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This A-Hole Needs to GIVE IT UP

Jenny AU-92

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I think that since the Inauguration is paid for with mostly private funds, he can't do anything about it, can he? But even so, what a :moon: . He must not have anything better to do with his time. Link

Atheist Sues to Thwart Inauguration Prayer

Thu Jan 6, 8:40 PM ET  U.S. National - AP

SAN FRANCISCO - An atheist who sued because he did not want his young daughter exposed to the words "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance has filed a suit to bar the saying of a prayer at President Bush's inauguration.

Michael Newdow notes that two ministers delivered Christian invocations at Bush's first inaugural ceremony in 2001, and that plans call for a minister to do the same before Bush takes the oath of office Jan. 20.

In a lawsuit in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, Newdow says the use of a prayer is unconstitutional. The case is tentatively scheduled Jan. 14.

Last year, the San Francisco-based 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals tossed the same lawsuit, saying Newdow did not suffer "a sufficiently concrete and specific injury." But the decision did not bar him from filing the challenge in a different circuit.

Newdow is best known for trying to remove "under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance.

He won that case more than two years ago before a federal appeals court, which said it was an unconstitutional blending of church and state for public school students to pledge to God.

In June, however, the Supreme Court said Newdow could not lawfully sue because he did not have custody of his elementary school-aged daughter, on whose behalf he sued, and because the girl's mother objected to the suit.

Newdow refiled the pledge suit in Sacramento federal court this week, naming eight other plaintiffs who are custodial parents or the children themselves.

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His wish is for us to all work on Christmas Day and take in GOD WE TRUST off of our currency, wants Churches to quit recieving tax benefits, etc..

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His wish is for us to all work on Christmas Day and take in GOD WE TRUST off of our currency, wants Churches to quit recieving tax benefits, etc..


I wish for him to STFU! :big:

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His wish is for us to all work on Christmas Day and take in GOD WE TRUST off of our currency, wants Churches to quit recieving tax benefits, etc..


The thing is, Christmas 'Day' isn't really Dec 25th, though I'd happily still take off a few days for the Winter Solstice instead.

How about " In GOD, SOME - BUT NOT ALL, WE TRUST " ? Hmmm.....that seems a bit too wordy. Oh well. As long as it spends the same. :D

Hey, if you're a person of another faith (or of no faith) besides Christianity, you get all your holidays off PLUS the Christian ones. Talk about a deal! Oh, except Atheist only get Christian holidays off, since Atheist have no holidays :(

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And Michael Newdow's batting average remains .000


May have been the losing side. Still not

convinced it was the wrong one. - Captain Mal Reynolds Serenity

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Why is anyone still paying attention to that loser? Heck, most liberals I know are gonna be doing more praying than ever when they watch Scrappy Doo settle down to monkey with America for another four years.

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