest and most important projects because of my management abilities. The unemployment rate for architects was around 40% during the crunch. Many architects left the profession.

And no I have no insurance. Refuse to get Obamacare but frankly I can't afford it.

I'm very thankful for the election results. Things will change. Obama is the worst.

Do you recall what triggered that crunch? Do you recall who the President was?

LOL ..ol'Mr "Conservative" himself. Most "conservatives" NEVER let an opportunity pass to get in a shot at GWB. Ya know? :-\

Interesting rebuttal. Hard to argue with the truth, isn't it. There is no value in being a blind follower. There is no value in ignoring the truth or, believing what you want to believe. Reality cannot be changed by rhetoric.

Nonsense. Rhetoric defines reality.

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I'm an architect. I was a Principal in a very well known firm doing wonderful award winning projects. I was entrusted with some of the biggest and most important projects because of my management abilities. The unemployment rate for architects was around 40% during the crunch. Many architects left the profession.

And no I have no insurance. Refuse to get Obamacare but frankly I can't afford it.

I'm very thankful for the election results. Things will change. Obama is the worst.

Do you recall what triggered that crunch? Do you recall who the President was?

LOL ..ol'Mr "Conservative" himself. Most "conservatives" NEVER let an opportunity pass to get in a shot at GWB. Ya know? :-\

Interesting rebuttal. Hard to argue with the truth, isn't it. There is no value in being a blind follower. There is no value in ignoring the truth or, believing what you want to believe. Reality cannot be changed by rhetoric.

Nonsense. Rhetoric defines reality.

itchy, I understand avoiding the point, its just how you roll. The rhetoric is a secondary consideration to you claiming conservatism as a guiding principle. I know who the president was but am not irresistibly compelled at every opportunity to harp on an arguable perspective to evidently prop up the malignant failures of the current admin. In fact, Ive never seen you miss an opportunity, no matter how obscure, to make excuses for the O-man and I have no problem with that. Its your denials of your position that I find rather comical, that's all.

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I'm an architect. I was a Principal in a very well known firm doing wonderful award winning projects. I was entrusted with some of the biggest and most important projects because of my management abilities. The unemployment rate for architects was around 40% during the crunch. Many architects left the profession.

And no I have no insurance. Refuse to get Obamacare but frankly I can't afford it.

I'm very thankful for the election results. Things will change. Obama is the worst.

Do you recall what triggered that crunch? Do you recall who the President was?

LOL ..ol'Mr "Conservative" himself. Most "conservatives" NEVER let an opportunity pass to get in a shot at GWB. Ya know? :-\

Interesting rebuttal. Hard to argue with the truth, isn't it. There is no value in being a blind follower. There is no value in ignoring the truth or, believing what you want to believe. Reality cannot be changed by rhetoric.

Nonsense. Rhetoric defines reality.

itchy, I understand avoiding the point, its just how you roll. The rhetoric is a secondary consideration to you claiming conservatism as a guiding principle. I know who the president was but am not irresistibly compelled at every opportunity to harp on an arguable perspective to evidently prop up the malignant failures of the current admin. In fact, Ive never seen you miss an opportunity, no matter how obscure, to make excuses for the O-man and I have no problem with that. Its your denials of your position that I find rather comical, that's all.

You don't pay attention. You hear and see what you want to hear and see. That is what happens when you choose to ignore the truth and, embrace the rhetoric.

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I'm an architect. I was a Principal in a very well known firm doing wonderful award winning projects. I was entrusted with some of the biggest and most important projects because of my management abilities. The unemployment rate for architects was around 40% during the crunch. Many architects left the profession.

And no I have no insurance. Refuse to get Obamacare but frankly I can't afford it.

I'm very thankful for the election results. Things will change. Obama is the worst.

Do you recall what triggered that crunch? Do you recall who the President was?

LOL ..ol'Mr "Conservative" himself. Most "conservatives" NEVER let an opportunity pass to get in a shot at GWB. Ya know? :-\

Interesting rebuttal. Hard to argue with the truth, isn't it. There is no value in being a blind follower. There is no value in ignoring the truth or, believing what you want to believe. Reality cannot be changed by rhetoric.

Nonsense. Rhetoric defines reality.

itchy, I understand avoiding the point, its just how you roll. The rhetoric is a secondary consideration to you claiming conservatism as a guiding principle. I know who the president was but am not irresistibly compelled at every opportunity to harp on an arguable perspective to evidently prop up the malignant failures of the current admin. In fact, Ive never seen you miss an opportunity, no matter how obscure, to make excuses for the O-man and I have no problem with that. Its your denials of your position that I find rather comical, that's all.

So the economy was booming when Obama was elected and he screwed it up, so vote for the people who presided over that booming economy that existed when Obama was elected.

Is that about right? :rolleyes:

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