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Dems prove again they're out of touch


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Dems prove again they're out of touch

If the collective display of mass stupidity had happened in March, apologists could have chalked it up to Spring Break madness. But there was no excuse for the sorry performance of leading Democrats in Congress last week. Think of it as the film version of "Dems Gone Wild," without the fun but still full of jaw-dropping obscenity.

The shenanigans included a lecture on morality by Sen. Ted (Chappaquiddick) Kennedy and Sen. Joseph Biden's offensive attempt to speak in ghetto jargon with the next attorney general, Alberto Gonzales.

When Kennedy thundered that "I wouldn't have" engaged in talk about torturing terror suspects, I was hoping Gonzales would stand up and say he wouldn't have driven off a bridge and let a woman drown.

Biden, the Delaware loudmouth gunning for a top spot in a John Kerry administration, called Gonzales "ol' buddy," said "I love you," then accused him of being a liar.

By the time the sun set Thursday and the TV screens went black, Democrats showed they learned nothing from the last election. In a few disastrous hours, they torched their pledge to work in a bipartisan way with President Bush.

And they threw out the window all talk about moving to the center. With their shrill badgering of Gonzales and the pandering challenge to Bush's electoral college win, they inadvertently proved the wisdom of voters in giving the GOP control of Congress and the White House.

How bad were the damn Dems? Put it this way: if midterm elections were held today, the Senate debate on filibuster rules would be moot. Democrats wouldn't win the 40 seats needed to be obstructionists. That's how bad they were.

Surprisingly, New York's senators were part of the problem. Chuck Schumer took a cheap shot at Gonzales, warning him that getting confirmed for attorney general did not mean he'd be confirmed for the Supreme Court if Bush nominated him.

Hillary Clinton was worse, showing she's back to playing footsie with the wackadoo wing. Sternly, she rose during the joint congressional session held to certify the election results to decry "many legitimate questions about the accuracy and integrity" of the election. But her concerns were only for show, for she put them aside by voting to certify the results.

Reminiscent of Kerry's defining comment about a war bill - "I actually voted for the $87 billion before I voted against it" - Clinton's move stands as the first flip-flop of the 2008 presidential campaign.

But hardly the last. Bet your bottom dollar that, for all the harsh attacks on Gonzales, most will vote to give him the job. See, it's a mark of the Dems' sophisticated and nuanced thinking that they can talk one way and act the other. It's only stupid little people who insist on leaders who say and do the same thing.

Ah, but what talkers they are, those Dems. They, along with two Republicans, spent virtually all day going over memos from or to Gonzales that seemed to authorize torture of enemy combatants. Never mind that Gonzales began by saying he condemns torture and was sickened by the abuses at Abu Ghraib prison.

His interrogators were intent on torturing him with mind-numbing repetition and insults. Given 10 minutes per round, some spoke for the full time without asking a question!

In their zeal to punch around the first Hispanic attorney general, no one thought about the other 99% of the job of being the nation's top law officer. There were no real questions about how Gonzales would keep us safe from terror and crime or anything else most people care about.

That would be too mainstream, too ordinary for the exalted likes of Kennedy, Biden, et al. Give them fringe or give them death.

Originally published on January 9, 2005


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"They, along with two Republicans, spent virtually all day going over memos from or to Gonzales that seemed to authorize torture of enemy combatants. Never mind that Gonzales began by saying he condemns torture and was sickened by the abuses at Abu Ghraib prison."

isn't this the definition of saying one thing, "i was sickened," and doing another by authorizing such acts in written form? just a thought since the author condemns such action not a full paragraph before.

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"They, along with two Republicans, spent virtually all day going over memos from or to Gonzales that seemed to authorize torture of enemy combatants. Never mind that Gonzales began by saying he condemns torture and was sickened by the abuses at Abu Ghraib prison."

isn't this the definition of saying one thing, "i was sickened," and doing another by authorizing such acts in written form? just a thought since the author condemns such action not a full paragraph before.


Don't confuse 'em with facts and logic. They don't recognize Republican hypocrisy.

