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What's the word on Tyler Queen since his surgery?


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All I can go by is what he told me when I saw them at the Galleria before the Birmingham Bowl. And he said he was fine and had already started throwing again already.

which would be normal as tommy john surgery for qb's is a minor surgery.


Look, ptb already posted, so I think we're done here. Just sayin.

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Well thanks for letting us know it's done. Man I'm so sorry for continuing a conversation that I was a part of. And who are you to stop a conversation in a thread? You and others run your heads on and on about all kinds of nonsense. So how about not calling us out for discussing the thread topic.

Just sayin'

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Well thanks for letting us know it's done. Man I'm so sorry for continuing a conversation that I was a part of. And who are you to stop a conversation in a thread? You and others run your heads on and on about all kinds of nonsense. So how about not calling us out for discussing the thread topic.

Just sayin'

I wasn't trying to call anyone out. I posted on my phone and am not proficient with adding emojis when I do that. I was just trying to tease you about saying 'already' already. I failed miserably.

Sorry if you took offense.

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To further the point, wasn't the surgery a choice he made? As in, it wasn't necessary but it was a precautionary thing

I may be thinking of someone else...

It was not optional in his case. Some young baseball pitchers have it done as an option. Maybe you got Queen's injury confused with one of them?

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Mikey's right. The UCL is an important ligament in the elbow. Now it's not as important in throwing a football as a baseball since there's torque differences at both the point of release and at the hinge of the throwing motion, but important nonetheless. It's amazing how much the surgery has evolved in the last ten years to a point now where it has become "routine." All this to say 1. Queen had surgery on his elbow. 2. He needed the surgery. 3. He is going to be ok. 4. We all want a really good qb.

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Mikey's right. The UCL is an important ligament in the elbow. Now it's not as important in throwing a football as a baseball since there's torque differences at both the point of release and at the hinge of the throwing motion, but important nonetheless. It's amazing how much the surgery has evolved in the last ten years to a point now where it has become "routine." All this to say 1. Queen had surgery on his elbow. 2. He needed the surgery. 3. He is going to be ok. 4. We all want a really good qb.

lol good one ptb :hellyeah:

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I stand by my Tyler Queen weight assessment as I've seen him quite a bit the last couple years - the dude is constantly fighting weight and his round baby face notwithstanding, Tyler is 240 like Barkley's 6'6". He gets down to 240 on occasion but 260+ is more like it. As I said, who cares if he's the second coming of Lorenzon (who incidentally played most of his college at 280/290).

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Whether he is 240 or 280. Can he throw? Is he strong in the pocket when being Rushed? Does he have the 6th sense some QB's seem to have when being blindsided to step up and avoid the tackle so he can get off a throw? Does he move well enough as a runner to keep other team honest on Zone read? Can he read a defense and go through his progressions? Are his passes accurate? How does he handle pressure?

Most of these things are intangibles almost all College QB's can throw. Very seldom is a QB's arm strength the reason for failure. I have seen great QB's with average QB arms and bad QB's with very strong arms. IF Queens surgery was effective the arm is not the question. The intangibles you can get an idea in practice but because practice is limited you can't always know. You find out once they are playing and getting hit. Will Queen be the man. I have no idea but his chances are as good as any of the others. I do like the fact that he is big and solid in that may mean he can be hit and keep on playing like Big Ben of the Steelers.

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I stand by my Tyler Queen weight assessment as I've seen him quite a bit the last couple years - the dude is constantly fighting weight and his round baby face notwithstanding, Tyler is 240 like Barkley's 6'6". He gets down to 240 on occasion but 260+ is more like it. As I said, who cares if he's the second coming of Lorenzon (who incidentally played most of his college at 280/290).

Heck, if he's 260+ and has a motor, then maybe we can stop getting 3-points off of a 1st and goal at the 2.

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