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State Department admits intentionally editing video of Iran press conferenc


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And the lies of this admin continue...

The State Department acknowledged Wednesday that officials intentionally altered the video record of a 2013 department press briefing to delete comments by spokeswoman Jennifer Psaki about the state of nuclear negotiations between the U.S. and Iran — claiming that an unidentified administration official had ordered the comments removed.


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This hear is just a nother barry hussane conspirisy agin America.


all them immigrents (mexicans and arabs)



apoligizin tours

ect. ect. ect.

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The people that support Barry and Hillary do not care about this. It has nothing to do with transgenders, gays, or abortion clinics - you know, the real problems.....

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Some have to mock & joke about serious matters so they won't have to face them.


So, to reset the issue... State deleted the video, illegally from the official records.

Then , when caught and asked about it, they said it was a " glitch ". NOW, they're admitting it was done, on purpose, at the specific request from... ???


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The people that support Barry and Hillary do not care about this. It has nothing to do with transgenders, gays, or abortion clinics - you know, the real problems.....

That's pretty funny considering it's the right who is trying to make transgenders, gays and abortion clinics the "real" problems.

Go back to your talk radio. At least you'll be among your peers instead of showing yourself to be an idiot on here.

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Lois Lerner, was also asked to supply e-mails, stalled, and then those 'mysteriously' were wiped clean, and attempted to be destroyed.

SOS with this admin, it seems

LIE LIE LIE, no matter what

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Lois Lerner, was also asked to supply e-mails, stalled, and then those 'mysteriously' were wiped clean, and attempted to be destroyed.een their go to tactic

SOS with this admin, it seems

LIE LIE LIE, no matter what

lying been their go to tactic on every policy initiative- ObamaCare, check....Iran deal, check....IRS, check when not pleading the 5th - EPA, check....VA, check..... DoJ big time check. In fact a formidable argument could be made that blatant lying is the most outwardly noticeable trait of the entire Obama administrartion

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Lois Lerner, was also asked to supply e-mails, stalled, and then those 'mysteriously' were wiped clean, and attempted to be destroyed.een their go to tactic

SOS with this admin, it seems

LIE LIE LIE, no matter what

lying been their go to tactic on every policy initiative- ObamaCare, check....Iran deal, check....IRS, check when not pleading the 5th - EPA, check....VA, check..... DoJ big time check. In fact a formidable argument could be made that blatant lying is the most outwardly noticeable trait of the entire Obama administrartion

You done gone an forgott his most biggest lyes. He says hes an American. He says hes a Christian. He aint.

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Lois Lerner, was also asked to supply e-mails, stalled, and then those 'mysteriously' were wiped clean, and attempted to be destroyed.een their go to tactic

SOS with this admin, it seems

LIE LIE LIE, no matter what

lying been their go to tactic on every policy initiative- ObamaCare, check....Iran deal, check....IRS, check when not pleading the 5th - EPA, check....VA, check..... DoJ big time check. In fact a formidable argument could be made that blatant lying is the most outwardly noticeable trait of the entire Obama administrartion

You done gone an forgott his most biggest lyes. He says hes an American. He says hes a Christian. He aint.

but you cant dispute the point of my post....gotcha. BTW you're an idiot and your posts prove it day in and day out.

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Lois Lerner, was also asked to supply e-mails, stalled, and then those 'mysteriously' were wiped clean, and attempted to be destroyed.een their go to tactic

SOS with this admin, it seems

LIE LIE LIE, no matter what

lying been their go to tactic on every policy initiative- ObamaCare, check....Iran deal, check....IRS, check when not pleading the 5th - EPA, check....VA, check..... DoJ big time check. In fact a formidable argument could be made that blatant lying is the most outwardly noticeable trait of the entire Obama administrartion

And yet, as a country, we've progressed. :dunno:

But if you really don't like lying, vote for Trump! :laugh::roflol:

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