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The only reason the Dems hate Gonzalez is pure racist crap. SSDD for the Dems. They cannot stand for any minority to not be a Democrat Stooge.

See Clarence Thomas and all the unbelievable crap from Anita Hill. Anyone believe that a practicing attorney would put up with sexual harrassment AND THEN chase Thomas half way across the country for several years. Only after Thomas marries a white woman did she turn on him.

Gonzalez is the same. Dems love only those minority members that support them and their wrongheaded ideas.

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The only reason the Dems hate Gonzalez is pure racist crap. SSDD for the Dems. They cannot stand for any minority to not be a Democrat Stooge.

See Clarence Thomas and all the unbelievable crap from Anita Hill. Anyone believe that a practicing attorney would put up with sexual harrassment AND THEN chase Thomas half way across the country for several years. Only after Thomas marries a white woman did she turn on him.

Gonzalez is the same. Dems love only those minority members that support them and their wrongheaded ideas.


David cries, "Racism!" The Right has taken the worst abuses of the Left and taken them to a new level. If you don't support Pryor, you hate Catholics, even if you are one. If you question an evasive testimony or the fact that a appointee produced a memo saying the President can order torture that doesn't cause long-term pain, you're a racist. According to David, any Dem can't oppose any Republican from a minority group without being prejudiced against that group. The Republicans have become everything they used to hate. Funny how power corrupts.

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"They, along with two Republicans, spent virtually all day going over memos from or to Gonzales that seemed to authorize torture of enemy combatants. Never mind that Gonzales began by saying he condemns torture and was sickened by the abuses at Abu Ghraib prison."

isn't this the definition of saying one thing, "i was sickened," and doing another by authorizing such acts in written form? just a thought since the author condemns such action not a full paragraph before.


What was condemned were the illegal actions taken by a few bone heads who were way out of line and properly disciplined. People are comparing apples to oranges here. The whole point of his memos was to clarify that because the terrorist weren't in uniform, then the strict rules of prisoner handling need not apply. I find nothing wrong w/ that in the least. Saying that Geneva Convention rules don't apply to these animals does not, by default, allow any and all treatment to occur. Evidence by the very fact that the US Military had its investigation on going months before any photos were released. No one had their tongues cut out, no one had fingers or hands ( or any other parts of their body ) hacked or sawed off.

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The only reason the Dems hate Gonzalez is pure racist crap. SSDD for the Dems. They cannot stand for any minority to not be a Democrat Stooge.

See Clarence Thomas and all the unbelievable crap from Anita Hill. Anyone believe that a practicing attorney would put up with sexual harrassment AND THEN chase Thomas half way across the country for several years. Only after Thomas marries a white woman did she turn on him.

Gonzalez is the same. Dems love only those minority members that support them and their wrongheaded ideas.


David cries, "Racism!" The Right has taken the worst abuses of the Left and taken them to a new level. If you don't support Pryor, you hate Catholics, even if you are one. If you question an evasive testimony or the fact that a appointee produced a memo saying the President can order torture that doesn't cause long-term pain, you're a racist. According to David, any Dem can't oppose any Republican from a minority group without being prejudiced against that group. The Republicans have become everything they used to hate. Funny how power corrupts.


Thanks for noticing. Yes, I say what is good for the goose is good for the gander. I will always cry racism when the Dems try to torpedo any minority the Reps put forth because that is exactly what it is to anyone with an reasonable mind....RACISM.

The Dems do not reason anything. Gonzalez will likely be appointed. They know that. Does he support torture? Hell no, and neither does any reasonable person. These are baseless, illogical, unreasonable charges and the Dems know it. Gonzalez is Latino supporting Rep causes and must be punished/damaged. God forbid that the Latinos get to see the Reps as pro-Latino, pro-life, pro-Catholic. My God that may take another of the few Dem bases away from them....

That is the ultimate measure of any Dem attack, what is the ultimate outcome for them at the polls. Nothing else matters.

As to the idea of extending Geneva Convention status to un-uniformed, un-state supported, un-controlled combatants, ie terrorists, is just stupid. These animals want to kill people. PERIOD. They are not there defending their country. They are not there for a political solution. They are there to kill. Nothing more, nothing less. Declaring them the same as our military is LUDICROUS.

