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What if ...


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Since it's still preseason and everybody's speculating, one writer speculates about what might have happened if Gus had taken other opportunities.

It's fairly long, but worth a read if you're bored waiting for the season to start. I won't spoil the ending, but be warned that your head could explode after reading it.

The Malzahn Ripple Effect: More Than Just a Jonesboro-Area Jam Band

So how did we get here? We pick up our story in 2010, five years after Malzahn left Springdale High in Arkansas, and following stints as offensive coordinator of Houston Nutt’s Razorbacks, two years as OC for Todd Graham in Tulsa, and three seasons crafting offenses for Gene Chizik in Auburn. In the real world, Malzahn remained on the Plains for one more season, then left to take the head-coaching job at Arkansas State. Today we consider roads not taken.

“What If” Scenario 1: Malzahn Accepts Vanderbilt’s Head-Coaching Offer After the 2010 Season ...

“What If” Scenario 2: North Carolina Hires Malzahn After the 2011 Season ...

“What If” Scenario 3: Malzahn Doesn’t Take the Arkansas State Job ...

“What If” Scenario 4: Malzahn Does His Year at Arkansas State, Then Takes the Open Arkansas Job ...

“What If” Scenario 5: Gene Chizik Isn’t at Auburn to Hire Malzahn in the First Place ...

“What If” Scenario 6: Global Thermonuclear War ...

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the biggest what if,

Cam Newton decided to go to MooState.

MooState has a good year, but the booster payment offer comes up. Cam goes pro as a lower round draft pick.

Auburn has OK years with no championships and never beats UAT,

Malzhan leaves after the 2nd year.

Chizik is fired after 3 years.

Auburn hires Muschamp as HC

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What if Tubbs brought Malzahn in for the 2008 season and let him do his job?

I've thought about this before. A Tubbs defense with a Malzahn offense would be potent.

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What if Whitehead never got in verbal altercation with coaches?

What if John Vaughn hits ONE of the field goals vs LSU when Kenny Irons put up 200?

What if Robensen Therezie trips Chris Davis at the 10 yard line?

What if Nick Marshall throws to Sammie Coates on the 4th and 17 play like he was supposed to vs UGA instead of Ricardo?

What if Cadillac Williams went to Tennessee?

What if Gene Chizik never hired Scot Loeffler?

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What if Whitehead never got in verbal altercation with coaches?

What if John Vaughn hits ONE of the field goals vs LSU when Kenny Irons put up 200?

What if Robensen Therezie trips Chris Davis at the 10 yard line?

What if Nick Marshall throws to Sammie Coates on the 4th and 17 play like he was supposed to vs UGA instead of Ricardo?

What if Cadillac Williams went to Tennessee?

What if Gene Chizik never hired Scot Loeffler?

What if Loeffler became HC after Chizik and had Tony Franklin become his offensive coordinator and Lou Houltz be the DC?

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What if Tre went down?

I have thought this several times!! What if tre was not such a beast and had not just destroyed that last would be tackler and we finish out a strong drive as time expires in 2010 fashion?

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I really like science fiction...... but this is absoulutely too far way out there for me!

But... since we are talking about wierd stuff.... how do you handcuff a one-armed man????

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What if tweeter, twitter, texting, and all of the annoying things of that nature went away to never be heard from again?

Life was so much better before all of this techno-cancer got a foothold into the lives of countless folks throughout the world. I have a patent on a saying that I have placed on bumper stickers & am giving them away as fast as I make them. It goes like this:


I am in a very bad mood tonight in that while my wife and I were out shopping, we came within inches of having a head on collision with some goofball trying to text and drive. I think that car manufactures should install a device that would kill any texting or other foolishness involved with a cell phone while the car is moving. Once the driver pulls over and stops, he/she can take care of whatever business that they feel is important enough to pull over for.

Texting or talking on a cell phone that is not hands free, should land the guilty party a hefty fine of $2500.00 and the loss of their cell phone at least 6 months.

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What if Tre went down?

I have thought this several times!! What if tre was not such a beast and had not just destroyed that last would be tackler and we finish out a strong drive as time expires in 2010 fashion?

I have thought this several times as well---the first being the night of the game. What if on the ensuing drive we make the tackle instead of giving up that one long gain? (Wondered about that one many times too.)
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Guest WarEagleSteve

What if the Dolphins don't pass on Drew Brees in 2006 and Saban stays in the NFL?

What if Oklahoma State squeaks out a win in the 2004 Bedlam game over Oklahoma?

What if Tubs hires Gus in January of 2007 instead of Tony Franklin?

What if the Tallahassee Police Department and Attorney General did their job in December of 2012 and properly investigated the Jameis Winston case?

What if Colt McCoy doesn't injure his shoulder in the first quarter of the 2009 National Championship game?

What if Les Miles had any ability whatsoever to recruit quarterbacks?

What if 2009 Tennessee's kicker angles that last kick just a tiny bit higher?

What if the referees actually called the illegal pick plays Alabama used on its final drive against Auburn in 2009?

What if Oklahoma State doesn't completely melt down against Iowa State in 2012?

I can play this game all day.....

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