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The only reason the Dems hate Gonzalez is pure racist crap. SSDD for the Dems. They cannot stand for any minority to not be a Democrat Stooge.

See Clarence Thomas and all the unbelievable crap from Anita Hill. Anyone believe that a practicing attorney would put up with sexual harrassment AND THEN chase Thomas half way across the country for several years. Only after Thomas marries a white woman did she turn on him.

Gonzalez is the same. Dems love only those minority members that support them and their wrongheaded ideas.


David cries, "Racism!" The Right has taken the worst abuses of the Left and taken them to a new level. If you don't support Pryor, you hate Catholics, even if you are one. If you question an evasive testimony or the fact that a appointee produced a memo saying the President can order torture that doesn't cause long-term pain, you're a racist. According to David, any Dem can't oppose any Republican from a minority group without being prejudiced against that group. The Republicans have become everything they used to hate. Funny how power corrupts.


Thanks for noticing. Yes, I say what is good for the goose is good for the gander. I will always cry racism when the Dems try to torpedo any minority the Reps put forth because that is exactly what it is to anyone with an reasonable mind....RACISM.

The Dems do not reason anything. Gonzalez will likely be appointed. They know that. Does he support torture? Hell no, and neither does any reasonable person. These are baseless, illogical, unreasonable charges and the Dems know it. Gonzalez is Latino supporting Rep causes and must be punished/damaged. God forbid that the Latinos get to see the Reps as pro-Latino, pro-life, pro-Catholic. My God that may take another of the few Dem bases away from them....

That is the ultimate measure of any Dem attack, what is the ultimate outcome for them at the polls. Nothing else matters.


God forbid that the Latinos get to see the Reps as pro-Latino, pro-life, pro-Catholic. My God that may take another of the few Dem bases away from them....

That is the ultimate measure of any Dem attack, what is the ultimate outcome for them at the polls. Nothing else matters.

Sounds like it is your ultimate measure for having him nominated.

Thanks for noticing. Yes, I say what is good for the goose is good for the gander.

How does your Christianity inform this view? WWJD?

I will always cry racism when the Dems try to torpedo any minority the Reps put forth because that is exactly what it is to anyone with an reasonable mind....RACISM.
The only reason the Republicans hate Guinier is pure racist crap. SSDD for the Republicans. They cannot stand for any minority to not be a Republican Stooge.


Guinier is the same. Republicans love only those minority members that support them and their wrongheaded ideas.

So you're taking your talking points from folks like Sharpton? No wait, he's not quite as extreme as you are.

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Gunier was torpedoed for her VIEWS on quotas that were so out of step with Clinton's, it seems, that he pulled the nomination. It never got voted on.

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Gunier was torpedoed for her VIEWS on quotas that were so out of step with Clinton's, it seems, that he pulled the nomination. It never got voted on.


She would say her views and writings were misrepresented. Some of her defenders might call "RACISM"-- just like you. Gonzales' detractors would say they are scrutinizing him based on what he has written and done. Folks like you pull the race card, not his critics. As you say, you will ALWAYS call RACISM when a minority you like is opposed.

You say, "what's good for the goose is good for the gander." Here's another cliche: "Two wrongs don't make a right." When those two conflict, which do you teach your children is the larger lesson? Do you sacrifice your principles just to mimic those you perceive as your opponents? What do you stand for? What do you teach them to stand for? The worst in others?

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The day will come when a captured American soldier is stripped naked, raped, beaten, menaced by dogs, and given cigarette burns. How will we complain then, when our own Government says such things are not torture?

In fact, Gonzalez' torture memo may well be quoted back to American POWs by their captors.

Think it over. Pray for our troops.

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The day will come when a captured American soldier is stripped naked, raped, beaten, menaced by dogs, and given cigarette burns.  How will we complain then, when our own Government says such things are not torture?

In fact, Gonzalez' torture memo may well be quoted back to American POWs by their captors.

Think it over. Pray for our troops.


Piglet, on what planet are you living ? Certainly, all those things you listed as well as worse have already occured to our troops The ISLAMIC b*****ds are cutting off the heads of INNOCENT CIVILIANS, both Iraqi and foreign. They already don't CARE about the G.C. rules, and all this before any mention of Gonzales and his memo. Blame the Left in the media and on Captiol Hill for making this NON issue much, much bigger. Similiar to Abu Graihb, those who hate America will use what ever they can completely out of context in order to win the P.R. war. How curious it is that you overlook the fact that all those things which you mentioned were NOT allowed by our Gov't,and the soldiers who committed those acts are now charged and are going to trial. I doubt the terrorist have any similar measure to keep themselves in check.

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The day will come when a captured American soldier is stripped naked, raped, beaten, menaced by dogs, and given cigarette burns.  How will we complain then, when our own Government says such things are not torture?

In fact, Gonzalez' torture memo may well be quoted back to American POWs by their captors.

Think it over. Pray for our troops.


Piglet, on what planet are you living ? Certainly, all those things you listed as well as worse have already occured to our troops The ISLAMIC b*****ds are cutting off the heads of INNOCENT CIVILIANS, both Iraqi and foreign. They already don't CARE about the G.C. rules, and all this before any mention of Gonzales and his memo. Blame the Left in the media and on Captiol Hill for making this NON issue much, much bigger. Similiar to Abu Graihb, those who hate America will use what ever they can completely out of context in order to win the P.R. war. How curious it is that you overlook the fact that all those things which you mentioned were NOT allowed by our Gov't,and the soldiers who committed those acts are now charged and are going to trial. I doubt the terrorist have any similar measure to keep themselves in check.


Welcome, Piglet. Don't worry about Raptor. He and his buddies believe America's moral authority in the world is totally dependent on whether the Commander-in-Chief has received a BJ.

Raptor-- Piglet didn't specify a future enemy who may mistreat our troops. You filled in the blanks, yourself.

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Welcome, Piglet. Don't worry about Raptor. He and his buddies believe America's moral authority in the world is totally dependent on whether the Commander-in-Chief has received a BJ.

Raptor-- Piglet didn't specify a future enemy who may mistreat our troops. You filled in the blanks, yourself.

This post has been edited by TexasTiger: Yesterday, 03:05 PM

No, I didn't fill in any blanks, Texas. You're ignoring the fact that a) these things have already happened to our troops, and B ) piglet is getting all bent out of shape for notthing. In regards to what will happen to our troops in light of what some attorney's opinion of how we should treat terrorists is a bogus issue. We've show the terrorist far more compassion and humanity than they'd ever show us.

As for the Clinton reference, it really is amazing how you Lefties deify him as some sort of martyr . This could not have less to do w/ Clinton and his lying, cheating ways. Just let it go.

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Hard to miss the fact that TexasTiger edited his post on the Clinton reference. I give him credit in realizing how absurd it was to interject Clinton's doings w/ a W.H. intern.

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Scroll down the page a little and you will see Barbara Boxer



You mean this cry baby ?


Senator Barbara Boxer (D, Democratic Peoples Republic of Kalifornia) is crying in this photo because:

a). Someone told her Bush won the 2004 election.

B) . She went to lunch with Michael Moore and he stuck her with the check.

c). Some woman somewhere decided NOT to have an abortion.

d). Fidel Castro is still in pain from his broken knee.

e). Oliver Stone's "Alexander" is tanking in Europe too.

f). Other.

Here's your chance to supply the "other." Have fun.

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Scroll down the page a little and you will see Barbara Boxer



You mean this cry baby ?


Senator Barbara Boxer (D, Democratic Peoples Republic of Kalifornia) is crying in this photo because:

a). Someone told her Bush won the 2004 election.

B) . She went to lunch with Michael Moore and he stuck her with the check.

c). Some woman somewhere decided NOT to have an abortion.

d). Fidel Castro is still in pain from his broken knee.

e). Oliver Stone's "Alexander" is tanking in Europe too.

f). Other.

Here's your chance to supply the "other." Have fun.


I know how much compassionate consevatives love to see people cry, but other than Drudge saying she was, how do you know she was crying?

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